因此,我学习了 tikz 并做了以下事情:
我的代码基于 esdd 的答案这邮政。
% scrlayer-scrpage %
\chead*{The current page style is \toplevelpagestyle{} \ifstr{\toplevelpagestyle}{\currentpagestyle}{}{as alias for \currentpagestyle}.}
\newcommand\om{5mm}% ornament margin
\newcommand\ow{2cm}% ornament width
\newcommand\oh{2cm}% ornament height
\newcommand\ols{0mm}% ornament line shift %1.5mm
\newcommand\on{63}% ornament number
\newcommand\lencornerdivthreecm{\lencornerdivthree cm}
\newcommand\lencornerdivtwocm{\lencornerdivtwo cm}
\tikzset{mainborder/.style={line width=0.65mm}}
\tikzset{thinborder/.style={line width=0.2mm}}
% define the border and save it in a box
% ornaments %
\foreach[count=\i]\a/\p/\s in {%
north west/{\om,-\om}/none,
north east/{{\paperwidth-\om},-\om}/v,
south east/{{\paperwidth-\om},{-\paperheight+\om}}/c,%
south west/{\om,{-\paperheight+\om}}/h%
}\node[anchor=\a](n\i) at (\p){\pgfornament[width=\ow,height=\oh, symmetry=\s]{\on}};
%% lines %%
\draw ([yshift=-\ols]n1.north east) -- ([yshift=-\ols]n2.north west);
\draw ([xshift=-\ols]n2.south east) -- ([xshift=-\ols]n3.north east);
\draw ([yshift=\ols]n3.south west) -- ([yshift=\ols]n4.south east) ;
\draw ([xshift=\ols]n4.north west) -- ([xshift=\ols]n1.south west);
%% corners %%
% top left %
\coordinate (B) at ([xshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm]n1.north east);
\coordinate (C) at ([xshift=\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm]n1.north west);
\draw (n1.south west) arc (180:90:\lencornerdivthree) -- (C) -- (B) arc (180:90:\lencornerdivthree);
% bottom left %
\coordinate (Y) at ([xshift=\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=\lencornerdivthreecm]n4.south west);
\coordinate (Z) at ([xshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=\lencornerdivthreecm]n4.south east);
\draw (n4.north west) arc (180:270:\lencornerdivthree) -- (Y) -- (Z) arc (180:270:\lencornerdivthree);
% top right %
\coordinate (S) at ([xshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm]n2.north east);
\coordinate (T) at ([xshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=\lencornerdivthreecm]n2.south east);
\draw (n2.north west) arc (90:0:\lencornerdivthree) -- (S) -- (T) arc (90:0:\lencornerdivthree);
% bottom right %
\coordinate (F) at ([xshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm]n3.north east);
\coordinate (G) at ([xshift=-\lencornerdivthreecm, yshift=\lencornerdivthreecm]n3.south east);
\draw (n3.south west) arc (-90:0:\lencornerdivthree) -- (G) -- (F) arc (-90:0:\lencornerdivthree);
%% [thin borders] %%
% top left
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\coordinate (topLeftTop) at ([xshift=3mm, yshift=\ols-3mm]n1.north east); %up
\coordinate (topLeftCenter) at ([yshift=-\lencornerdivtwocm-\magicOrnamentOffset, xshift=\lencornerdivtwocm+\magicOrnamentOffset]n1.north west);
% bottom left
\coordinate (bottomLeftBottom) at ([xshift=+3mm, yshift=\ols+3mm]n4.south east);
\coordinate (bottomLeftTop) at ([xshift=\ols+3mm, yshift=3mm]n4.north west);
\coordinate (bottomLeftCenter) at ([yshift=\lencornerdivtwocm+\magicOrnamentOffset, xshift=\lencornerdivtwocm+\magicOrnamentOffset]n4.south west);
% bottom right
\coordinate (bottomRightBottom) at ([xshift=-3mm, yshift=\ols+3mm]n3.south west);
\coordinate (bottomRightTop) at ([xshift=-\ols-3mm, yshift=3mm]n3.north east);
\coordinate (bottomRightCenter) at ([yshift=\lencornerdivtwocm+\magicOrnamentOffset, xshift=-\lencornerdivtwocm-\magicOrnamentOffset]n3.south east);
% top right
\coordinate (topRightBottom) at ([xshift=\ols-3mm, yshift=-\ols-3mm]n2.south east);
\coordinate (topRightTop) at ([xshift=-\ols-3mm, yshift=-\ols-3mm]n2.north west);
\coordinate (topRightCenter) at ([yshift=-\lencornerdivtwocm-\magicOrnamentOffset, xshift=-\lencornerdivtwocm-\magicOrnamentOffset]n2.north east);
%% lines %%
\draw (topLeftTop) -- (topRightTop); % top
\draw (bottomRightBottom) -- (bottomLeftBottom) ; % bottom
\draw (topRightBottom) -- (bottomRightTop); % right
\draw (bottomLeftTop) -- (topLeftBottom); % left
%% top left %%
% loops %
\draw (topLeftBottom) arc (180:0:0.2) arc (0:-180:0.1) coordinate (topLeftLower); % bottom
\draw (topLeftTop) arc (90:270:0.2) arc (-90:90:0.1) coordinate (topLeftUpper); %top
% brackets to center %
\draw (topLeftCenter) to [in=90, out=280] (topLeftLower); % left
\draw (topLeftUpper) to [in=0, out=175] (topLeftCenter); % right
%% bottom left %%
% loops %
\draw (bottomLeftBottom) arc (270:90:0.2) arc (90:-90:0.1) coordinate (bottomLeftLower);
\draw (bottomLeftTop) arc (-180:0:0.2) arc (0:180:0.1) coordinate (bottomLeftUpper);
% brackets to center %
\draw (bottomLeftCenter) to [in=175, out=0] (bottomLeftLower); % left
\draw (bottomLeftUpper) to [in=90, out=280] (bottomLeftCenter); % right
%% bottom right %%
%% loops %%
\draw (bottomRightBottom) arc (-90:90:0.2) arc (90:270:0.1) coordinate (bottomRightLower);
\draw (bottomRightTop) arc (0:-180:0.2) arc (180:0:0.1) coordinate (bottomRightUpper);
%% brackets to center %
\draw (bottomRightCenter) to [in=0, out=175] (bottomRightLower);
\draw (bottomRightUpper) to [in=90, out=280] (bottomRightCenter);
%% top right %%
% loops %
\draw (topRightBottom) arc (0:180:0.2) arc (-180:0:0.1) coordinate (topRightLower);
\draw (topRightTop) arc (90:-90:0.2) arc (270:90:0.1) coordinate (topRightUpper);
% brackets to center %
\draw (topRightCenter) to [in=90, out=280] (topRightLower);
\draw (topRightUpper) to [in=175, out=0] (topRightCenter);
% define a switch to enable and disable the border
% define a new layer
% add the border layer to all layer page styles (scrheadings, plain, empty, ...) ...
% but no border on empty pages