如何在包含 alltt 的框架类环境的顶部图形行中间插入一个小标题?

如何在包含 alltt 的框架类环境的顶部图形行中间插入一个小标题?


  1. 使用行尾控制来布局文本行(如诗歌),
  2. 字距和字间距适当,
  3. 在可以跨页面的框架内,
  4. 这样就可以在框架顶部图形行的中间插入一个小标题,
  5. 并且排版命令仍然可以通过某种机制使用。


\Verbatim[label=\sss, frame=single, commandchars=@\{\}]}


As the lion in our teargarten remembers the nenuphars of his Nile 
 @emph{( shall Ariuz forget Arioun}
   @emph{or Boghas the baregams of the Marmarazalles from Marmeniere? )} it may be, 
 tots wearsense full
  a naggin in twentyg have sigilposted what in our brievingbust,
  @underline{the besieged} bedreamt @underline{him} stil and solely of @underline{those lililiths} 
  undeveiled which had undone him, gone for age, 
 and knew not the watchful treachers at his wake, and theirs to stay. 
Fooi, fooi, chamermissies! Zeepyzoepy, larcenlads! Zijnzijn Zijnzijn!


问题出在需求 2 上。使用 verbatim 时,字距调整和单词间距看起来很糟糕!不过,我使用 verbatim 的框架功能创建了一个框架,并在顶行中放置了标题。

我可以使用framed具有内部alltt环境的环境来解决除第 4 个要求之外的所有要求:



As the lion in our teargarten remembers the nenuphars of his Nile 
 \emph{( shall Ariuz forget Arioun}
  \emph{or Boghas the baregams of the Marmarazalles from Marmeniere? )} it may be, 
 tots wearsense full
  a naggin in twentyg have sigilposted what in our brievingbust,
  \underline{the besieged} bedreamt \underline{him} stil and solely of \underline{those lililiths} 
  undeveiled which had undone him, gone for age, 
 and knew not the watchful treachers at his wake, and theirs to stay. 
Fooi, fooi, chamermissies! Zeepyzoepy, larcenlads! Zijnzijn Zijnzijn!



  • 如何在框架环境(与逐字环境一样)的顶部图形行中间插入一个小标题?


  • 我怎样才能实现上述1.至5.?



我使用tcolorbox包创建了一个盒子,然后在 中使用了这个盒子QUOTE。这是结果图,显示它确实是可破坏的并且可以跨越多页:


以下是 MWE:


\newtcolorbox{quotebox}[1]{hbox boxed title,sharp corners,boxrule=1pt,
enhanced,breakable,attach boxed title to top center=
boxed title style={size=small,colback=white,colframe=white},coltitle=black,




As the lion in our teargarten remembers the nenuphars of his Nile 
 \emph{( shall Ariuz forget Arioun}
  \emph{or Boghas the baregams of the Marmarazalles from Marmeniere? )} it may be, 
 tots wearsense full
  a naggin in twentyg have sigilposted what in our brievingbust,
  \underline{the besieged} bedreamt \underline{him} stil and solely of \underline{those lililiths} 
  undeveiled which had undone him, gone for age, 
 and knew not the watchful treachers at his wake, and theirs to stay. 
Fooi, fooi, chamermissies! Zeepyzoepy, larcenlads! Zijnzijn Zijnzijn!






  • false:将 tcolorbox 设置为牢不可破。

  • true:将 tcolorbox 从一页拆分到另一页。上部和下部的最大总高度约为 65536pt(约 2300cm 或约 90 页)

  • unlimited:可破坏框总高度不受限制的实验代码。对于长度超过 300 页(或更短)的框,必须增加编译器内存。
