

我有以下 tex 文件,其中包含两个表


\usepackage[labelfont=bf, textfont=it,
\captionsetup[table]{ skip=1.4pt, labelfont=sc}
\usepackage{adjustbox}  % it load graphicx 
\usepackage{booktabs, longtable, ltablex, makecell, multirow}  % <---

\usepackage{amsmath,ragged2e} % <-- new

\newcommand\Quad[1][1]{\foreach \Quaddy in {1,...,#1}{\quad}\ignorespaces}

         table-number-alignment =center}

\newcommand\mc[1]{\multicolumn{1}{c}{#1}} % handy shortcut macro


\newcommand{\overbar}[1]{\mkern 1.5mu\overline{\mkern-1.5mu#1\mkern-1.5mu}\mkern 1.5mu}


\caption{Correlation Matrix}
                &\mc{HP}                    &\mc{CAF}                   &\mc{GLOB}      \\  \midrule
HP          &\mc{1}                     &                               &                       \\ 
CAF             &0.162\sym{***}         &\mc{1}                     &                       \\
GLOB        &0.096\sym{***}         &\mc{-0.000}                &\mc{1}\\
      \item[]{\textit{Notes}: See Notes to Table 1. $\sym{***}$ denotes significance at 1\% level.}


\note: Sample consists of about 100 countries over the time period 2000--2020. In columns (a) t to (c) we estimate equation (3) using a random intecept logit (RIML) estimator. Column (a) reports the estimates of a specification without controls. In columns (d) to (f) we estimate equation (5) using a random slope logit (RSML) estimator. Again, in column (d) we display the results of an estimation carried out without controls. The interclass coefficient correlation (ICC) measures the portion of variance that is due to the random components of both RIML and RSML models.  LR tests in columns (a) to (c) have the null hypothesis that a logit estimation is preferred to the RIML one, while those in columns (d) to (f) have the null hypothesis that the RIML is preferred to the RSML one. Standard errors clusterd at country level are reported in ( ). p--values are reported in [ ]. $\sym{***}$, $\sym{**}$ and $\sym{*}$ denote significance at 1\%, 5\% and 10\%, respectively.
    \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{X *{6}{d{3.5}}}
\caption{Baseline results \label{tab:bas}}   \\
    &   \mc{(1)}    &   \mc{(2)}    &   \mc{(3)}    &   \mc{(4)}    &   \mc{(5)} &\mc{(6)}   \\
\caption[]{Baseline results \label{OLSstd} (continued)}   \\
    &   \mc{(1)}    &   \mc{(2)}    &   \mc{(3)}    &   \mc{(4)}    &   \mc{(5)} &\mc{(6)}     \\
    \multicolumn{7}{r}{\textit{Continued on next page}}

