

我天真地以为这将是一个简单的修复突出显示文本的方法 - 是的,有ulem.stysoul.sty但它们施加了一些我不想处理的限制。


这能行吗?我错过了什么?(使用 TexLive2022,昨天用 Aquamacs/Skim 更新)。我应该指出,这将始终在单个页面上使用。




%% |=====8><-----| %%


    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
        \node[inner sep=0pt](bps-\theshadenum){\strut};

    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    \node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=-3pt](eps-\theshadenum){\strut};
    \begin{scope}{on background layer}
        \fill[yellow!20] ([yshift=3pt]bps-\theshadenum.north) rectangle
            (bps-\theshadenum.south -| current page text area.east);% first line
        \fill[yellow!20] ([yshift=3pt]eps-\theshadenum.north) rectangle
            (eps-\theshadenum.south -| current page text area.west);% last line
        \fill[yellow!20] ([yshift=3pt]bps-\theshadenum.south -| current page text area.west) rectangle
            (eps-\theshadenum.north -| current page text area.east);% body of paragraph



This is a gigantic paragraph that means \emph{absolutely} nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a \tikz{\draw[fill=red] (0,0) rectangle (1ex,1ex);} gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. \[x^2+y^2=z^2\] This is a \textbf{gigantic} paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all.

\btshadepar This is a gigantic paragraph that means \emph{absolutely} nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a \tikz{\draw[fill=red] (0,0) rectangle (1ex,1ex);} gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. \[x^2+y^2=z^2\] This is a \textbf{gigantic} paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all.\etshadepar




我修改了文本以表明代码必须处理的一般问题(显示数学、小tikz对象)。到目前为止,所有回复(@samcarter_is_at_topanswers.xyz 和 @Qrrbrbirlbel)都完美地解决了这个问题。


您不需要尝试将 tikzpicture 放入背景中,而是可以将其留在文本上方并进行更改,blend mode以使文本仍然可见:




%% |=====8><-----| %%


    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
        \node[inner sep=0pt](bps-\theshadenum){\strut};

    \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay,blend mode=multiply]
    \node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=-3pt](eps-\theshadenum){\strut};
        \fill[yellow!20] ([yshift=3pt]bps-\theshadenum.north) rectangle
            (bps-\theshadenum.south -| current page text area.east);% first line
        \fill[yellow!20] ([yshift=3pt]eps-\theshadenum.north) rectangle
            (eps-\theshadenum.south -| current page text area.west);% last line
        \fill[yellow!20] ([yshift=3pt]bps-\theshadenum.south -| current page text area.west) rectangle
            (eps-\theshadenum.north -| current page text area.east);% body of paragraph



This is a gigantic paragraph that means \emph{absolutely} nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a \textbf{gigantic} paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all.

\btshadepar This is a gigantic paragraph that means \emph{absolutely} nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a \textbf{gigantic} paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all.\etshadepar




PGF 层仅适用于图片本身,它仍然放在文本之上(因为您在最后绘制它)。





这里我只在段落末尾使用了一个标记,开头不需要标记,我们可以直接从中抽取(0, 0)\pgfmark只需要一个标记,因为我们不用这个标记做任何事情,只是保存它的位置。这样开销就小了一点。

由于或多或少插入了高度和深度\strut的不可见规则, 因此我将在答案中直接使用这些值。显然,如果您在开头和结尾使用不同的字体(大小),这将不再令人满意。.7\baselineskip.3\baselineskip



  \tikz[remember picture,overlay,baseline=0pt]
     \fill[#1] (0,+.7\baselineskip) rectangle
               (0,+-.3\baselineskip-|current page text area.east)
               (0,+-.3\baselineskip-|current page text area.west)
       rectangle ([yshift=+.7\baselineskip]perpendicular cs:
         horizontal line through={(pic cs:eps-\theshadenum)},
         vertical line through={(current page text area.east)})
       coordinate (@)
       (@-|current page text area.west) rectangle
       ([yshift=+-.3\baselineskip]pic cs:eps-\theshadenum);

This is a gigantic paragraph that means \emph{absolutely} nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a \textbf{gigantic} paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all.

\btshadepar This is a gigantic paragraph that means \emph{absolutely} nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a \textbf{gigantic} paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all.\etshadepar




如果您能够切换到 lualatex,您可以使用该lua-ul包。此包避免了 soul 或 ulem 等类似包的大部分限制。

% !TeX TS-program = lualatex




This is a gigantic paragraph that means \emph{absolutely} nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a \tikz{\draw[fill=red] (0,0) rectangle (1ex,1ex);} gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. \[x^2+y^2=z^2\] This is a \textbf{gigantic} paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all.

\highLight{ This is a gigantic paragraph that means \emph{absolutely} nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a \tikz{\draw[fill=red] (0,0) rectangle (1ex,1ex);} gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. \[x^2+y^2=z^2\] This is a \textbf{gigantic} paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all. This is a gigantic paragraph that means absolutely nothing at all.}


