Musixtex 中的复合节拍

Musixtex 中的复合节拍




\setlength{\musicwidth}{0.95\textwidth}%new, can be set for each instance of a figure environment 



\begin{tikzpicture}%[thick, scale=0.5, every node/.style={scale=0.5}]
\node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0] (image) at (0,0) {
        \setclef1\treble % Clave de Sol para el Instrumento 1
        \setclef2\treble % Clave de Sol para el Instrumento 2
        \nobarnumbers % Omite la numeración en los compases
        \generalmeter{\meterfrac{2}4} %Compás en 4/4
        \setinterstaff{1}{14}%Distancia entre sistemas del pentagrama
        \startextract % Se inicia el fragmento musical
        \Notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} \en
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} \en\setdoublebar
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} \en
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} \en
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*}\en\setdoublebar
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} \en
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*}\en
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*}\en 
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*}\en
        \endextract % Se finaliza el fragmento musical
\begin{scope}[x={(image.south east)},y={(image.north west)}]
        %Código para grillas
        %\draw[help lines,xstep=.1,ystep=.1] (0,0) grid (1,1);
        %\foreach \x in {0,1,...,9} { \node [anchor=north] at (\x/10,0) {0.\x}; }
        %\foreach \y in {0,1,...,9} { \node [anchor=east] at (0,\y/10) {0.\y}; }
        %Dibujando lineas y texto
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (-0.09,0.55) -- (-0.09,0.4);
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (0.05,0.55) -- (0.05,0.4);
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (0.27,0.55) -- (0.27,0.4);
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (0.41,0.55) -- (0.41,0.4);
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (0.55,0.55) -- (0.55,0.4);

        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (0.77,0.55) -- (0.77,0.4);
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (0.91,0.55) -- (0.91,0.4);
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (1.05,0.55) -- (1.05,0.4);
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (1.18,0.55) -- (1.18,0.4);


当前输出如下: 当前的

预期输出应为(请注意,2/4 应替换为 6/8,依此类推): 预期的


您必须根据 musixdoc.pdf 第 15.4 章“仪表变化”(第 76 页)明确设置仪表。












根据 Daunaf 支持,代码如下:



\setlength{\musicwidth}{0.95\textwidth}%new, can be set for each instance of a figure environment 

\begin{tikzpicture}%[thick, scale=0.5, every node/.style={scale=0.5}]
\node[anchor=south west,inner sep=0] (image) at (0,0) {
        \setclef1\treble % Clave de Sol para el Instrumento 1
        \setclef2\treble % Clave de Sol para el Instrumento 2
        \nobarnumbers % Omite la numeración en los compases
        %\generalmeter{\meterfrac{2}4} %Compás en 4/4
        \setinterstaff{1}{14}%Distancia entre sistemas del pentagrama
        \startextract % Se inicia el fragmento musical
        \Notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} \en
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} \en\setdoublebar
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} \en
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} \en
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*}\en\setdoublebar
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} \en
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*}\en
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*}\en 
        \notes \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qup j\qb0{f}\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*} & \ibl0f0 \zqb0{f}\qu j\tbl0\zqb0{f} \qu {*}\en
        \endextract % Se finaliza el fragmento musical
\begin{scope}[x={(image.south east)},y={(image.north west)}]
        %Código para grillas
        %\draw[help lines,xstep=.1,ystep=.1] (0,0) grid (1,1);
        %\foreach \x in {0,1,...,9} { \node [anchor=north] at (\x/10,0) {0.\x}; }
        %\foreach \y in {0,1,...,9} { \node [anchor=east] at (0,\y/10) {0.\y}; }
        %Dibujando lineas y texto
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (-0.09,0.55) -- (-0.09,0.4);
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (0.05,0.55) -- (0.05,0.4);
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (0.27,0.55) -- (0.27,0.4);
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (0.41,0.55) -- (0.41,0.4);
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (0.55,0.55) -- (0.55,0.4);

        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (0.77,0.55) -- (0.77,0.4);
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (0.91,0.55) -- (0.91,0.4);
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (1.05,0.55) -- (1.05,0.4);
        \draw[-latex,line width=2pt,red] (1.18,0.55) -- (1.18,0.4);


