



\captionof{figure}{Line chart duration \gls{gs} solver}
%\caption{Line chart duration \gls{gs} solver}

\captionof{table}{Duration \gls{gs} solver}
\begin{tabular}{c c c c} % centered columns (4 columns)
\hline\hline %inserts double horizontal lines
$N_{HO}$ & $hfov$ & $\sum v_{i,k,h}$ & $D_{GS}$ \\ [0.5ex] % inserts table
\hline % inserts single horizontal line
1 & 360° & 195000 & 90.63 s \\ % inserting body of the table
2 & 180° & 390000 & 96.45 s \\
3 & 120° & 585000 & 104.27 s \\
4 & 90° & 780000 & 111.47 s \\
5 & 72° & 975000 & 120.15 s \\
6 & 60° & 1170000 & 128.42 s \\
7 & $ \approx $ 51° & 1365000 & 134.09 s \\
8 & 45° & 1560000 & 142.21 s \\
9 & 40° & 1755000 & 151.09 s \\
10 & 36° & 1950000 & 158.38 s \\
 [1ex] % [1ex] adds vertical space
\hline %inserts single line
\label{tab:timegs} % is used to refer this table in the text







\usepackage[labelfont=bf, textfont=it]{caption}

            \captionof{figure}{Line chart duration GS solver}           
            \captionof{table}{Duration GS  solver}
            \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.1}% added expand the cells
            \begin{tabular}{c c c c} % centered columns (4 columns)
                \hline\hline %inserts double horizontal lines
                $N_{HO}$ & $hfov$ & $\sum v_{i,k,h}$ & $D_{GS}$ \\ [0.5ex] % inserts table
                \hline % inserts single horizontal line
                1 & 360° & 195000 & 90.63 s \\ % inserting body of the table
                2 & 180° & 390000 & 96.45 s \\
                3 & 120° & 585000 & 104.27 s \\
                4 & 90° & 780000 & 111.47 s \\
                5 & 72° & 975000 & 120.15 s \\
                6 & 60° & 1170000 & 128.42 s \\
                7 & $ \approx $ 51° & 1365000 & 134.09 s \\
                8 & 45° & 1560000 & 142.21 s \\
                9 & 40° & 1755000 & 151.09 s \\
                10 & 36° & 1950000 & 158.38 s \\
%               [1ex] % [1ex] adds vertical space
                \hline %inserts single line
            \label{tab:timegs} % is used to refer this table in the text


首先,这修复了代码中的几个错误(例如将一个图形放在另一个图形中)。请注意,minipage 的 [t] 选项会对齐第一个基线,即图像的底部。此外,您的表格大于0.5\textwidth



% first, measure width of tabular
\begin{tabular}{c c c c} % centered columns (4 columns)
\hline\hline %inserts double horizontal lines
$N_{HO}$ & $hfov$ & $\sum v_{i,k,h}$ & $D_{GS}$ \\ [0.5ex] % inserts table
\hline % inserts single horizontal line
1 & 360° & 195000 & 90.63 s \\ % inserting body of the table
2 & 180° & 390000 & 96.45 s \\
3 & 120° & 585000 & 104.27 s \\
4 & 90° & 780000 & 111.47 s \\
5 & 72° & 975000 & 120.15 s \\
6 & 60° & 1170000 & 128.42 s \\
7 & $ \approx $ 51° & 1365000 & 134.09 s \\
8 & 45° & 1560000 & 142.21 s \\
9 & 40° & 1755000 & 151.09 s \\
10 & 36° & 1950000 & 158.38 s \\
 [1ex] % [1ex] adds vertical space
\hline %inserts single line
\raisebox{-\height}{% move baseline to top
  \begin{minipage}{\dimexpr \textwidth-\wd0-\columnsep}
  \captionof{figure}{Line chart duration gs solver}% replaced \gls{gs}
\raisebox{-\height}{% move baseline to top
  \captionof{table}{Duration gs solver}% replaced \gls{gs}
  \label{tab:timegs} % is used to refer this table in the text