%%% table body

AF                  &0.023\sym{***} &0.015\sym{***} &0.014\sym{***} &0.023\sym{***}&0.015\sym{***}
                        &0.015\sym{***} \\
                        &(0.002)            &(0.001)                &(0.001)                &(0.001)                &(0.001)        
Glob                    &-0.009                 &-0.004                 &0.013                  &-0.000             &0.002      
                        &0.018  \\
                        &(0.012)                &(0.012)            &(0.013)                &(0.012)            &(0.012)             
                        &(0.013)  \\
AF$\times$GLOB  &                       &                       &                       &0.011\sym{***} &0.008\sym{***} 
                        &0.007\sym{***} \\
                        &                       &                       &                       &(0.002)                &(0.002)        
$\AF$               &0.038\sym{***} &0.023\sym{**}  &0.031\sym{***} &0.038\sym{***} &0.023\sym{**}          
                        &0.031\sym{***} \\
                        &(0.010)                &(0.011)                &(0.011)            &(0.010)                &(0.011)            
Gender                  &                       &-0.024\sym{***}&-0.019\sym{***}&                       &-0.023\sym{***} 
                        &-0.018\sym{***} \\
                        &                       &(0.003)                &(0.003)                &                       &(0.003)         
Age                 &                           &-0.006\sym{***}&-0.006\sym{***}&                       &-0.006\sym{***}     
                        &-0.006\sym{***} \\
                        &                       &(0.000)            &(0.001)            &                       &(0.000)    
                        &(0.001)  \\
$\vn{Age}^2$     &                      &0.000\sym{***} &0.000\sym{***} &                       &0.000\sym{***} 
                        &0.000\sym{***} \\
                        &                       &(0.000)            &(0.000)            &                       &(0.000)            
                        &(0.000)  \\
Married                 &                       &0.066\sym{***}&0.065\sym{***}  &                       &0.066\sym{***}
                        &0.064\sym{***} \\
                        &                       &(0.004)                &(0.005)                &                       &(0.004)            
Single                  &                           &0.010\sym{***} &0.007\sym{*}   &                       &0.010\sym{***} 
                        &0.008\sym{**} \\
                        &                       &(0.004)            &(0.004)            &                       &(0.004)     
                        &(0.004) \\
Children            &                       &                       &                       &                       &
                        &\\     [1ex]
\quad 1                 &                       &-0.000                 &-0.000                 &                       &-0.000         
                        &0.000  \\
                        &                       &(0.003)            &(0.004)            &                       &(0.003)      
                        &(0.004)          \\
\quad 2                 &                       &0.008\sym{**}  &0.010\sym{***} &                       &0.008\sym{**} 
                        &                       &(0.004)            &(0.004)                &                       &(0.004) 
\quad 3                 &                       &0.010\sym{*}   &0.011\sym{*}   &                       &0.009\sym{*} 
                        &0.010\sym{*} \\
                        &                       &(0.005)            &(0.006)            &                       &(0.005) 
                        &(0.006) \\
Unemployed      &                       &                       &                       &                       &-0.036\sym{***}
                        &                       &                       &                       &                       &(0.005)
Health Status       &                       &0.094\sym{***} &0.095\sym{***} &                       &0.092\sym{***} 
                        &0.093\sym{***} \\
                        &                       &(0.003)                &(0.004)                &                       &(0.003)
Education           &                       &                       &                       &                       &
\quad High          &                       &0.006              &0.003                  &                        &0.005        
                        &0.003   \\
                        &                       &(0.004)                &(0.004)            &                       &(0.004) 
                        &(0.004)      \\
\quad Medium     &                      &0.006              &0.006              &                       &0.006       
                        &0.006        \\
                        &                       &(0.004)            &(0.005)            &                       &(0.004) 
                        &(0.005)         \\
Income              &                       &                       &                       &                       &       
\quad Second quartile   &               &0.039\sym{***} &0.036\sym{***} &                       &0.038\sym{***}
                        &                       &(0.003)                &(0.003)                &                           &(0.003)
\quad Third quartile        &               &0.064\sym{***} &0.064\sym{***} &                       &0.063\sym{***}
                        &                       &(0.005)                &(0.005)                &                       &(0.005)
\quad Forth Quartile        &               &0.080\sym{***} &0.074\sym{***} &                       &0.079\sym{***}
                        &                       &(0.005)                &(0.005)                &                       &(0.005)    
Political Orientation       &               &                       &0.001              &                       & 
                        &0.001 \\
                        &                       &                       &(0.001)                &                       &
                        &(0.001)        \\
Trust                   &                       &                       &0.033\sym{***} &                       &
                        &0.031\sym{***} \\
                        &                       &                       &(0.003)            &                       &
Religiosity         &                       &                       &-0.003\sym{***}&                       &
                        &                       &                       &(0.001)                &                       &
ICC                     &0.112              &0.113              &0.121              &                       &
LR test             &                       &                       &                       &                       &
N. of obs.              &\mc{332580}        &\mc{298519}        &\mc{209163}    &\mc{332580}        &\mc{298519}         
                        &\mc{209163}     \\
N. of countries     &\mc{103}           &\mc{102}           &\mc{97}            &\mc{103}           &\mc{102}



虽然我对格式和外观很满意,但我真的不明白为什么表格的顺序是颠倒的(首先是表格 2,然后是表格 1)。有什么建议可以解决这个问题吗?
