如何为 tcolorbox 设置简短标题

如何为 tcolorbox 设置简短标题


\newtcbtheorem[auto counter,number within=chapter,list inside={th}]{theorem}{Theorem}%
{colback=black!5,colframe=black!25!gray,fonttitle=\bfseries, breakable}{th}


    \tcblistof[\section*]{th}{List of Theorems}


\begin{theorem}{Famous theorem \footnote{Created by Einstein.}}{famous_theorem}
    E= m c^2

然而,这会引发几个错误,因为彩色盒子包不知道如何处理定理标题中的脚注。我查看了文档,但我还没有找到一种方法来为不包含脚注的定理创建一个简短的标题。因此,我的问题是,是否可以为 tcolorbox 设置一个简短的标题,就像使用命令为图形设置的那样caption



\begin{theorem}[title={[Short title.]{Long title \footnoote{test}}}]{A famous theorem \footnote{A footnote.}}{famous_theorem}
        E= m c^2



自 tcolorbox v5.1.1 (2022/06/24) 起,不再支持(按框或按定理)短标题。因此,我在 tcolorbox 的 repo 中打开了一个功能请求,请参阅TFS/tcolorbox#186


\documentclass{report} % to allow `number within=chapter`
\tcbuselibrary{breakable, hooks, theorems,}

% case 2, tcb theorem

% Syntax of theorem envs to be created
%   \begin{<thmname>}[<options>]{<title>}{<label>}
%   \begin{<thmname>}[<options>][<short title>]{<title>}{<label>} <<< new
%   \begin{<thmname>*}{<title>}{<label>}
\NewDocumentCommand \NewTcbTheorem {}
    % "x" stands for xparse (actually latex kernel uses `ltcmd.dtx`)
    \__tcobox_new_tcbtheorem_x:w \NewTColorBox
% and its Declare..., Renew..., and Provide... variants

\NewDocumentCommand \__tcobox_new_tcbtheorem_x:w { m O{} m m +m m }
    #1 [auto~counter,#2] {#3} { +O{} +o +m m }
        title      = {\__tcobox_theo_title:nnn{#4}{\thetcbcounter}{##3}},
        IfValueTF  = {##2}
          { % short title is given
            list~entry = {\protect\numberline{\thetcbcounter}##2},
            nameref    = {##2},
            list~entry = {\protect\numberline{\thetcbcounter}##3},
            nameref    = {##3},
        theo@label = {#6}{##4},
    #1 [#2,no~counter,list~inside=] {#3*} { +O{} +m }
        title = {\__tcobox_theo_title:nnn{#4}{}{##2}},

\tcblistof[\section*]{th}{List of Theorems}


\NewTcbTheorem[auto counter, number within=chapter, list inside={th}]
  {colback=black!5, colframe=black!25!gray, fonttitle=\bfseries, breakable}

% Syntax:
%   \begin{theorem}[options]{title}{label}
%   \begin{theorem}[options][short title]{title}{label} <<< new syntax
%   \begin{theorem*}{title}{label}

Text\footnote{dummy footnote}.

\begin{theorem}{Famous theorem looong title}{famous_theorem}
      E= m c^2

\begin{theorem}[][Famous theorem short title]{Famous theorem looong title\footnote{Created by Einstein.}}{famous_theorem2}
  Footnote is placed at end of title.
      E= m c^2

\begin{theorem}[][Famous theorem short title]{Famous theorem looong title\textsuperscript{$a$}}{famous_theorem3}
  Footnote is placed at end of current box.
      E= m c^2
  \footnotetext[1]{Created by Einstein.}

% option `after app` needs tcb library `hooks`
\begin{theorem}[after pre=\footnotetext{Created by Einstein.}][Famous theorem short title]{Famous theorem looong title\footnotemark}{famous_theorem3}
  Footnote is placed at end of current page.
      E= m c^2

Text\footnote{another dummy footnote}.

定理列表 定理
