


.cls 文件:

\ProvidesClass{resume}[2010/07/10 v0.9 Resume class]




% HEADINGS: Commands for printing name and address

\def \name#1{\def\@name{#1}}        
\def \@name {}                      

\def \addressSep {$\diamond$}         

% One or two address lines can be specified 
\let \@addressone \relax
\let \@addresstwo \relax

% \address command can be used to set first and second address (optional)
\def \address #1{
    \def \@addresstwo {#1}
    \def \@addressone {#1}

% \printaddress is used to style an address line (given as input)
\def \printaddress #1{
    \def \\ {\addressSep\ }

% \printname is used to print the name as a page header
\def \printname {
    \hfil{\MakeUppercase{\namesize\bf \@name}}\hfil

% DOCUMENT: Create the head of the document


% SECTIONS: Create section headings

% Used to create large resume section
  \MakeUppercase{\bf #1}

% Used to format job listing
  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Default Layout: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  %%    Employer (bold)                     Dates (regular)    %%
  %%    Title (emphasis)                Location (emphasis)    %%
  {\bf #1}                 \hfill                  { #2}% Stop a space
  {\em #3}                 \hfill                  {\em #4}% Stop a space
  % \cdot used for bullets, items non-indented
  \itemsep -0.5em \vspace{-0.5em}


.tex 文件:

\documentclass{resume} % Use the custom resume.cls style



\name{Nicholas Williams} % Your name
\address{\texttt{https://nchlswllms.github.io} \\ \texttt{github.com/nchlswllms} \\ \texttt{[email protected]}}
%\address{Flat 203, Titanium Point \\ 24 Palmers Road \\ London, E2 0FA \\ +44 7789 456522} % Your address




{\bf Doctorate in Mathematics} \hfill {\em September 2018 -- May 2022} \\
University of Cologne \hfill {\em April 2021 -- May 2022}\\
Started at University of Leicester  \hfill {\em September 2018 -- April 2021} \\
Supervisor: Sibylle Schroll \\
Thesis title: {\em Higher-dimensional combinatorics in representation theory} \\
{\em Summa cum laude}


{\bf Graduate Diploma in Quantitative Economics} \hfill {\em October 2017 -- June 2018} \\
Birkbeck, University of London \\


{\bf MMathPhil in Mathematics \& Philosophy} \hfill {\em October 2012 -- June 2016} \\ 
Worcester College, Oxford \\
Double First Class Honours




{\bf Postdoctoral Research Associate} \hfill {\em September 2022 -- March 2025} \\ 
Lancaster University \\
With David Pauksztello


{\bf JSPS Short Term Postdoctoral Research Fellow} \hfill {\em May 2022 -- August 2022} \\ 
University of Tokyo \\
With Osamu Iyama


{\bf Graduate Teaching Assistant} \hfill {\em September 2021 -- December 2021} \\ 
King's College London


{\bf Guest Teacher} \hfill {\em September 2021 -- December 2021} \\ 
London School of Economics


{\bf Feedback session leader} \hfill {\em January 2019 -- December 2020} \\ 
University of Leicester




\item New interpretations of the higher Stasheff--Tamari orders \hfill {\em 2022}\\ 
{\em Advances in Mathematics}, Volume 407, 108552

\item The combinatorics of tensor products of higher Auslander algebras of type~$A$ \hfill {\em 2021}\\
(With Jordan McMahon)\\
{\em Glasgow Mathematical Journal}, 63(3), pp.\ 526--546.



\begin{rSection}{Conference proceedings}

\item The higher Stasheff--Tamari orders in representation theory \hfill {\em To appear}\\
{\em Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Representations of Algebras}

\item The first higher Stasheff--Tamari orders are quotients of the higher Bruhat orders \hfill {\em 2021}\\
{\em Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics, Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire} 85B, Art.\ 6, 12.




