% Required packages
calc, chains,
calligraphy,% had to be after decorations.pathreplacing
node distance = 4mm and 12mm,
start chain = A going below,
arr/.style = {-{Triangle[length=3mm, width=6mm]}, line width= 2mm,
draw=blue2, shorten > = 1mm, shorten <=1mm},
BC/.style args = {#1/#2/#3}{
decoration={calligraphic brace, amplitude=6pt,
pre =moveto, pre length=1pt,
post=moveto, post length=1pt,
#2},% for mirroring of brace
very thick,
pen colour={#3} },
N/.style = {draw, semithick, rounded corners,
minimum height=8mm, text width=80mm,
align=flush center},
N1/.style = {draw, semithick, rounded corners,
minimum height=8mm, text width=50mm,
align=flush center},
N2/.style={draw,text width=3cm ,text centered,
minimum width=4cm,fill=yellow1,tape, tape bend top=none,tape bend height=1.1mm, tape bend bottom=in and out,
minimum height=1.1cm} ,
N3/.style = {diamond, minimum width=6.5cm, minimum height=2mm, text centered, draw=blue2, fill=blue2},
N5/.style = {draw=blue2, text centered, ellipse,text width= 40mm, fill=blue2, node distance=8cm, minimum height=15mm},
N4/.style = {rectangle, text width=4cm, minimum height=1cm, text centered ,fill=gray2}]
% main branch
\begin{scope}[nodes={on chain=A}]
\node [N1=blue1,draw=blue1] {ETAPES}; % A-1
\node [N=blue2,below=2cm of A-1] {Event recording}; % A-2
\node [N=blue2] {Implementation of a correction if possible};
\node [N=blue2] {Event qualification};
\node [N3=blue2] {Treatment necessary ? };
\node [N=blue2] {Research of the causes and hierarchization };
\node [N=blue2] {Definition of the action plan and responsibilities};
\node [N=blue2] {Decision and implementation of reporting to authorities };
\node [N3=blue2,text width= 30mm] {Implementation and effectiveness of the actions};
\node [N5=blue2] {Event closing};
% nodes on the left side of the main branch
\node [N1=gray1,draw=gray1,
left=19 mm of A-1] (B-1) {ACTEURS};
\node [N4=gray2,draw=gray2,
left=of A-2] (B-2) {Collaborator};
\coordinate (aux1) at ($(A-2.south west)!0.5!(A-4.north west)$);
\draw[BC=4mm/mirror/gray2] (A-2.west) -- (A-4.west);
\node [N4=gray2,left=of aux1,draw=gray2 ,text width=3.5cm] (B-4) {Support team (\+RA\&QM)};
\coordinate (aux2) at ($(A-6.south west)!0.5!(A-7.north west)$);
\draw[BC=4mm/mirror/gray2] (A-6.west) -- (A-7.west);
\node [N4=gray2,draw=gray2,
left=of aux2] (B-6) {Assigned team + RA\&QM};
\node [N4=gray2,draw=gray2,
left=of A-8] (B-7) {COO };
\node [N4=gray2,draw=gray2,
left=of A-9] (B-8) {RA\&QM};
\node [N4=gray2,draw=gray2,
left=of A-10] (B-9) {Assigned team + RA\&QM };
% nodes on the right side of thr main branch
\begin{scope}[N/.append style={text width=44mm},
\node[N1=yellow1,draw=yellow1, right=19mm of A-1] (C-1) {DOCUMENTS};
\node[N2,draw=yellow1, right=of A-2] (C-2) {FOR\_01\_M02 };
\node[N2,draw=yellow1, right=of A-4] (C-3) {FOR\_01\_M02 };
\node[N1=yellow1,draw=yellow1, right=18mm of A-1] (C-3) {DOCUMENTS};
\node[N2,draw=yellow1, right=of A-6] (C-4) {FOR\_01\_M02};
\node[N2,draw=yellow1, right=of A-7] (C-5) {FOR\_01\_M02 };
\node[N2,draw=yellow1, right=of A-8] (C-6) {FOR\_01\_M02 };
\node[draw=blue2, text centered, ellipse,text width=30mm, fill=blue2, node distance=2cm, minimum height=18mm,right=1cm of A-5] (C-7) {Filing};
\draw[black,ultra thick,-latex] (A-9) - ++(4.5,0) |- (A-6) node[near start,anchor=west]{No};
\draw[black,ultra thick,-latex] (A-5) -- (C-7) node[near start,anchor=south] {No};
\draw[black,ultra thick,-latex] (A-5) -- (A-6) node[near start,anchor=west] {yes};
\draw[black,ultra thick,-latex] (A-9) -- (A-10) node[near start,anchor=west] {yes};
