\usepackage{beamerthemesplit} % new
\frame {\frametitle{Algorithm}
\caption{Primal Active-Set Method for Convex QP}
\State \texttt{Compute a feasible starting point $x_0$;}
\State \texttt{Set $\mathcal{W}_0$ to be a subset of the active constraints at $x_0$;}
%\Set $\mathcal{W}_0$ to be a subset of the active constraints at $x_0$;
\For{\texttt{k = 0, 1, 2, ....}}
\State \texttt{solve to find $p_k$;}
\State \texttt{Compute Lagrange multipliers $\hat{\lambda_i}$that satisfy,}
\State \texttt{ with $\hat{\mathcal{W}}=\mathcal{W}_k$}
\If{\texttt{$\hat{\lambda_i}\geq 0$ for all $i \in \mathcal{W}_k \cap \mathcal{I}$ }}
\State \texttt{stop with the solution $x^*=x_k$;}
\State \texttt{$j \leftarrow$ arg min$_{j \in \mathcal{W}_k\cap \mathcal{I}} ~\hat{\lambda_j}$ ;}
\State \texttt{$x_{k+1} \leftarrow x_k;$~$\mathcal{W}_{k+1} \leftarrow \mathcal{W}_k/ \{j\}$;}
\begin{algorithmic} [1] % enter the algorithmic environment
\Else{\texttt{($p_k \neq 0$)}}
\State \texttt{Compute $\alpha_k$ from ;}
\State \texttt{$x_{k+1} \leftarrow x_k + \alpha_k p_k$;}
\If{\texttt{there are blocking constraints}}
\State \texttt{Obtain $\mathcal{W}_{k+1}$ by adding one of the blocking constraints to $\mathcal{W}_k$;}
\State \texttt{$\mathcal{W}_{k+1} \leftarrow \mathcal{W}_k;$}
\usepackage{beamerthemesplit} % new
% \usepackage{graphics,graphicx}
\captionof{algorithm}{Primal Active-Set Method for Convex QP}
\State \texttt{Compute a feasible starting point $x_0$;}
\State \texttt{Set $\mathcal{W}_0$ to be a subset of the active constraints at $x_0$;}
%\Set $\mathcal{W}_0$ to be a subset of the active constraints at $x_0$;
\For{\texttt{k = 0, 1, 2, ....}}
\State \texttt{solve to find $p_k$;}
\State \texttt{Compute Lagrange multipliers $\hat{\lambda_i}$that satisfy,}
\State \texttt{ with $\hat{\mathcal{W}}=\mathcal{W}_k$}
\If{\texttt{$\hat{\lambda_i}\geq 0$ for all $i \in \mathcal{W}_k \cap \mathcal{I}$ }}
\State \texttt{stop with the solution $x^*=x_k$;}
\State \texttt{$j \leftarrow$ arg min$_{j \in \mathcal{W}_k\cap \mathcal{I}} ~\hat{\lambda_j}$ ;}
\State \texttt{$x_{k+1} \leftarrow x_k;$~$\mathcal{W}_{k+1} \leftarrow \mathcal{W}_k/ \{j\}$;}
% \algstore{myalg}
%\begin{algorithmic} [1] % enter the algorithmic environment
\Else{\texttt{($p_k \neq 0$)}}
\State \texttt{Compute $\alpha_k$ from ;}
\State \texttt{$x_{k+1} \leftarrow x_k + \alpha_k p_k$;}
\If{\texttt{there are blocking constraints}}
\State \texttt{Obtain $\mathcal{W}_{k+1}$ by adding one of the blocking constraints to $\mathcal{W}_k$;}
\State \texttt{$\mathcal{W}_{k+1} \leftarrow \mathcal{W}_k;$}