\item Stability spaces of string and band modules \hfill {\em 2022}\\
(With Sibylle Schroll, Aran Tattar, Hipolito Treffinger, and Yadira Valdivieso) \\
{\tt arXiv:2208.15000}

\item Triangulations of prisms and preprojective algebras of type $A$ \hfill {\em 2022}\\
(With Osamu Iyama)\\
{\tt arXiv:2208.12957}

\item Quiver combinatorics for higher-dimensional triangulations \hfill {\em 2021}\\
{\tt arXiv:2112.09189}

\item The two higher Stasheff--Tamari orders are equal \hfill {\em 2021}\\
{\tt arXiv:2106.01050}

\item The first higher Stasheff--Tamari orders are quotients of the higher Bruhat orders \hfill {\em 2020}\\
{\tt arXiv:2012.10371}



\begin{rSection}{Prizes and Scholarships}

{\bf Gibbs prize for Mathematics \& Philosophy} \hfill {\em 2016} \\ 
University of Oxford \\
For top performance in Mathematics papers


{\bf Gibbs prize for Mathematics \& Philosophy} \hfill {\em 2015} \\ 
University of Oxford \\
For top performance in Mathematics papers


{\bf Academic scholarship} \hfill {\em 2013} \\ 
Worcester College, Oxford


{\bf Honorary scholarship} \hfill {\em 2007} \\ 
Westminster School



\begin{rSection}{Invited conference talks (in person)}

{\bf A structural approach to maximal green sequences} \hfill {\em September 2022} \\
{\em Silting theory, algebras and representations} \\
Charles University, Prague


\begin{rSection}{Invited conference talks (virtual)}

{\bf An algebraic interpretation of the higher Stasheff--Tamari orders} \hfill {\em November 2020}\\
{\em International Conference on Representations of Algebras}\\
Selected to give talk by scientific committee based on research snapshot\\
Via BigBlueButton



\begin{rSection}{Contributed conference talks (in person)}

{\bf Algebraic interpretation of the higher Stasheff--Tamari orders} \hfill {\em July 2022} \\
{\em Representation theory and various issues on related topics} \\
Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University


{\bf Nice triangulations of cyclic polytopes} \hfill {\em June 2019} \\ 
{\em London Mathematical Society Graduate Student Meeting}


{\bf Higher analogues of Grassmannian clusters} \hfill {\em April 2019} \\ 
{\em Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and International Conference}


{\bf Higher analogues of Grassmannian clusters} \hfill {\em April 2019} \\ 
{\em New Connections and Directions in Representation Theory} \\
University of Leeds


{\bf Higher analogues of Grassmannian clusters} \hfill {\em April 2019} \\ 
{\em Tropical Geometry meets Representation Theory} \\
University of Leicester



\begin{rSection}{Contributed conference talks (virtual)}

{\bf The first higher Stasheff--Tamari orders are quotients of} \hfill {\em January 2022} \\
{\bf the higher Bruhat orders}\\
{\em Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics}\\
Bar-Ilan University


{\bf The higher Stasheff--Tamari orders on triangulations of cyclic polytopes} \hfill {\em June 2021} \\ 
{\em London Mathematical Society Graduate Student Meeting}


{\bf Vertex figures of cubillages of cyclic zonotopes} \hfill {\em November 2020} \\ 
{\em London Mathematical Society Graduate Student Meeting}



\begin{rSection}{Seminar talks (in person)}

{\bf Mutation in higher cluster categories} \hfill {\em October 2022} \\ 
Seminar@Aarhus \\
Aarhus University


%{\bf Equivalence of maximal green sequences} \hfill {\em April 2022} \\ 
%Working seminar in algebra and geometry \\
%University of Cologne

{\bf Equivalence of maximal green sequences} \hfill {\em February 2022} \\ 
Paris algebra seminar \\
Institut de Math\'ematiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche


%{\bf Cluster categories and crossing conditions} \hfill {\em February 2020} \\ 
%Working seminar in algebra and geometry     \\
%University of Leicester

{\bf An algebraic interpretation of the higher Stasheff--Tamari orders} \hfill {\em November 2019} \\ 
Pure mathematics seminar \\
University of East Anglia


%{\bf An algebraic interpretation of the higher Stasheff--Tamari orders} \hfill {\em November 2019} \\ 
%Working seminar in algebra and geometry \\
%University of Leicester
%{\bf Nice triangulations of cyclic polytopes} \hfill {\em October 2019} \\ 
%PhD seminar \\
%University of Leicester


{\bf Higher analogues of Grassmannian clusters} \hfill {\em April 2019} \\ 
Algebra and number theory seminar \\
University of Graz

