在循环中使用 \g@addto@macro

在循环中使用 \g@addto@macro






    \expandafter\gdef\csname @author@first\arabic{authors@count}\endcsname{#1}
    \expandafter\gdef\csname @author@last\arabic{authors@count}\endcsname{#2}

    \whiledo{\value{i} < \value{authors@count}}{%
        \@nameuse{@author@last\thei}\space% for test only
        \initial{\@nameuse{@author@first\thei}}.% for test only
        \ifthenelse{\thei = \theauthors@count}{}
            {,\space% for test only
                \g@addto@macro\authorsliststring{, }%









\authors在开发我的类时,使用重复命令将 First Name 和 Nast Name 分别写入单独的变量中对我来说很方便。稍后,使用单独的\authorslist宏,我生成\authorsliststring字符串作为 Last Name 和 First Name 的第一个字符(这里有一个很长的解释,说明为什么我需要在单独的\authorslist命令中执行此操作以及为什么我需要\initial这种方式的命令,但我需要这样)。\authorsliststring然后在类中的正确位置使用该字符串并将其写入文件,以便稍后从其他 TeX 文件生成目录。我需要在\authorsliststring文件中获取相同的内容 - “Andersson A., Brown B., Chaplin C。”




Chaplin \initial {Charles}., Chaplin \initial {Charles}., Chaplin \initial {Charles}.

此外,我不明白如何写入文件,不是\initial {Charles},但是C.




只要在你的\authorslist-recursion/ \whiledo-recursion 中你正确地分离了哪些操作是可扩展的,哪些操作是不可扩展的 - 例如,\StrLeft(因此也是\initial)不是,你可以结合(ab?)使用的技巧\romannumeral来保持 TeX 触发扩展,直到遇到\UD@stopromannumeral交换宏参数的技巧,以便让 TeX一次性排列\g@addto@macro-directive 的标记以添加名称:\authorsliststring




% Assume \initial is a function/macro-mechanism which at some point defines the macro 
% \ScratchmacroForFirstLetter to deliver the first letter of the first name.
% ( \initial itself probably is not fully expandable, e.g., due to calling \StrLeft
%   or ehatever,  which in turn is not fully expandable. In any case in the end
%   the macro \ScratchmacroForFirstLetter is defined. )


    \ifnum\value{i} < \value{authors@count}% Why \whiledo if the recursion can be done without? ;-)
        % ==============================================================================================
        % Typeset the name of the author:
        % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        % - Typeset the first name and a space:
        \@nameuse{@author@last\thei} %
        % - Somehow get the first letter of the first name of the author into the macro
        %   \ScratchmacroForFirstLetter - this is the job of \initial:
        % - Apply  \ScratchmacroForFirstLetter for typesetting the first letter of the first name of
        %   the author, trailed by a dot:
        % - Probably typeset a comma and a space:
        \ifthenelse{\thei = \theauthors@count}{}{, }%
        % ==============================================================================================
        % Add the name of the author to the macro \authorsliststring:
        % ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        %  - Somehow get the first letter of the first name of the author into the macro
        %    \ScratchmacroForFirstLetter - this is the job of \initial:
        %  - From now on everything else can be done by means of expansion-methods -
        %    do some argument-exchanging-trickery via \UD@Exchange for lining up the tokens within
        %    the brace-group which encloses the last argument of the \g@addto@macro-directive;
        %    within the brace-group which encloses the last argument of the \g@addto@macro-directive
        %    use \romannumeral for keeping expansion going until TeX sees \UD@stopromannumeral:
          {\UD@Exchange{}}{\UD@Exchange{, }}%
              \csname @author@last\thei\expandafter\endcsname\@firstofone{ }%











说实话,对我来说这似乎没有必要那么复杂。使用 expl3 而不是 xstring 的\StrLeft,名字的首字母可能可以通过 获得\str_head_ignore_spaces:n,它是可扩展的:



\clist_new:N  \__MyStuff_Authors_clist
\cs_new_protected:Npn \authors #1#2 
    \clist_gput_right:Nx \__MyStuff_Authors_clist 
\cs_new:Npn \authorslist 
  {  \clist_use:Nnnn \__MyStuff_Authors_clist {,~}{,~}{,~}  }






% Let's see the content of  \jobname.txt - with older LaTeX-releases
% you might need to add   \usepackage{verbatim}  to the preamble for
% this to work out, but seems the package  newfile  already does that
% for you:





如评论中所述,\thei需要在的参数中展开\g@addto@macro。在这里,我通过保存完全展开的定义(需要进行几次展开)\thei来实现这一点,然后在定义中使用足够的s(简写为)来用其展开替换 的出现。\Thei\expandafter\z\Thei





    \expandafter\gdef\csname @author@first\arabic{authors@count}\endcsname{#1}
    \expandafter\gdef\csname @author@last\arabic{authors@count}\endcsname{#2}

    \whiledo{\value{i} < \value{authors@count}}{%
%        \@nameuse{\Al\thei}\space% for test only
%        \initial{\@nameuse{\Af\thei}}.% for test only
            \@nameuse\z\z\z{\z\z\z\Al\z\Thei\z}\z\ \z 
        \ifthenelse{\thei = \theauthors@count}{}
            {%,\space% for test only
                \g@addto@macro\authorsliststring{, }%









