使用 tikz 和 tex4ht 时出错。\Extra \else

使用 tikz 和 tex4ht 时出错。\Extra \else

我正在使用 tex4ht 编译一个旧的 latex 文件,现在出现错误。



! Extra \else.
l.435 \else

使用 编译相同的 latex 文件时没有错误lualatex


%downloaded from https://github.com/michal-h21/dvisvgm4ht
%tried both
%  \def\pgfsysdriver{pgfsys-dvisvgm4ht.def}
\usepackage{tikz}             % TikZ and PGF

% Vector Styles
\tikzstyle{load}   = [ultra thick,-latex]
\tikzstyle{stress} = [-latex]
\tikzstyle{dim}    = [latex-latex]
\tikzstyle{axis}   = [-latex,black!55]

% Drawing Views
\tikzstyle{dimetric} =[x={(0.935cm,-0.118cm)},y={(0cm,0.943cm)},z={(-0.354cm,-0.312cm)}]

\tikzset{every node/.style={/pgf/tex4ht node/escape=true}}
    \node (origin) at (0,0) {}; % shift relative baseline
    \coordinate (O) at (2,3);
    \draw[fill=gray!10] (O) circle (1);
    \draw[fill=white] (O) circle (0.75) node[below,yshift=-1.125cm] {Signpost Cross Section};
    \draw[dim] (O) ++(-0.75,0) -- ++(1.5,0) node[midway,above] {$d_i$};
    \draw[dim] (O) ++(-1,1.25) -- ++(2,0) node[midway,above] {$d_o$}; 
    \foreach \x in {-1,1} {
      \draw (O) ++(\x,0.25) -- ++(0,1.25);
        \coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);
        \draw[axis] (O) -- ++(6,0,0) node[right] {$x$};
        \draw[axis] (O) -- ++(0,6,0) node[above right] {$y$};
        \draw[axis] (O) -- ++(0,0,6) node[above] {$z$};
        \draw[fill=gray!50] (0,0,-0.5) circle (0.5); 
        \fill[fill=gray!50] (-0.46,-0.2,-0.5) -- (0.46,0.2,-0.5) -- (0.46,0.2,0) -- (-0.46,-0.2,0) -- cycle;
        \draw[fill=gray!20] (O) circle (0.5);
    \draw (0.46,0.2,-0.5) -- ++(0,0,0.5) node[below right,pos=0.0] {Fixed Support};
    \draw (-0.46,-0.2,-0.5) -- ++(0,0,0.5);
    \draw[fill=gray!10] (O) circle (0.2);
    \fill[fill=gray!10] (-0.175,-0.1,0) -- (0.175,0.1,0) -- ++(0,0,4) -- (-0.175,-0.1,4) -- cycle;
    \draw (-0.175,-0.1,0) -- ++(0,0,4);
    \draw (0.175,0.1,0) -- ++(0,0,4) node[right,midway] {Steel Post};
    \draw (4,0,3.95) -- ++(0,0,-1);
    \foreach \z in {0.5,0.75,...,5} {
      \draw[-latex] (-2*\z/5-0.2,0,\z) -- (-0.2,0,\z);
    \draw[load] (0,0,4) -- ++(0,0,-1.25) node[right,xshift=0.1cm] {$F_{z1}$};
    \draw[fill=gray!20] (-0.25,-0.25,5) -- (4,-0.25,5) -- (4,+0.25,5) -- (-0.25,+0.25,5) -- cycle; 
    \draw[fill=gray!50] (+4.00,-0.25,4) -- (4,+0.25,4) -- (4,+0.25,5) -- (+4.00,-0.25,5) -- cycle; 
    \draw[fill=gray!10] (-0.25,-0.25,4) -- (4,-0.25,4) -- (4,-0.25,5) -- (-0.25,-0.25,5) -- cycle; 
    \draw (4.05,0,4) -- ++(1,0,0);
    \draw (4.05,0,5) -- ++(1,0,0);
    \draw[dim] (4.5,0,0) -- ++(0,0,4) node[midway,right] {$h_1$};
    \draw[dim] (4.5,0,4) -- ++(0,0,1) node[midway,right] {$h_2$};
    \draw[dim] (0,0,3.4) -- ++(4,0,0) node[midway,below] {$b_2$};
    \coordinate (P) at (2,-0.25,4.5);
    \draw (P) -- ++(0,0,0.25);
    \draw (P) -- ++(0.25,0,0);
    \draw[dim] (2.125,-0.25,4.5) -- ++(0,0,-0.5) node[midway,right] {$z_1$};
    \draw[dim] (2,-0.25,4.625) -- ++(-2,0,0) node[midway,below] {$x_1$};
    \draw[load] (2,-2.45,4.5) -- ++(0,2.2,0) node[pos=0.0,right,xshift=0.08cm] {$F_{y1}$};
    \draw[axis,dashed,-] (O) -- (0,0,5);
    \draw (0,0,5.5) -- ++(4,0,0) node[midway,above] {$w_{z}$};
    \foreach \x in {0,0.25,...,4} {
      \draw[-latex] (\x,0,5.5) -- ++(0,0,-0.5);
    \draw (-0.2,0,0) -- ++(-2,0,5) node[above,xshift=0.5cm] {$w_{x}=\frac{z}{h_1+h_2} w_0$};
  \end{tikzpicture} %

命令是 make4ht -ulm default -a debug foo.tex "htm"

使用lualatex foo.tex无错误并给出


显然,上面的 Latex 代码不是我写的,因为我对 tikz 还只是个新手。Paul Gessler 编写的代码来自https://texample.net/tikz/examples/signpost/

我记得之前在 tex4ht 中编译这个是可以的。为什么现在失败了?