%{\bf Alternating strand diagrams, plabic graphs, and Grassmannians} \hfill {\em January 2019} \\ 
%PhD seminar \\
%University of Leicester
%{\bf Grassmannians} \hfill {\em October 2018} \\ 
%Working seminar in algebra and geometry \\
%University of Leicester



\begin{rSection}{Seminar talks (virtual)}

{\bf Cyclic polytopes and higher Auslander--Reiten theory III} \hfill {\em July 2022} \\ 
Tokyo--Nagoya algebra seminar \\
University of Tokyo and Nagoya University


{\bf Cyclic polytopes and higher Auslander--Reiten theory II} \hfill {\em June 2022} \\ 
Tokyo--Nagoya algebra seminar \\
University of Tokyo and Nagoya University


{\bf Mutating cluster-tilting objects in $(d + 2)$-angulated cluster categories} \hfill {\em June 2022} \\ 
FD seminar


{\bf Cyclic polytopes and higher Auslander--Reiten theory I} \hfill {\em June 2022} \\ 
Tokyo--Nagoya algebra seminar \\
University of Tokyo and Nagoya University


{\bf An algebraic interpretation of the higher Stasheff--Tamari orders} \hfill {\em January 2022} \\ 
Aachen--Bochum--Cologne Darstellungstheorie Seminar\\
RWTH Aachen University, Ruhr-University Bochum, and University of Cologne


{\bf Cyclic polytopes and higher Auslander--Reiten theory} \hfill {\em December 2021} \\ 
Tokyo--Nagoya algebra seminar\\
University of Tokyo and Nagoya University


{\bf The two higher Stasheff--Tamari orders are equal} \hfill {\em May 2021} \\ 
Working seminar in algebra and geometry \\
University of Cologne


{\bf The higher Stasheff--Tamari orders in representation theory} \hfill {\em April 2021} \\ 
Paris algebra seminar \\
Institut de Math\'ematiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche


{\bf New interpretations of the higher Stasheff--Tamari orders} \hfill {\em March 2021} \\ 
Diskrete Mathematik / Geometrie Forschungsseminar \\
TU Berlin


{\bf The Tamari lattice in representation theory} \hfill {\em March 2021} \\ 
Junior Algebra Colloquium \\
University of Bristol


%{\bf KP solitons} \hfill {\em October 2020} \\ 
%PhD seminar \\
%University of Leicester
%{\bf KP solitons and the higher Stasheff--Tamari orders II} \hfill {\em October 2020} \\ 
%Working seminar in algebra and geometry     \\
%University of Leicester
%{\bf KP solitons and the higher Stasheff--Tamari orders I} \hfill {\em September 2020} \\ 
%Working seminar in algebra and geometry     \\
%University of Leicester
%{\bf Triangulations of odd-dimensional cyclic polytopes} \hfill {\em June 2020} \\ 
%PhD seminar \\
%University of Leicester
%{\bf Fukaya categories and higher Auslander algebras of type $A$} \hfill {\em April 2020} \\ 
%Working seminar in algebra and geometry     \\
%University of Leicester



{\bf An algebraic interpretation of the higher Stasheff--Tamari orders} \hfill {\em June 2021} \\ 
{\em Young Researchers in Mathematics} \\
Online \\
Winner of 1\textsuperscript{st} prize in poster competition


{\bf An algebraic interpretation of the higher Stasheff--Tamari orders} \hfill {\em May 2021} \\ 
{\em Advances in Representation Theory of Algebras} \\


{\bf New interpretations of the higher Stasheff--Tamari orders} \hfill {\em January 2021} \\ 
{\em Combinatorial algebra meets algebraic combinatorics} \\
Universit\'e du Qu\'ebec \`a Montr\'eal \\


{\bf An algebraic interpretation of the higher Stasheff--Tamari orders} \hfill {\em November 2020} \\ 
{\em International Conference on Representations of Algebras} \\
``Research snapshot''\\


{\bf New interpretations of the higher Stasheff--Tamari orders} \hfill {\em September 2020} \\ 
{\em Virtual Heidelberg Laureate Forum} \\


{\bf Representation theory and Grassmannians} \hfill {\em March 2019} \\ 
{\em STEM for Britain} \\
Poster competition at UK Parliament




London Mathematical Society Scheme 8 \hfill {\em April 2020} \\
Postgraduate research conference grants \\
{\em Categorifications in Representation Theory} conference organised with Aran Tattar \\
GBP 2,500




