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\def \sit {\begin{itemize}}
\def \eit {\end{itemize}}
\def \it {\item}
\def \bo #1{\textbf{#1}}
\def \ita #1{\textit{#1}}

\title{AP Psychology Unit 7 Notes}

    \section*{7.1: Theories of Motivation}

        \it \bo{Motivation}: desire that is directed towards a specific goal
            \it primary needs: needs that are biological (food, water)
            \it secondary needs: psychological (social interaction)
        % ...
            \it Past experiences: having done something before
            \it \ita{Vicarious experience}: see someone else perform a task and succeed
            \it Social persuation: when others give encouragment
            \it Physiological feedback: how the body reacts; depends on perception
            \it can be subjectively perceived by different individuals, and the perspective can change throughout one's lifetime


% ...
            % ...
            \it can be subjectively perceived by different individuals, and the perspective can change throughout one's lifetime

            % this is the new item that I added
            \it some new bullet here, maybe make it long enough so that it spans another two lines at the end of the first page

令我困扰的是,当您并排看到这两个文档时,很明显间距不一致,因为新项目符号的添加减少了列表项之间的垂直空间: 不一致的空间

有什么办法可以消除这种不一致吗?换句话说,让项目符号具有相同的高度,无论页面上的其他内容如何? 谢谢你!