我正在使用 TL 2021

>which make4ht
>make4ht --version
make4ht version v0.3k


主要问题在于standalone类,它与 TeX4ht 冲突严重。尝试使用此版本的文件:

% we must use the class/before hook, because \:IfFileExists don't exist now, 
% it is initiated before class is loaded by TeX4ht
\usepackage{tikz}             % TikZ and PGF

% Vector Styles
\tikzstyle{load}   = [ultra thick,-latex]
\tikzstyle{stress} = [-latex]
\tikzstyle{dim}    = [latex-latex]
\tikzstyle{axis}   = [-latex,black!55]

% Drawing Views
\tikzstyle{dimetric} =[x={(0.935cm,-0.118cm)},y={(0cm,0.943cm)},z={(-0.354cm,-0.312cm)}]

    \node (origin) at (0,0) {}; % shift relative baseline
    \coordinate (O) at (2,3);
    \draw[fill=gray!10] (O) circle (1);
    \draw[fill=white] (O) circle (0.75) node[below,yshift=-1.125cm] {Signpost Cross Section};
    \draw[dim] (O) ++(-0.75,0) -- ++(1.5,0) node[midway,above] {$d_i$};
    \draw[dim] (O) ++(-1,1.25) -- ++(2,0) node[midway,above] {$d_o$}; 
    \foreach \x in {-1,1} {
      \draw (O) ++(\x,0.25) -- ++(0,1.25);
        \coordinate (O) at (0,0,0);
        \draw[axis] (O) -- ++(6,0,0) node[right] {$x$};
        \draw[axis] (O) -- ++(0,6,0) node[above right] {$y$};
        \draw[axis] (O) -- ++(0,0,6) node[above] {$z$};
        \draw[fill=gray!50] (0,0,-0.5) circle (0.5); 
        \fill[fill=gray!50] (-0.46,-0.2,-0.5) -- (0.46,0.2,-0.5) -- (0.46,0.2,0) -- (-0.46,-0.2,0) -- cycle;
        \draw[fill=gray!20] (O) circle (0.5);
    \draw (0.46,0.2,-0.5) -- ++(0,0,0.5) node[below right,pos=0.0] {Fixed Support};
    \draw (-0.46,-0.2,-0.5) -- ++(0,0,0.5);
    \draw[fill=gray!10] (O) circle (0.2);
    \fill[fill=gray!10] (-0.175,-0.1,0) -- (0.175,0.1,0) -- ++(0,0,4) -- (-0.175,-0.1,4) -- cycle;
    \draw (-0.175,-0.1,0) -- ++(0,0,4);
    \draw (0.175,0.1,0) -- ++(0,0,4) node[right,midway] {Steel Post};
    \draw (4,0,3.95) -- ++(0,0,-1);
    \foreach \z in {0.5,0.75,...,5} {
      \draw[-latex] (-2*\z/5-0.2,0,\z) -- (-0.2,0,\z);
    \draw[load] (0,0,4) -- ++(0,0,-1.25) node[right,xshift=0.1cm] {$F_{z1}$};
    \draw[fill=gray!20] (-0.25,-0.25,5) -- (4,-0.25,5) -- (4,+0.25,5) -- (-0.25,+0.25,5) -- cycle; 
    \draw[fill=gray!50] (+4.00,-0.25,4) -- (4,+0.25,4) -- (4,+0.25,5) -- (+4.00,-0.25,5) -- cycle; 
    \draw[fill=gray!10] (-0.25,-0.25,4) -- (4,-0.25,4) -- (4,-0.25,5) -- (-0.25,-0.25,5) -- cycle; 
    \draw (4.05,0,4) -- ++(1,0,0);
    \draw (4.05,0,5) -- ++(1,0,0);
    \draw[dim] (4.5,0,0) -- ++(0,0,4) node[midway,right] {$h_1$};
    \draw[dim] (4.5,0,4) -- ++(0,0,1) node[midway,right] {$h_2$};
    \draw[dim] (0,0,3.4) -- ++(4,0,0) node[midway,below] {$b_2$};
    \coordinate (P) at (2,-0.25,4.5);
    \draw (P) -- ++(0,0,0.25);
    \draw (P) -- ++(0.25,0,0);
    \draw[dim] (2.125,-0.25,4.5) -- ++(0,0,-0.5) node[midway,right] {$z_1$};
    \draw[dim] (2,-0.25,4.625) -- ++(-2,0,0) node[midway,below] {$x_1$};
    \draw[load] (2,-2.45,4.5) -- ++(0,2.2,0) node[pos=0.0,right,xshift=0.08cm] {$F_{y1}$};
    \draw[axis,dashed,-] (O) -- (0,0,5);
    \draw (0,0,5.5) -- ++(4,0,0) node[midway,above] {$w_{z}$};
    \foreach \x in {0,0.25,...,4} {
      \draw[-latex] (\x,0,5.5) -- ++(0,0,-0.5);
    \draw (-0.2,0,0) -- ++(-2,0,5) node[above,xshift=0.5cm] {$w_{x}=\frac{z}{h_1+h_2} w_0$};
  \end{tikzpicture} %

我删除了你所有针对 TeX4ht 的特殊代码,因为它弊大于利。并且之前还添加了以下代码\documentclass

% we must use the class/before hook, because \:IfFileExists don't exist now, 
% it is initiated before class is loaded by TeX4ht

主要问题是 TeX4ht\IfFileExists在处理过程中很早就修补了命令,并在命令末尾添加了一些命令,这导致standalone在真和假条件下都执行代码。由此引发了一连串错误。我不确定 TeX4ht 为什么要修补它,它是原始代码的一部分。我认为我们可以安全地删除该补丁。


