在 Beamer 中显示后,内容变灰

在 Beamer 中显示后,内容变灰

我环顾四周,似乎没有找到我想要的东西,这是最接近的:Beamer \pause 灰色

我想要的是(可能使用 setbeamcovered)有几张幻灯片(所以我需要在这些幻灯片之后恢复它),以便 \pause 不会显示下一个项目直到它显示出来,但是当该项目显示出来时,它会变灰一切之前

使用 setbeamcovered 可以实现吗?


Beamer 暂停后将项目变灰

使用 \only - 但它会使项目完全消失而不是变灰。



  still covered={\opaqueness<1->{10}},
  again covered={\opaqueness<1->{10}}}


\begin{frame}{slide title}

\only<1> {
I should appear only in the beginning, and then grey myself out. But for some reason I disappear after a click!


\only<2> {
I should appear only in the middle, and then grey myself out. I don't show at all before the click. I also disappear - not good.


\only<3> {
I don't appear until second click, and everything above me is greyed out


%% any changes should be restored here






  still covered={\opaqueness<1->{10}},
  again covered={\opaqueness<1->{10}}}


\begin{frame}{slide title}

\uncover<1> {
I should appear only in the beginning, and then grey myself out. But for some reason I disappear after a click!


\uncover<2> {
I should appear only in the middle, and then grey myself out. I don't show at all before the click. I also disappear - not good.


\uncover<3> {
I don't appear until second click, and everything above me is greyed out


%% any changes should be restored here


