使用 Springer 模板和参考书目

使用 Springer 模板和参考书目


我正在使用 Springer 模板开展一个项目。我遇到了参考书目问题。我打开一个新下载的模板,但参考书目不起作用。我本应引用的地方出现了问号。我正在使用 TeXStudio。我已将 F5 功能更改为,PdfLaTeX - BibTeX - PdfLaTex - PdfLaTex但它仍然不起作用。

模板提示打开 .bll 文件并将内容复制到稿件中。当我尝试打开 .bll 文件时,它是空的。



\bibitem{bib1} I.~Podlubny, Fractional Differential Equations, Academie Press, New York, 1999.




\bibliography{sn-bibliography}% common bib file
%% if required, the content of .bbl file can be included here once bbl is generated
%%\input sn-article.bbl

%% Default %%
%%\input sn-sample-bib.tex%

.bib 文件有 12 个条目,但没有一个被正确引用。如果我使用:\input sn-sample-bib.tex%只有来自该文件的条目才会被正确引用。并非所有来自的条目sn-bibliography.bib都在 中sn-sample-bib.tex


我正在使用 TeXStudio


我在 win 7 x64 系统上使用 MiKTeX 发行版。我可以使用以下命令获取参考列表

pdflatex + bibtex8.exe + pdflatex + pdflatex

(使用 bibtex.exe 失败)


% !TeX TS-program = pdflatex



The Introduction section, of referenced text \cite{bib1} expands on the background of the work (some overlap with the Abstract is acceptable). The introduction should not include subheadings.

\subsection{Details on reference citations}\label{subsec7}

Standard \LaTeX\ permits only numerical citations. To support both numerical and author-year citations this template uses \verb+natbib+ \LaTeX\ package. For style guidance please refer to the template user manual.

Here is an example for \verb+\cite{...}+: \cite{bib1}. Another example for \verb+\citep{...}+: \citep{bib2}. For author-year citation mode, \verb+\cite{...}+ prints Jones et al. (1990) and \verb+\citep{...}+ prints (Jones et al., 1990).

All cited bib entries are printed at the end of this article: \cite{bib3}, \cite{bib4}, \cite{bib5}, \cite{bib6}, \cite{bib7}, \cite{bib8}, \cite{bib9}, \cite{bib10}, \cite{bib11} and \cite{bib12}.

\bibliography{sn-bibliography}% common bib file

