我安装了最新的 MikTex,并新安装了 glossaries-extra。MWE 打印的内容符合我的预期,但 MikTex 崩溃时其日志文件中的信息很少。这是实际系统中的严重问题,因为崩溃发生时前更大的 PDF 被发送出去,我什么都没有。如果有人知道如何修复 MWE 崩溃,这可能会延续到实际系统中。代码基于词汇表 automake 不起作用 lualatex但这个问题不是重复的。
\usepackage[acronym, nomain, automake=immediate]{glossaries-extra}
\usepackage[HTML, hyperref, x11names]{xcolor}
\NewDocumentCommand\sondesc{}{Le système est en vigueur [Ang : System On].}%
\newglossaryentry{son}{name={\son}, sort={SystèmeOn}, description={\sondesc}, first={{{\textcolor{Firebrick1}\son} (\sondesc)}}}%
On utilize les sigles \gls{son} quand ...
MikTex 崩溃报告如下:
"Output written on mwe.pdf (1 page, 11221 bytes).
SyncTeX written on mwe.synctex.gz.
Transcript written on mwe.log.
Sorry, but texify did not succeed.
The log file hopefully contains the information to get MiKTeX going again:
"\openout3 = mwe.ist
{C:/Users/XXXXX/AppData/Local/MiKTeX/fonts/map/pdftex/pdftex.map}] (./mwe.aux))
Here is how much of LuaTeX's memory you used:" etc, etc.
MiKTeX-PDFTEX 日志也是如此:
"2022-11-01 INFO miktex-pdftex - this is MiKTeX-PDFTEX 4.11.0 (1.40.24) (MiKTeX 22.10)
2022-11-01 INFO miktex-pdftex - allowing known shell commands
2022-11-01 INFO miktex-pdftex - UTF8 BOM detected: mwe.tex
2022-11-01 INFO miktex-pdftex - executing restricted write18 shell command: makeindex "-s" "mwe.ist" "-t" "mwe.alg" "-o" "mwe.acr" "mwe.acn"
2022-11-01 INFO miktex-pdftex.core - start process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c "makeindex "-s" "mwe.ist" "-t" "mwe.alg" "-o" "mwe.acr" "mwe.acn""
2022-11-01 INFO miktex-pdftex - write18 exit code: 0
2022-11-01 INFO miktex-pdftex - this process (29180) finishes with exit code 0"
luahblatex.log 以警告结尾:
"2022-11-01 INFO luahblatex.core - start process: C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c "makeindex "-s" "mwe.ist" "-t" "mwe.alg" "-o" "mwe.acr" "mwe.acn""
2022-11-01 INFO luahblatex - this process (5220) finishes with exit code 0
2022-11-01 WARN luahblatex.core - still open: C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\MiKTeX\miktex/data/le/luahbtex\luahblatex.fmt
2022-11-01 WARN luahblatex.core - still open: mwe.pdf"
并且 texify.log 以致命错误结束(我不确定如何解释)
"2022-11-01 INFO texify.core - start process: luahblatex --synctex=1 C:/Bridge\mwe.tex
2022-11-01 FATAL texify - The input file could not be found.
2022-11-01 FATAL texify - The input file could not be found.
2022-11-01 FATAL texify - Info:
2022-11-01 FATAL texify - Source:
2022-11-01 FATAL texify - Line: 0"
词汇表 2022/10/14 v4.50 有一个错误,会导致automake
已于2022/11/02 v4.51 修复。新版本已在 texlive 中,miktex 也将很快跟进。另请参阅https://www.dickimaw-books.com/bugtracker.php?key=215