

当引用样式为 时,以下代码可以工作,authoryear但当引用样式为数字时,参考书目中的作者姓名及其翻译会混合在一起:

  AUTHOR       = {{\foreignlanguage{russian}{\fontspec{DejaVuSerif.ttf}{Смирнов, Н.}}} [Smirnov, N.]},
  sortname     = {Smirnov, N.},
  shortauthor  = {Smirnov},
  TITLE        = {{\foreignlanguage{russian}{\fontspec{DejaVuSerif.ttf}{Об уклонениях эмпирической кривой распределения}}} [On deviation of the empirical distribution curve]},
  sorttitle    = {On deviation of the empirical distribution curve},
  YEAR         = {1939},
  JOURNAL      = {{\foreignlanguage{russian}{\fontspec{DejaVuSerif.ttf}{Мат. Сборник}}} [Math. Collect.]},
  volume       = {6(48)},
  number       = {1},
  pages        = {3-26},
  langid       = {russian},
  url          = {http://www.mathnet.ru/links/9c480a97757553ea3504fc444cde8430/sm5810.pdf},
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
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\usepackage{csquotes}%context-sensitive quotes, required for biblatex
\usepackage{fontspec}% font selecting commands
\usepackage[T1,T2A]{fontenc}% For Cyrillic fonts with pdflatex.
\author{Tester }
Test the quick brown fox\parencite{Smi-39} jumps over the lazy dog.   


还有一个附带问题:有人能推荐一种字体吗?其西里尔字母比 DejaVuSerif 更适合正文的 kp 字体?


根据 Ulrike 的提示,工作版本变为:

    AUTHOR       = {{{\foreignlanguage{russian}{Смирнов, Н.}} [Smirnov, N.]}},
    sortname     = {Smirnov, N.},
    shortauthor  = {Smirnov},
    TITLE        = {{{\foreignlanguage{russian}{Об уклонениях эмпирической кривой распределения}} [1 On deviation of the empirical distribution curve]}},
    sorttitle    = {On deviation of the empirical distribution curve},
    YEAR         = {1939},
    JOURNAL      = {{{\foreignlanguage{russian}{Мат. Сборник}} [Math. Collect.]}},
    volume       = {6(48)},
    number       = {1},
    pages        = {3-26},
    langid       = {russian},
    url          = {http://www.mathnet.ru/links/9c480a97757553ea3504fc444cde8430/sm5810.pdf},

  AUTHOR       = {Kolmogorov, A.},
  TITLE        = {Sulla Determinazione Empirica di una Legge di Distribuzione [On the empirical determination of a distribution law]},
  YEAR         = {1933},
  JOURNAL      = {Giorn. Ist. Ital. Attuar.},
  volume       = {4},
  number       = {1},
  pages        = {83-91},


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\usepackage[main=british,russian]{babel}%foreign language support
\usepackage{csquotes}%context-sensitive quotes, required for biblatex
%\usepackage{fontspec}% font selecting commands
%\usepackage[T1,T2A]{fontenc}% For Cyrillic fonts with pdflatex.

\babelfont[russian]{rm}{Liberation Serif}
\babelfont[russian]{sf}{Liberation Sans}
\babelfont[russian]{tt}{Liberation Mono}


\author{Tester }



The quick brown fox\parencite{Kol-33,Smi-39} jumps over the lazy dog.


