\setotherlanguage{hebrew} 弄乱脚注

\setotherlanguage{hebrew} 弄乱脚注

我修改了原始帖子,以修复我自己在 MWE 方面犯的错误。我还发现 \setotherlanguage{hebrew} 才是真正的罪魁祸首,而不是 setspace.sty。

\setotherlanguage{hebrew} 导致我的脚注文本为双倍行距,而我需要的是单倍行距。




\setmainfont{Times New Roman}


\chapter{Palaeographical Profile}


Some text here and there

\section*{Style of the Hand}
Text of various kinds.\footnote{this is a footnote that should be single space per the style guide I am following in my school. Please help. And thank you very much. Just trying to make the footnote long enough. That's all. Don't mind me.}






\setmainfont{Times New Roman}


\chapter{Palaeographical Profile}


Some text here and there

\section*{Style of the Hand}
Text of various kinds.\footnote{this is a footnote that should be single space per the style guide I am following in my school. Please help. And thank you very much. Just trying to make the footnote long enough. That's all. Don't mind me.}