{\bf K\"oln Algebra and Representation Theory seminar} \hfill {\em April 2021 -- May 2022} \\
Co-organiser \\
University of Cologne \\

{\bf Categorifications in Representation Theory conference} \hfill {\em September 2020} \\
Co-organised with Aran Tattar \\


{\bf Mathematics PhD seminar} \hfill {\em September 2019 -- August 2020} \\
University of Leicester


{\bf Representation theory and mirror symmetry conference} \hfill {\em May 2019} \\
Local organising committee \\
University of Leicester



\begin{rSection}{Research stays}

University of Cologne \hfill {\em April 2021} \\
Visiting: Sibylle Schroll and Aran Tattar \\
1 week


University of Cambridge \hfill {\em December 2021} \\
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences \\
Cluster algebras and representation theory programme \\
Invited participant \\
1 week


University of Graz \hfill {\em April 2019} \\
Visiting: Jordan McMahon \\
Host: Karin Baur \\
1 week




AMS MathSciNet \hfill {\em October 2022 -- present}


zbMATH \hfill {\em September 2020 -- present} \\
5 reviews written




Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics




{\bf Real analysis} \hfill {\em September 2021 -- December 2021} \\
Class teacher (online) \\
King's College London


{\bf MA107: Quantitative methods} \hfill {\em September 2021 -- December 2021} \\
Class teacher \\
London School of Economics


{\bf Calculus \& analysis} \hfill {\em October 2020 -- December 2020} \\
Class teacher (online) \\
University of Leicester


{\bf Second-year algebra} \hfill {\em January 2020 -- April 2020} \\
Class teacher \\
University of Leicester


{\bf Calculus \& analysis} \hfill {\em October 2019 -- April 2020} \\
Class teacher \\
University of Leicester


{\bf Elements of number theory} \hfill {\em October 2019 -- December 2019} \\
Class teacher \\
University of Leicester


{\bf Calculus \& analysis} \hfill {\em January 2019 -- March 2019} \\
Class teacher \\
University of Leicester



\begin{rSection}{Committee roles}

Small Grants Committee \hfill {\em September 2022 -- present} \\
The Leathersellers' Company


Mathematics \& Philosophy Representative \hfill {\em 2015 -- 2016} \\
Joint Consultative Committee with Undergraduates \\
University of Oxford


Undergraduate Representative \hfill {\em 2015 -- 2016} \\
Joint Committee for Mathematics and Philosophy \\
University of Oxford


Undergraduate Representative \hfill {\em 2015 -- 2016} \\
Mathematics Department Art Committee \\
University of Oxford




University of Leicester Representative \hfill {\em November 2018, 2019, 2020} \\
{\em Research in the UK afternoon} \\
University of Cambridge


Student Helper \hfill {\em March 2013, 2014, 2015} \\
{\em Oxford and Cambridge Student Conferences}




London Mathematical Society \hfill {\em June 2019 -- present} \\
Associate member \\
3 reports on conferences written for the LMS newsletter


\begin{tabular}{ @{} >{\bfseries}l @{\hspace{6ex}} l }
Programming & Python, Sage, Maple, node.js, Haskell \\
& Git \\
& \LaTeX

\begin{tabular}{ @{} >{\bfseries}l @{\hspace{6ex}} l @{\hspace{6ex}} l}
Languages & & \\
&& (CEFR levels) \\
& English & Native \\
& German & B1 \\
& French & B1 \\
& Japanese & A2 \\
& Spanish & A1



为什么所有内容都是粗体?我们如何匹配链接中的输出?我正在使用 TeXworks 发行版。


该类resume使用已弃用的字体命令\bf\em。这些命令应该在组内使用,就像{\bf Doctorate in Mathematics}上面的代码中一样,其中{ }创建了组。这是必需的,因为\bf是一个开关,即它将范围内的所有剩余文本更改为粗体。范围是组,否则是文档的其余部分。

环境和命令通常也会创建一个组。resume.cls此行为用于包含行的节标题\MakeUppercase{\bf #1}。此处\MakeUppercase旨在创建将效果\bf仅限于标题的组。

2022 年 6 月的实施\MakeUppercase发生了变化,现在字体设置不再局限于此命令的参数,而是影响文档的其余部分。


在这种情况下,将有问题的行(第 69 行)更改为resume.cls以下内容:



