\newcommand{\examTime}{\textbf{Exam Time: 2:00}}
\newcommand{\examPoints}{Total Exam Points: 50.\space \examTime}
\newcommand{\examTitle}{Environment and Energy. Final Exam}
\newcommand{\examDate}{Date: \formatdate{11}{9}{2022}}
\newcommand{\instructor}{Instructor: Al-Motasem Aldaoudeyeh, PhD}
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\begin{NiceTabularX}{\textwidth}{@{}l X[c, t] X[c, t] X[c, t] r@{}}
\Block[c]{1-5}{\Large \bfseries Tafilah Technical University} & & & &
\Block[c]{1-5}{\large \bfseries College of Engineering} & & & &
\Block[c]{1-5}{\bfseries Department of Electriccal Power Engineering and Mechatronics Engineering} & & & &
\examTitle & & & & \examDate
\instructor & & & & \examPoints
Student Name: & & & & \parbox[l]{\widthof{\examPoints}}{Student ID Number:}
{\bfseries Answers to Multiple Choice Questions}
\begin{NiceTabularX}{\textwidth}{@{}*{10}X[l, t]@{}}
1. & 2. & 3. & 4. & 5. & 6. & 7. & 8. & 9. & 10.
11. & 12. & 13. & 14. & 15. & 16. & 17. & 18. & 19. & 20.
21. & 22. & 23. & 24. & 25. & 26. & 27. & 28. & 29. & 30.
31. & 32. & 33. & 34. & 35. & 36. & 37. & 38. & 39. & 40.
41. & 42. & 43. & 44. & 45. & 46. & 47. & 48. & 49. & 50.
51. & 52. & 53. & 54. & 55. & 56. & 57. & 58. & 59. & 60.
61. & & & & & & & & &
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