

我正在撰写一篇稿件,最终将提交给美国化学学会 (ACS) 期刊发表。为此,我使用了achemso文檔類別。

提交给 ACS 的稿件通常由两部分组成:一篇主论文和一份支持信息 (SI) 文件。通常,主论文和 SI 会放在单独的 .tex 文件中,并输出到单独的 .pdf 文件中。但是,我希望草稿主要论文国际单位制在同一个文件中。



  • 是否可以将方程式、图形和表格的数字计数器重置为 1在我的 .tex 文件的最后一部分?

  • 此外,是否可以在方程式、图形和表格的数字计数器前面加上字母“S”在我的 .tex 文件的最后一部分?

换句话说,我希望支持信息(即文件的最后一部分)中的方程式编号为(S1)、(S2)、(S3)等。同样,我希望支持信息中的图表编号为图 S1、图 S2、图 S3 等。表格也是如此:表 S1、表 S2 等。

这是我的 MWE,它利用了achemso文档类,以及其输出的精简版本:


  detect-family, detect-shape, detect-weight, detect-mode,
  product-units = power,
  list-final-separator = {, and },
  input-comparators = {<=>\approx\ge\geq\gg\le\leq\ll\sim\lesssim\gtrsim}

\author{First A. Author}
\affiliation[University A]{Department, University A, Address A}
\author{Second B. Author}
\affiliation[University B]{Department, University B, Address B}
\author{Third C. Author}\email{[email protected]}
\affiliation[University C]{Department, University C, Address C}

\title{Article Title}



Abstract goes here.



\section{Results and Discussion}
% Equations in the main paper
    A &= A_1 + A_2 + A_3 \\
    A_{\alpha} &= A_{\alpha 1} + A_{\alpha 2} + A_{\alpha 3}

    B &= B_1 + B_2 + B_3\label{eq:result2:a} \\
    B_{\beta} &= B_{\beta 1} + B_{\beta 2} + B_{\beta 3}\label{eq:result2:b}

% Figure in the main paper
  \caption{A figure in the main paper.}\label{fig:result1}

% Table in the main paper
    & {Quantity} \\
    Trial A & 1.11 \\
    Trial B & 2.22 \\
  \caption{A table in the main paper.}

  \item REFER TO EQUATIONS: Refer to \cref{eq:result1}. Refer to \cref{eq:result2}.
Let's look more closely and refer to subequations: \cref{eq:result2:a,eq:result2:b}.
  \item REFER TO FIGURES: Refer to \cref{fig:result1}.
  \item REFER TO TABLES: Refer to \cref{tbl:result1}.


  Advertisement for, and description of, Supporting Information goes here.

  The authors thank funding sources.

  Graphical TOC goes here.

\section*{Supporting Information}
% Equations in the Supporting Information

% Figure in the Supporting Information
  \caption{A figure in the Supporting Information.}\label{fig:si:result1}

% Table in the Supporting Information
    & {Quantity} \\
    Trial A & 1.11 \\
    Trial B & 2.22 \\
  \caption{A table in the Supporting Information.}\label{tbl:si:result1}




更改计数器表示的格式并将其重置为 0。


\section*{Supporting Information}



  detect-family, detect-shape, detect-weight, detect-mode,
  product-units = power,
  list-final-separator = {, and },
  input-comparators = {<=>\approx\ge\geq\gg\le\leq\ll\sim\lesssim\gtrsim}

\author{First A. Author}
\affiliation[University A]{Department, University A, Address A}
\author{Second B. Author}
\affiliation[University B]{Department, University B, Address B}
\author{Third C. Author}\email{[email protected]}
\affiliation[University C]{Department, University C, Address C}

\title{Article Title}



Abstract goes here.



\section{Results and Discussion}
% Equations in the main paper
    A &= A_1 + A_2 + A_3 \\
    A_{\alpha} &= A_{\alpha 1} + A_{\alpha 2} + A_{\alpha 3}

    B &= B_1 + B_2 + B_3\label{eq:result2:a} \\
    B_{\beta} &= B_{\beta 1} + B_{\beta 2} + B_{\beta 3}\label{eq:result2:b}

% Figure in the main paper
  \caption{A figure in the main paper.}\label{fig:result1}

% Table in the main paper
    & {Quantity} \\
    Trial A & 1.11 \\
    Trial B & 2.22 \\
  \caption{A table in the main paper.}

  \item REFER TO EQUATIONS: Refer to \cref{eq:result1}. Refer to \cref{eq:result2}.
Let's look more closely and refer to subequations: \cref{eq:result2:a,eq:result2:b}.
  \item REFER TO FIGURES: Refer to \cref{fig:result1}.
  \item REFER TO TABLES: Refer to \cref{tbl:result1}.


  Advertisement for, and description of, Supporting Information goes here.

  The authors thank funding sources.

  Graphical TOC goes here.


\section*{Supporting Information}
% Equations in the Supporting Information

% Figure in the Supporting Information
  \caption{A figure in the Supporting Information.}\label{fig:si:result1}

% Table in the Supporting Information
    & {Quantity} \\
    Trial A & 1.11 \\
    Trial B & 2.22 \\
  \caption{A table in the Supporting Information.}\label{tbl:si:result1}


