



我想要用这个来做一个简单的例子,就是制作一个练习列表文档,其中一页扩展到确切的问题数量,而不是留有空白或将问题分成两页。或者简单地为每个问题设置一页,其中页面的大小为问题 + 其解决方案。

更新 1

正如问题由 John Kormylo 链接的类别从 更改articlestandalone带有multi={minipage}标志,这划分了文档,虽然minipages有用,但破坏了文档布局。

这是 MWE,输出的要点是fancyhdr行没有对齐,有些超出页面,并且页码无处可寻 PDF 输出


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            \subsection*{Calcule o trabalho posto em jogo no percurso 2\to3.}%
                    = \int_{Vol_1}^{Vol_2} P_{ext}\odif{Vol}
                    =  P_{ext}\int_{Vol_1}^{Vol_2}\odif{Vol}
                    =  P_{ext}\adif{Vol}\big\rvert_{Vol_1}^{Vol_2}
                    = &\\&
                    =  P_{ext}\left(
                        Vol_2 - Vol_1
                    % = &\\&
                    =  P_{ext}\left(
                        - \frac{n\,R\,T_1}{P_1}
                    =  n\,R\,\left(
                        T_2 - T_1
                    = &\\&
                    =  (1)\,(\num{8.314462618})\,\left(
                        (120.6+273.15) - (30.2+273.15)





使用该解决方案修复 MWA 的工作方式如下:


% xparse - multiple optional arguments

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% \DeclareSIUnit\atm{atm}
% \DeclareSIUnit\calorie{cal}
% \DeclareSIUnit\Torr{Torr}
% \DeclareSIUnit\bar{bar}
% \DeclareSIUnit\mmHg{mmHg}
% \DeclareSIUnit\molar{M}

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% Title

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            \subsection*{Calcule o trabalho posto em jogo no percurso 2\to3.}%
                    = \int_{Vol_1}^{Vol_2} P_{ext}\odif{Vol}
                    =  P_{ext}\int_{Vol_1}^{Vol_2}\odif{Vol}
                    =  P_{ext}\adif{Vol}\big\rvert_{Vol_1}^{Vol_2}
                    = &\\&
                    =  P_{ext}\left(
                        Vol_2 - Vol_1
                    % = &\\&
                    =  P_{ext}\left(
                        - \frac{n\,R\,T_1}{P_1}
                    =  n\,R\,\left(
                        T_2 - T_1
                    = &\\&
                    =  (1)\,(\num{8.314462618})\,\left(
                        (120.6+273.15) - (30.2+273.15)


