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A \emph{tableau} is a very interesting thing.
We note that the plural of \emph{tableau} is \emph{tableaux}.
In definition~\ref{def:tableau} we were a bit terse.
See theorem~\ref{thm:main} for more information.
This is the main theorem about tableaux.
可以使用 获得更高级的设置cleveref
A \emph{tableau} is a very interesting thing.
We note that the plural of \emph{tableau} is \emph{tableaux}.
In \cref{def:tableau} we were a bit terse.
See \cref{thm:main} for more information.
This is the main theorem about tableaux.
\noindent\textbf{Definition \thedefinition.}%
\noindent\textbf{Remark \ref{#1}.}%
\section{Section One}
This is the first definition.
This is the second definition.
This is a remark to the seocnd defintion.
\section{Section Two}
This is the third definition.
This is a remark to the third defintion.
This is a remark to the first defintion, referring to defintion \ref{def:b}.