我使用在线模板在 Xelatex Beamer 中制作了以下标题页。我对外观很满意。我只想将徽标和作者的顺序与讲座主题和日期交换。我希望讲座主题和日期在中间,徽标和作者信息在最后一行,中间留出一些额外的空间。脚注中的所有其他设置都是合适的。我附上了代码和图像以供参考。
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\title[Name of the Course]{Name of the Course}
\author[Lecture 1: Topic of the Lecture]{}
\institute[]{{\fb{Author Name}} \\ \smallskip
\text{Electrical and Computer Engineering} \\ \smallskip
\textit{[email protected]}}
\date[Author Name]{
Lecture 1: Topic of the Lecture \\ May 04, 2022}
\title[Name of the Course]{Name of the Course}
\author[Lecture 1: Topic of the Lecture]{}
\institute[]{{{Author Name}} \\ \smallskip
\text{Electrical and Computer Engineering} \\ \smallskip
\textit{[email protected]}}
\date[Author Name]{
Lecture 1: Topic of the Lecture \\ May 04, 2022}
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