如何将文内 DOI 引用放在框中以减少 beamer 文档类中的空间?

如何将文内 DOI 引用放在框中以减少 beamer 文档类中的空间?

\citedoi{}我已经基于 的命令创建了一个自定义命令biblatex,该\citeurl{}命令运行良好。然后,我可以将 放在\citedoi{}框内,靠近图像或其他需要引用但不在文本中的内容。我尝试创建一个parbox包含doi文本的框,以便它占用最少的空间(字体大小为\tiny,并且它在一行中占用了太多空间,如图像中所示)。我想将 放在doi框内,覆盖两\tiny行,这样可以减少前后单词之间的空间。

这样做的动机是,我的博士生导师喜欢doi在演示幻灯片末尾的参考书目之外,在最接近的位置加上 。我创建了一个用于注释目的的命令,但在文本中使用时\scitedoi{}失败了:\itcitedoi{}



doi 当前的样子


parbox 尝试




  author = {Mehandia, Seema and Sharma, S. C. and Arya, Shailendra Kumar},
  journal = {Biotechnol. Rep. (Amst)},
  title = {Isolation and characterization of an alkali and thermostable laccase},
  doi = {10.1016/j.btre.2019.e00413},
  author = {Murugesan, Kumarasamy and Kim, Young-Mo and Jeon, Jong-Rok and Chang, Yoon-Seok},
  journal = {J Hazard Mater.},
  title = {Effect of metal ions on reactive dye decolorization by laccase from Ganoderma lucidum.},
  doi = {10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.02.075},


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=numeric]{biblatex}


% Custom \citedoi command adapted from \citeurl





This text is just text and nothing more as I just need filler text \scitedoi{M2020} that spans a few lines on 
this beamer presentation. This text is just text and nothing more \itcitedoi{Mn2009} as I just need filler text 
that spans a few lines on this beamer presentation. This text is just text and nothing more as I just need filler 
text that spans a few lines on this beamer presentation. 




% arara: pdflatex: {options: [-halt-on-error]}
% arara: biber
% arara: pdflatex: {options: [-halt-on-error]}


不确定您在 MWE 中获得的效果是否正是您想要实现的效果,但您需要\nolinkurl在字段格式中使用citedoi。否则 LaTeX 无法在 DOI 内提供换行符,因为它不能像普通单词一样用连字符连接。


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=numeric]{biblatex}




  author  = {Mehandia, Seema and Sharma, S. C.
             and Arya, Shailendra Kumar},
  journal = {Biotechnol. Rep. (Amst)},
  title   = {Isolation and characterization of an alkali
             and thermostable laccase},
  doi     = {10.1016/j.btre.2019.e00413},
  author  = {Murugesan, Kumarasamy and Kim, Young-Mo
             and Jeon, Jong-Rok and Chang, Yoon-Seok},
  journal = {J Hazard Mater.},
  title   = {Effect of metal ions on reactive dye decolorization
             by laccase from Ganoderma lucidum.},
  doi     = {10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.02.075},


This text is just text and nothing more as I just need filler text \scitedoi{M2020} that spans a few lines on 
this beamer presentation. This text is just text and nothing more \itcitedoi{Mn2009} as I just need filler text 
that spans a few lines on this beamer presentation. This text is just text and nothing more as I just need filler 
text that spans a few lines on this beamer presentation. 



三行 DOI。


@moewe 的回答回答了我的问题,但我还想添加一个答案,其中显示了 @Oleg Lobachev 的建议,即在qrcode包中使用二维码。调整Martin H 的回答计算文本高度(以便制作具有适当高度的二维码)的输出如下:



% arara: pdflatex: {options: [-halt-on-error]}
% arara: biber
% arara: pdflatex: {options: [-halt-on-error]}

  author = {Mehandia, Seema and Sharma, S. C. and Arya, Shailendra Kumar},
  journal = {Biotechnol. Rep. (Amst)},
  title = {Isolation and characterization of an alkali and thermostable laccase},
  doi = {10.1016/j.btre.2019.e00413},
  author = {Murugesan, Kumarasamy and Kim, Young-Mo and Jeon, Jong-Rok and Chang, Yoon-Seok},
  journal = {J Hazard Mater.},
  title = {Effect of metal ions on reactive dye decolorization by laccase from Ganoderma lucidum.},
  doi = {10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.02.075},


\usepackage[backend=biber, style=numeric]{biblatex}


% Custom \qrdoi command adapted from \citeurl following the suggestion by Oleg Lobachev







\settoheight{\myl}{test text}
\qrset{link, height=1.5\myl}

This text is just text and nothing more as I just need filler text that spans a few lines on (\qrdoi{M2020})
this beamer presentation. This text is just text and nothing more as I just need filler text 
that spans a few lines on this beamer presentation. This text is just text and nothing more as I just need filler 
text that spans a few lines on this beamer presentation. 



