新手书目问题:当使用 时BibLaTeX-chicaco
,每当我想显示 InCollection 重印的文章的出版历史(使用crossref
)时,作者的名字不会在 InCollection 中重复,这使得作者看起来像是该 Collection 的编辑。
以下是带有输出的 MWE:
author = {Bar-Asher, Moshe},
title = {The Different Traditions of Mishnaic Hebrew},
pages = {293-327},
crossref = {BarAsher2014},
related = {BarAsher1987},
relatedtype = {reprintof},
author = {Bar-Asher, Moshe},
title = {The Different Traditions of Mishnaic Hebrew},
pages = {1--38},
crossref = {Golomb1987},
author = {Bar-Asher, Moshe},
date = {2014},
title = {Studies in Classical Hebrew},
editor = {Koller, Aaron},
location = {Berlin},
publisher = {De Gruyter},
publisher = {Eisenbrauns},
title = {``Working With No Data": Semitic and Egyptian Studies Presented to Thomas O. Lambdin},
editor = {Golomb, David M.},
date = {1987},
location = {Winona Lake},
Here's a sample citation of \cite{BarAsher2014a}.
这就是结果。看起来 David Golomb 编辑了这篇文章;要么应该反转字段的顺序(Collection 的editor
在 InCollection 的后面title
),要么应该用某种“idem.”标签代替 InCollection 的author
author = {Bar-Asher, Moshe},
title = {The Different Traditions of Mishnaic Hebrew},
pages = {293-327},
crossref = {BarAsher2014},
related = {BarAsher1987},
relatedtype = {origpubas},
author = {Bar-Asher, Moshe},
title = {The Different Traditions of Mishnaic Hebrew},
pages = {1--38},
crossref = {Golomb1987},
author = {Bar-Asher, Moshe},
date = {2014},
title = {Studies in Classical Hebrew},
editor = {Koller, Aaron},
location = {Berlin},
publisher = {De Gruyter},
publisher = {Eisenbrauns},
title = {``Working With No Data": Semitic and Egyptian Studies Presented to Thomas O. Lambdin},
editor = {Golomb, David M.},
date = {1987},
location = {Winona Lake},
Here's a sample citation of \cite{BarAsher2014a}.