我已经在 SSCCE 中以内联方式提出了这个问题:
% NOTE: Hyperref should typically be loaded last of all the packages.
% Add a label and an index entry at the same time.
% Various theorem environments. Only one variety included here.
\theoremstyle{plain} % just in case the style had changed
\newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[section] % the main one
\newtheorem*{thm*}{Theorem} % unnumberedtheorem
% there are generic theorems used to construct the environments below:
\title{How do I select a named theorem name as a label reference using nameref?}
\section{This is the first section}
\begin{namedthm*}{Some Theorem}[book-I-found-it-in]
\idxlabel{my-theorem}{Some Theorem}
Here, I define a theorem I would like to refer to later. I would like the
text form to display ``Some Theorem" rather than a section or page number.
It would be nice if \idxlabel could interpret the theorem name from the
namedthm environment, but I would also like to know how to override
that and provide my own just in case.
It may need to differ from the index, because the index supports nested
terms such as Latex!Cross-referencing.
\section{This is the second section}
Here I would like to talk about \nameref{my-theorem} (and this should say
``Some Theorem"", ideally.
% NOTE: Hyperref should typically be loaded last of all the packages.
% Add a label and an index entry at the same time.
% Various theorem environments. Only one variety included here.
\theoremstyle{plain} % just in case the style had changed
\newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[section] % the main one
\newtheorem*{thm*}{Theorem} % unnumberedtheorem
% there are generic theorems used to construct the environments below:
\def\@currentlabelname{#1}}% ADDED
\title{How do I select a named theorem name as a label reference using nameref?}
\section{This is the first section}
\begin{namedthm*}{Some Theorem}[book-I-found-it-in]
\idxlabel{my-theorem}{Some Theorem}
Here, I define a theorem I would like to refer to later. I would like the
text form to display ``Some Theorem" rather than a section or page number.
It would be nice if \idxlabel could interpret the theorem name from the
namedthm environment, but I would also like to know how to override
that and provide my own just in case.
It may need to differ from the index, because the index supports nested
terms such as Latex!Cross-referencing.
\section{This is the second section}
Here I would like to talk about \nameref{my-theorem} (and this should say
``Some Theorem"", ideally.