这是我的 MWE:
DIV=12, % division factor
headsepline=0.8pt, % header line
footsepline=0.4pt, % footer line
numbers=noenddot, % no dots at the end of section numbering
]{scrartcl} % 11pt, a4paper (default)
\usepackage[automark]{scrlayer-scrpage} % KOMA-Script package for headers, footers, pagestyles
\usepackage{setspace}\setdisplayskipstretch{} % For spacing
\usepackage[english]{babel} % Multilingual support
\usepackage[babel]{microtype} % Microtypography
\usepackage{xpatch} % For patching commands
\usepackage{lipsum} % For placeholder texts
% Replace \autodot with for "." \section headings
\xpretocmd{\sectionformat}{\def\autodot{.}}{}{\cfPatchFailed} % For headings
% Headers
\renewcommand{\sectionmarkformat}{\thesection.\enskip} % Add period after section number in the header
% Shift the footer down
% Footers
\addtokomafont{pagenumber}{\normalsize\sffamily} % page number font
\ifoot*{} % inner footer
\cfoot*{\pagemark} % central footer
\ofoot*{} % outer footer
% Footnote rule
% Footnotes
% Page styles
这是我的 MWE 的第 2 页:
这是我希望的第 2 页的结果:
我想要做的是,当当前页面在 KOMA-Script 类中包含脚注时,将其本地设置footsepline
\ifcsname r@footrule\thepage\endcsname\@tempswafalse\fi
DIV=12, % division factor
headsepline=0.8pt, % header line
footsepline=0.4pt, % footer line
numbers=noenddot, % no dots at the end of section numbering
]{scrartcl} % 11pt, a4paper (default)
\usepackage[automark]{scrlayer-scrpage} % KOMA-Script package for headers, footers, pagestyles
\usepackage{setspace}\setdisplayskipstretch{} % For spacing
\usepackage[english]{babel} % Multilingual support
\usepackage[babel]{microtype} % Microtypography
\usepackage{xpatch} % For patching commands
\usepackage{lipsum} % For placeholder texts
% Replace \autodot with for "." \section headings
\xpretocmd{\sectionformat}{\def\autodot{.}}{}{\cfPatchFailed} % For headings
% Headers
\renewcommand{\sectionmarkformat}{\thesection.\enskip} % Add period after section number in the header
% Shift the footer down
% Footers
\addtokomafont{pagenumber}{\normalsize\sffamily} % page number font
\ifoot*{} % inner footer
\cfoot*{\pagemark} % central footer
\ofoot*{} % outer footer
% Footnote rule
% Footnotes
% NOTE: Patching an internal command is always a hack and can fail in future!
\ifcsname r@footrule\thepage\endcsname\@tempswafalse\fi
由于使用了标签,这至少需要运行两次 LaTeX。也许可以改进页面上是否有脚注的检测,使其无需标签即可工作。