

我希望 LaTex 在行尾断词(在需要的地方)——无论是在正文中还是在引号中。

经历过类似的问题后,听起来 LaTex 通常会自动执行此操作,所以也许我在序言中以某种方式“将其关闭”。

有人能看出解决方案是什么吗?我正在使用 Overleaf 并在 pdfLaTex 中进行编译。




%%%% Packages
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In terms of the topic 'UK Politics' - the last of the four lowest-ranking topics I will focus on here -, the reason for this topic's low position is more difficult to determine, although the same argument as above can be the case again. In terms of UK politics, the qualitative examination of the topic revealed that most of the articles - unsurprisingly - were about Brexit, and as the following excerpt illustrate, the language again is not framed in any particular way:

The European Union's chief Brexit negotiator said on Monday that businesses still face the risk of a "cliff edge" Brexit at the end of the year, given the short time available to negotiate a future trading relationship between Britain and the EU. Michel Barnier told a joint news conference with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, Reuters quoted Barnier as saying. (RT, 28 January 2020) 

Actually, in none of the articles reviewed (those with the highest LDA score for topic 16), Russia was even mentioned. As before, this suggests that those articles about the UK - and the European Union for that sake (as there is no topic specifically about the European Union) - that also are related to Russia instead are captured by topic 17. That being said, the relatively low-ranking position of topic 17 below the middle in Figure X suggests that articles about 'Russia \& the EU' are not among the most important RT topics. In Figure X, on the other hand, the topic is positioned just above the mean value.



