MWE 中有 2 个错误我想要解决。
在列举的 #1 问题中,我将答案加粗到等号右侧。但这弄乱了 = 符号后的正确间距。
$(12)\div 4 = $\boldmath$3$\unboldmath$
\task $7x^2-31x-20$ \end{tasks} causes this error:
在 \end{tasks} 处发现最后两行代码未关闭 $。
我花了几个小时搜索 tex stack 论坛,但没有成功。
% un-comment to print solutions.
%\usepackage{multirow, tabularx}
\usepackage[a4paper,margin=0.5in,include head]{geometry}
\usepackage{graphicx} % for "\scalebox" macro
\header{Algebra I Part 1}
label-width=1.5em, %<---------
item-indent=2em, %<---------
column-sep=1em %<----------
% ------------ DOCUMENT STARTS HERE---------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%definition for bigskip = 1 line to replace all \bigskip
Write An Algebraic Expression and then evaluate. SHOW ALL WORK!\\
\centering\boldmath\scalebox{1.33}{$a=2$, $b=3$, $m=4$, $n=5$, $x=10$, $y=15$}\unboldmath
% Prob #1
\task the sum of $a$ and $x$ divided by $4$\\
$(a+x)\div 4$\\
$(2+10)\div 4$\\
$(12)\div 4 = $\boldmath$3$\unboldmath$
% Prob #2
\task $p^2-5p-14$
% Prob #3
\task $x^2-16x-63$
% Prob 4
\task $7x^2-31x-20$