\draw[black,ultra thick,-latex] (A-2) -- (A-3) ;
\draw[black,ultra thick,-latex] (A-3) -- (A-4) ;
\draw[black,ultra thick,-latex] (A-4) -- (A-5) ;
\draw[black,ultra thick,-latex] (A-6) -- (A-7) ;
\draw[black,ultra thick,-latex] (A-7) -- (A-8) ;
\draw[black,ultra thick,-latex] (A-8) -- (A-9) ;
calc, chains,
calligraphy,% had to be after decorations.pathreplacing
node distance = 4mm and 12mm,
start chain = A going below,
arr/.style = {-{Triangle[length=2mm, width=4mm]},
line width=1mm, draw=blue2},
BC/.style args = {#1/#2/#3}{
decoration={calligraphic brace, amplitude=6pt,
pre =moveto, pre length=1pt,
post=moveto, post length=1pt,
#2},% for mirroring of brace
very thick,
pen colour={#3} },
N/.style = {draw=#1, semithick, rounded corners,
minimum height=8mm, text width=54mm,
align=flush center},
N1/.style = {N=#1},
N2/.style = {tape, tape bend top=none,
tape bend height=1.1mm, tape bend bottom=in and out,draw,
draw, fill=yellow1,
text width=4cm, align=center,
minimum height=1.1cm},
N3/.style = {diamond, aspect=2,
text width=44mm, align=flush center,
draw=blue2, fill=blue2},
N4/.style = {fill=gray2,
text width=4cm, minimum height=1cm, align=center},
N5/.style = {ellipse, draw=blue2, fill=blue2,
text width= 40mm, minimum height=15mm, align=center},
% main branch
\begin{scope}[nodes={on chain=A, join=by arr}]
\node [N1=blue1] {ETAPES}; % A-1
\node [below=2cm of A-1,
N=blue2] {Event recording}; % A-2
\node [N=blue2] {Implementation of a correction if possible};
\node [N=blue2] {Event qualification};
\node [N3=blue2] {Treatment necessary ? };
\node [N=blue2] {Research of the causes and hierarchization };
\node [N=blue2] {Definition of the action plan and responsibilities};
\node [N=blue2] {Decision and implementation of reporting to authorities };
\node [N3] {Implementation and effectiveness of the actions};
\node [N5=blue2] {Event closing};
% nodes on the left side of the main branch
\node [N1=gray1,
left=of A-1] (B-1) {ACTEURS};
\node[N4, at={(A-2 -| B-1)}] (B-2) {Collaborator};
\coordinate[at={($(A-2.south west)!0.5!(A-4.north west)$)}] (aux1);
\draw[BC=4mm/mirror/gray] (A-2.west) -- (A-4.west);
\node [N4, left=of aux1] (B-4) {Support team (+RA\&QM)};
\coordinate[at={($(A-6.south west)!0.5!(A-7.north west)$)}] (aux2);
\draw[BC=4mm/mirror/gray] (A-6.west) -- (A-7.west);
\node [N4, left=of aux2] (B-6) {Assigned team + RA\&QM};
\node [N4, at={(A-8 -| B-1)}] (B-7) {COO };
\node [N4, at={(A-9 -| B-1)}] (B-8) {RA\&QM};
\node [N4, at={(A-10 -| B-1)}] (B-9) {Assigned team + RA\&QM };
% nodes on the right side of thr main branch
right=of A-1] (C-1) {DOCUMENTS};
\node[N2, at={(A-2 -| C-1)}] (C-2) {FOR\_01\_M02 };
\node[N2, at={(A-4 -| C-1)}] (C-4) {FOR\_01\_M02 };
\node[N5, text width=32mm,
at={(A-5 -| C-1)}] (C-5) {Filing};
\node[N2, at={(A-6 -| C-1)}] (C-6) {FOR\_01\_M02};
\node[N2, at={(A-7 -| C-1)}] (C-7) {FOR\_01\_M02 };
\node[N2, at={(A-8 -| C-1)}] (C-8) {FOR\_01\_M02 };
\draw[arr] (A-9.east) -- node[above] {No} ++(0.8,0)
|- (A-6);
\draw[arr] (A-5) -- node[above] {No} (C-5);
\path (A-5) -- node[right=2mm] {yes} (A-6)
(A-9) -- node[right=2mm] {yes} (A-10);
% new nodes above "event recording"
\begin{scope}[every path/.style = {arr, shorten > = 3mm}]
\path (A-2.150) ++ (150:11mm) node[above left] {complaints} -- (A-2)
(A-2.120) ++ (120:13mm) node[above left] {feedbacks} -- (A-2)
(A-2.60) ++ (60:13mm)
node[above right] {Product non-comfornity} -- (A-2)
(A-2.30) ++ (30:11mm)
node[above right] {System non-comfornity} -- (A-2);