减少/缩小 \underbrace 中的垂直间距

减少/缩小 \underbrace 中的垂直间距


% minimal working example (MWE)

This also helps determine completions of ACF (ACF not complete theory, because $\mathbb C \models \ACF$ and $\mathbb F_p^\alg \models \ACF$, but the $\mathscr L_\ring$-sentence $\smash{\underbracket[0.2pt]{1+\ldots + 1}_{\scriptscriptstyle p\text{ times}}=0}$ is not satisfied by $\mathbb C$ but satisfied by $\mathbb F_p^\alg$). More explicitly: adding the characteristic $p$ sentence produces a complete theory. 


我认为如果我们可以向上移动下括号,并且向上移动下括号下面的文本,那么它就可以全部容纳在行之间的空间中(如果我们说将行距增加到 1.5 或类似值,那么肯定如此)。



\bgroup \catcode`_=11 \catcode`:=11 \catcode`\@=11
      \noalign{\kern -.5ex \nointerlineskip}% <<< negative kern here
      \upbracketfill {#1}{#2}%
    \crcr}\kern-.2ex}} % <<< added negative kern here





      \noalign{\kern -.5ex \nointerlineskip}% <<< negative kern here
      \upbracketfill {#1}{.7\fontdimen5\textfont2}%
    \crcr}\kern-.2ex}} % <<< added negative kern here


使用 TikZ:

\newcommand{\myunder}[2]{\tikz[baseline]{\node[inner sep=0pt, anchor=base, baseline](A){$#1$};
  \coordinate (startpoint) at ([xshift=-.05em,yshift=-.3ex]A.south west);
  \coordinate (endpoint) at ([xshift=.05em,yshift=-.3ex]A.south east);
  \draw[line width=0.2pt] ([yshift=3pt]startpoint) -- (startpoint) -- (endpoint) -- ++(0,3pt);
  \node[inner sep=0pt, below=3pt of A.south]{$\scriptscriptstyle #2$};}}
With Ti\emph{k}Z:

This also helps determine completions of ACF (ACF not complete theory, because $\mathbb C \models \ACF$ and $\mathbb F_p^\alg \models \ACF$, but the $\mathscr L_\ring$-sentence $\myunder{1+\ldots + 1}{p\text{ times}}=0$ is not satisfied by $\mathbb C$ but satisfied by $\mathbb F_p^\alg$). More explicitly: adding the characteristic $p$ sentence produces a complete theory.

Compare with the ordinary way:

This also helps determine completions of ACF (ACF not complete theory, because $\mathbb C \models \ACF$ and $\mathbb F_p^\alg \models \ACF$, but the $\mathscr L_\ring$-sentence $\underbracket[0.2pt]{1+\ldots + 1}_{\scriptscriptstyle p\text{ times}}=0$ is not satisfied by $\mathbb C$ but satisfied by $\mathbb F_p^\alg$). More explicitly: adding the characteristic $p$ sentence produces a complete theory.


