如何在 \Verb 中用“连字符”符号替换“右楼层”符号

如何在 \Verb 中用“连字符”符号替换“右楼层”符号

\Verb我现在在使用包中的命令时遇到问题fvextra,该命令可以用作包的直接替代品fancyvrb。如果尚未加载,它将fvextra加载,然后继续修补和定义其他功能。加载包以提供正确的反引号( )和打字机单引号()。当我尝试使用该命令生成内联逐字文本时,封闭的文本会溢出行边距而没有换行符。fancyvrbfancyvrbupquote`'\Verb\Verb

根据 的文档fvextra,我们应该使用\Verb并带有以下选项:breaklines, breakafter=fun, breaksymbolright=-,也就是说,我们应该输入一些如下的 LaTeX 代码:\Verb[breaklines, breakafter=fun, breaksymbolright=-]|'integer, float, cons, symbol, string, vector, hash-table, subr, byte-code function, and record'|。但是上述情况还会出现另一个问题:换行符最终以一个符号结束,right floor而不是hyphenation我想要的符号。

我的问题是:如何用right floor ⌋符号替换hyphenation -符号?

顺便说一句:我使用了TeX Live-2022xeLaTeX引擎,并Sublime Text 4使用进行了编译macOS Sierra-Version 10.12.6


 \fancyhead[CO]{Tex Test}
 \fancyhead[CE]{Rédigé par Alex}

  A Lisp \verb|'object'| is a piece of data used and manipulated by Lisp programs. For our purposes, a \verb|'type'| or \verb|'data type'| is a set of possible objects. Every \verb|'object'| belongs to at least one \verb|'type'|, but types can overlap, so objects can belong to two or more types. \\

Primitive types: A few fundamental object types are built into Emacs. These, from which all other types are constructed, are called \verb|'primitive'| types. Each object belongs to one and only one primitive type. These types include \Verb[breaklines, breakafter=fun, breaksymbolright=-]|'integer, float, cons, symbol, string, vector, hash-table, subr, byte-code function, and record'| plus several special types, such as \verb|'buffer'|, that are related to editing.\\






A Lisp \verb|'object'| is a piece of data used and manipulated by 
Lisp programs. For our purposes, a \verb|'type'| or \verb|'data type'| 
is a set of possible objects. Every \verb|'object'| belongs to at least 
one \verb|'type'|, but types can overlap, so objects can belong to 
two or more types.

Primitive types: A few fundamental object types are built into Emacs. 
These, from which all other types are constructed, are called 
\verb|'primitive'| types. Each object belongs to one and only one 
primitive type. These types include 
]|'integer, float, cons, symbol, string, vector, hash-table, subr, byte-code function, and record'| 
plus several special types, such as \verb|'buffer'|, that are related to editing.


我删除了与问题无关的所有内容,但请注意,fontenc几乎永远都不应加载 XeLaTeX,而且inputenc根本不应加载。


