软件包 xcolor 出现 classicthesis 错误

软件包 xcolor 出现 classicthesis 错误

我正在使用 classicthesis 撰写论文,但我总是遇到同样的错误。

Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `CTtitle'. ... of the thermal conductivity}}{11}{part.2}

这是代码(这是我第一次使用 Latex,所以请随意为我的序言提供一些建议)

\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=1in, left=1.2in, right=1in]{geometry}
%Librerie utili

            \begin{figure} [h]
            {\LARGE\textbf{{Methods for identifying thermal characteristics of layered composites for space applications}}}\\
        {Relatori:\\ Pr. Mario Rosario CHIARELLI\\ Pr. Daniele FANTERIA\\ Pr. Frédéric LACHAUD\\ Pr. Joseph MORLIER\\ Ing. Yohann LEDRU\\}
            { Candidato: \\ Francesco RIZZO\\ }
        \centering{\large{ Anno Accademico 2021/2022 }}
    \textit{Alla mia famiglia}  

    \epigraph{Mettere citazione.}{Mettere autore}

        Thermal management is critical to the performance, lifetime, and reliability of electronic devices. With the miniaturization, integration and functionalization of electronics and the emergence of new applications such as light emitting diodes, thermal dissipation becomes a challenging problem. Addressing this challenge requires the development of composite materials with enhanced thermal conductivity. In this work...
        \part{Composite material thermal properties }
\section{Statement of the problem}

这是 .log 文件

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Package: amsmath 2020/09/23 v2.17i AMS math features

For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.

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Package: xkeyval 2020/11/20 v2.8 package option processing (HA)

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File: l3backend-pdftex.def 2020-09-24 L3 backend support: PDF output (pdfTeX)
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\openout1 = `document.aux'.

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Package: nameref 2019/09/16 v2.46 Cross-referencing by name of section

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Package: refcount 2019/12/15 v3.6 Data extraction from label references (HO)
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Package: gettitlestring 2019/12/15 v1.6 Cleanup title references (HO)
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\openout4 = `document.out'.

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e 29.

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541-eps-converted-to.pdf Immagini/marchio_unipi_pant541.eps>
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to.pdf' not found: using draft setting.

See the pdftex.def package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.29 ...e=0.5]{Immagini/marchio_unipi_pant541.eps}
Try typing  <return>  to proceed.
If that doesn't work, type  X <return>  to quit.

LaTeX Font Info:    Trying to load font information for OT1+fvm on input line 2
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File: mt-cmr.cfg 2013/05/19 v2.2 microtype config. file: Computer Modern Roman 
Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 42--43



{C:/Users/franc/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/2.9/pdftex/config/pdftex.map}]pdfTeX warni
ng (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.1}) has been already
 used, duplicate ignored
<to be read again> 
l.54    \cleardoublepage

] [2

] [3

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File: ot1zplm.fd 2002/09/08 Fontinst v1.914 font definitions for OT1/zplm.
Package microtype Info: Loading generic protrusion settings for font family
(microtype)             `zplm' (encoding: OT1).
(microtype)             For optimal results, create family-specific settings.
(microtype)             See the microtype manual for details.

] [5

]pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.1}) has
 been already used, duplicate ignored
<to be read again> 
l.74    \end{abstract}

]pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.1}) has
 been already used, duplicate ignored
<to be read again> 
l.76    \cleardoublepage

]pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.2}) has
 been already used, duplicate ignored
<to be read again> 
l.80    \tableofcontents

\openout5 = `document.toc'.

pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.3}) has 
been already used, duplicate ignored
<to be read again> 
l.81    \listoffigures

\openout6 = `document.lof'.

pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.4}) has 
been already used, duplicate ignored
<to be read again> 
l.82    \listoftables

\openout7 = `document.lot'.

pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page.5}) has 
been already used, duplicate ignored
<to be read again> 
l.83 ...rt{Composite material thermal properties }


! Package xcolor Error: Undefined color `CTtitle'.

See the xcolor package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.83 ...rt{Composite material thermal properties }
Try typing  <return>  to proceed.
If that doesn't work, type  X <return>  to quit.


Chapter 1.
Package microtype Info: Character `013' is missing
(microtype)             in font `OT1/pplj/m/sc/10.95'.
(microtype)             Ignoring protrusion settings for this character.


LaTeX3 Info: Redefining command \BeforeClosingMainAux with sig. 'm' on line
(LaTeX3)     86.


Package mparhack Warning: Marginpars may have changed.
(mparhack)                Rerun to get them right.


Package rerunfilecheck Warning: File `document.out' has changed.
(rerunfilecheck)                Rerun to get outlines right
(rerunfilecheck)                or use package `bookmark'.

Package rerunfilecheck Info: Checksums for `document.out':
(rerunfilecheck)             Before: <no file>
(rerunfilecheck)             After:  A9231F60A6D4E51BE321B15AABC82F96;194.

LaTeX Font Warning: Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted.

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