\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick]
% Right square
\node[fill=lightgray!50,draw=black, minimum size=2cm, inner sep=0pt] (as) {$a^2$};
\node[draw=black,minimum width=2cm, minimum height=1cm, inner sep=0pt, above=-\pgflinewidth of as] (abh) {$ab$};
\node[draw=black,minimum width=1cm, minimum height=2cm, inner sep=0pt, right=-\pgflinewidth of as] (abv) {$ab$};
\node[fill=blue!20,draw=blue, minimum size=1cm, inner sep=0pt, above right=-\pgflinewidth and -\pgflinewidth of as] {$b^2$};
% Side labels
\node[anchor=east] at (as.west) {$a$};
\node[anchor=north] at (as.south) {$a$};
\node[anchor=east] at (abh.west) {$b$};
\node[anchor=north] at (abv.south) {$b$};
% Square label
\node[xshift=.5cm, above=1.2cm of as] {$(a+b)^2=a^2+b^2+2ab$};
% Left square
\node[fill=lightgray!50,draw=black, minimum size=2cm, inner sep=0pt, right=2cm of as] (asq) {$a^2$};
\node[fill=blue!20,draw=blue, minimum size=1cm, inner sep=0pt, above right=-\pgflinewidth and -\pgflinewidth of asq] (bsq) {$b^2$};
% Side labels
\node[anchor=east] at (asq.west) {$a$};
\node[anchor=north] at (asq.south) {$a$};
\node[anchor=east] at (bsq.west) {$b$};
\node[anchor=north] at (bsq.south) {$b$};
% Square label
\node[xshift=.5cm, above=1.2cm of asq] {$a^2+b^2$};
node distance = 0pt,
gN/.style = {% gray Node
draw, fill=gray!30, minimum size=22mm,
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt,
node contents={$a^2$}},
bN/.style = {% blue Node
draw=blue, fill=blue!30, minimum size=11mm,
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt,
node contents={$b^2$}},
hN/.style = {draw, minimum height=11mm, minimum width=22mm,
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt,
node contents={$ba$}},
vN/.style = {draw, minimum height=22mm, minimum width=11mm,
inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt,
node contents={$ab$}},
\node (a) [gN, label=left:$a$, label=below:$a$];
\node (ba) [hN,above=of a, label=left:$b$];
\node (ab) [vN,right=of a, label=below:$b$];
\node (b) [bN,above=of ab];
\node[above=2mm of {$(ba.north west)!0.5!(b.north east)$}] {$(a+b)^2=a^2+b^2+2ab$};
\node (a) [gN, label=left:$a$, label=below:$a$];
\node (b) [bN,above right=of a,
label=left:$b$, label=below:$b$];
\node[above=2mm of {$(a.west |- b.north)!0.5!(b.north east)$}] {$a^2+b^2$};
快速尝试一下 MetaPost,可能会对它感兴趣,它包含在 LuaLaTeX 程序中:
a = 2.75cm; c = a+b = 1.4a;
path first_square, second_square;
first_square = origin -- (a,0) -- (a,a) -- (0,a) -- cycle;
second_square = (a,a) -- (c,a) -- (c,c) -- (a,c) --- cycle;
fill first_square withcolor .8white;
draw first_square;
label("$a^2$", center first_square);
fill second_square withcolor .25[white,blue];
draw second_square withcolor blue;
label("$b^2$", center second_square);
label.bot("$a$", (.5a,0)); label.lft("$a$", (0,.5a));
picture pict; pict=currentpicture;
draw (a,0) -- (c,0) -- (c,a);
draw (0,a) -- (0,c) -- (a,c);
for M = (a+.5b,.5a), (.5a,a+.5b):
label("$ab$", M);
label.bot("$b$", (a+.5b,0));
label.lft("$b$", (0,a+.5b));
labeloffset:= 8bp;
label.top("$(a+b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2$", c*(.5,1));
draw image(draw pict;
labeloffset := 3bp;
label.bot("$b$", (a+.5b,a));
label.lft("$b$", (a,a+.5b));
labeloffset:= 8bp;
label.top("$a^2+b^2$", c*(.5,1)))
shifted (1.4c,0);
\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick]
\fill [lightgray!50,draw=black] (0,0) rectangle (4,4) ;
\fill [white,draw=black] (0,4) rectangle (4,5);
\fill [blue!20,draw=blue] (4,4) rectangle (5,5);
\fill [white,draw=black] (4,0) rectangle (5,4);
\fill [lightgray!50,draw=black] (8,0) rectangle (12,4) ;
\fill [blue!20,draw=blue] (12,4) rectangle (13,5);
\node at (2,2) {$a^2$};
\node at (-0.5,2) {$a$};
\node at (-0.5,4.5) {$b$};
\node at (2,4.5) {$ab$};
\node at (4.5,2) {$ab$};
\node at (4.5,4.5) {$b^2$};
\node at (2,-0.5) {$a$};
\node at (4.5,-0.5) {$b$};
\node at (2.5,6) {$(a+b)^2=a^2+b^2+2ab$};
\node at (7.5,2) {$a$};
\node at (10,-0.5) {$a$};
\node at (10,2) {$a^2$};
\node at (12.5,4.5) {$b^2$};
\node at (11.5,4.5) {$b$};
\node at (12.5,3.5) {$b$};
\node at (10.5,6) {$a^2+b^2$};