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{\LARGE{\textbf{1}}} \hskip 2pt Subsequently, I would like produce an enumerate environment whereby the text of each item, beginning with the second line, extends all the way to the left-hand margin of the page, thus lying entirely underneath the item number.


\item J. J. Sylvester had one remarkable peculiarity. He seldom remembered theorems, propositions, etc., but had always to deduce them when he wished to use them.

\item I remember once submitting to Sylvester some investigations that I had been engaged on, and he immediately denied my first statement, saying that such a proposition had never been heard of, let alone proved. To his astonishment, I showed him a paper of his own in which he had proved the proposition; in fact, I believe the object of his paper had been the very proof which was so strange to him.

\hfill William Durfee

\item Mr. Cayley, of whom it may be so truly said, whether the matter he takes in hand be great or small, ``nihil tetigit quod non ornavit,''\ldots 

\hfill J. J. Sylvester

\item The mathematical talent of Cayley was characterized by clearness and extreme elegance of analytical form; it was re-enforced by an incomparable capacity for work which has caused the distinguished scholar to be compared with Cauchy.

\hfill C. Hermite









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\textheight=4.75in \textwidth 2.80in


\usepackage[tracking=true]{microtype}  %This line must be commented out when using Xelatex to compile the Index

        {\normalfont\Large\centering}{\textbf\chaptertitlename\ \textbf\thechapter}{0pt}{\Large\uppercase}


{\LARGE{\textbf{1}}} \hskip 2pt Subsequently, I would like produce an enumerate environment whereby the text of each item, beginning with the second line, extends all the way to the left-hand margin of the page, thus lying entirely underneath the item number.


\item J. J. Sylvester had one remarkable peculiarity. He seldom remembered theorems, propositions, etc., but had always to deduce them when he wished to use them.

\item I remember once submitting to Sylvester some investigations that I had been engaged on, and he immediately denied my first statement, saying that such a proposition had never been heard of, let alone proved. To his astonishment, I showed him a paper of his own in which he had proved the proposition; in fact, I believe the object of his paper had been the very proof which was so strange to him.

\hfill William Durfee

\item Mr. Cayley, of whom it may be so truly said, whether the matter he takes in hand be great or small, ``nihil tetigit quod non ornavit,''\ldots 

\hfill J. J. Sylvester

\item The mathematical talent of Cayley was characterized by clearness and extreme elegance of analytical form; it was re-enforced by an incomparable capacity for work which has caused the distinguished scholar to be compared with Cauchy.

\hfill C. Hermite


