



\articletype{Article Type}%

\received{26 April 2016}
\revised{6 June 2016}
\accepted{6 June 2016}



\title{This is the sample article title\protect\thanks{This is an example for title footnote.}}

\author[1]{Author One*}

\author[2,3]{Author Two}

\author[3]{Author Three}

\authormark{AUTHOR ONE \textsc{et al}}

\address[1]{\orgdiv{Org Division}, \orgname{Org Name}, \orgaddress{\state{State name}, \country{Country name}}}

\address[2]{\orgdiv{Org Division}, \orgname{Org Name}, \orgaddress{\state{State name}, \country{Country name}}}

\address[3]{\orgdiv{Org Division}, \orgname{Org Name}, \orgaddress{\state{State name}, \country{Country name}}}

\corres{*Corresponding author name, This is sample corresponding address. \email{[email protected]}}

\presentaddress{This is sample for present address text this is sample for present address text}

\keywords{keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4}

\author{Williams K.},
\author{B. Hoskins},
\author{R. Lee},
\author{G. Masato}, and
\author{T. Woollings}} (\cyear{2016}),
\ctitle{A regime analysis of Atlantic winter jet variability applied to evaluate HadGEM3-GC2}, \cjournal{Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.}, \cvol{2017;00:1--6}.}


\footnotetext{\textbf{Abbreviations:} ANA, anti-nuclear antibodies; APC, antigen-presenting cells; IRF, interferon regulatory factor}

\section{Sample for first level head}\label{sec1}

\section{Sample for another first level head}\label{sec2}

Example for bibliography citations cite~\citep{Elbaum2002}, cites~\cite{Allen2011,Yoo2007}

\subsection{Example for second level head}

\section{Sample for next first level head}\label{sec3}

\subsection{Example for another second level head}

malesuada, diam id pretium elementum, eros sem dictum tortor, vel consectetuer odio sem sed wisi.

\paragraph{Fourth level head text}

\subparagraph{Fifth level head text}

\caption{This is sample table caption.\label{tab1}}
&\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{\textbf{Spanned heading\tnote{1}}} & \multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{\textbf{Spanned heading\tnote{2}}} \\\cmidrule{2-3}\cmidrule{4-5}
\textbf{col1 head} & \textbf{col2 head}  & \textbf{col3 head}  & \multicolumn{1}{@{}l@{}}{\textbf{col4 head}}  & \textbf{col5 head}   \\
col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & 12.34  & col5 text\tnote{1}   \\
col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & 1.62  & col5 text\tnote{2}   \\
col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & 51.809  & col5 text   \\
\item Source: Example for table source text.
\item[1] Example for a first table footnote.
\item[2] Example for a second table footnote.

\caption{This is sample table caption.\label{tab2}}%
\textbf{col1 head} & \textbf{col2 head}  & \textbf{col3 head}  & \textbf{col4 head}  & \textbf{col5 head} \\
col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & col4 text  & col5 text\tnote{$\dagger$}   \\
col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & col4 text  & col5 text   \\
col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & col4 text  & col5 text\tnote{$\ddagger$}   \\
\item Source: Example for table source text.
\item[$\dagger$] Example for a first table footnote.
\item[$\ddagger$] Example for a second table footnote.


选项1该类WileyNJD-2基于article具有选项的类onecolumn。加载multicol包,因此它允许您使用\begin{multicols}{2}...\end{multicols}来获得双列文档,同时仍使用选项 STIX1COL。

列间距可以设置为\setlength{\columnsep}{<length>}(示例中为 15pt)


要使用 APA 选项,您需要NJDapacite.sty添加这里并且WileyNJD-APA.bst,后者可以在分发中包含的子目录“附加模板文件”中找到。

% !TeX TS-program = pdflatex


\articletype{Article Type}%

\received{26 April 2016}
\revised{6 June 2016}
\accepted{6 June 2016}


\setlength{\columnsep}{15pt} % set columns separation <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


\title{This is the sample article title\protect\thanks{This is an example for title footnote.}}

\author[1]{Author One*}

\author[2,3]{Author Two}

\author[3]{Author Three}

\authormark{AUTHOR ONE \textsc{et al}}
\authormark{AUTHOR ONE \textsc{et al}}
\address[1]{\orgdiv{Org Division}, \orgname{Org name}, \orgaddress{\state{State name}, \country{Country name}}}

\address[2]{\orgdiv{Org Division}, \orgname{Org name}, \orgaddress{\state{State name}, \country{Country name}}}

\address[3]{\orgdiv{Org Division}, \orgname{Org name}, \orgaddress{\state{State name}, \country{Country name}}}

\corres{*Corresponding author name, Corresponding address. \email{[email protected]}}

\presentaddress{Present address}

\abstract[Abstract]{This paper describes the use of the \LaTeXe\ \textsf{WileyNJD-v2.cls}
class file for setting papers for \emph{Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences}.}

\keywords{keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4}

        \author{Williams K.},
        \author{B. Hoskins},
        \author{R. Lee},
        \author{G. Masato}, and
        \author{T. Woollings}} (\cyear{2016}),
    \ctitle{A regime analysis of Atlantic winter jet variability applied to evaluate HadGEM3-GC2}, \cjournal{Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.}, \cvol{2017;00:1--6}.}

\footnotetext{\textbf{Abbreviations:} ANA, anti-nuclear antibodies; APC, antigen-presenting cells; IRF, interferon regulatory factor}

\begin{multicols}{2} %<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Many authors submitting \( \sin \cos \tan \inf_{x} \) to NJD journals use \LaTeXe\ to
prepare their papers. This paper describes the
\textsf{WileyNJD-v2.cls} class file which can be used to convert
articles produced with other \LaTeXe\ class files into the correct
form for publication in \emph{Wiley NJD Journals}.

The \textsf{WileyNJD-v2.cls} class file preserves much of the standard
\LaTeXe\ interface so that any document which was produced using
the standard \LaTeXe\ \textsf{article} style can easily be
converted to work with the \textsf{WileyNJD-v2} style. However, the
width of text and typesize will vary from that of
\textsf{article.cls}; therefore, \emph{line breaks will change}
and it is likely that displayed mathematics and tabular material
will need re-setting.

In the following sections we describe how to lay out your code to
use \textsf{WileyNJD-v2.cls} to reproduce the typographical look of
\emph{Wiley NJD Journals}.

\section{Sample for next first level head}\label{sec3}

\subsection{Example for another second level head}

malesuada, diam id pretium elementum, eros sem dictum tortor, vel consectetuer odio sem sed wisi.

\paragraph{Fourth level head text}

Some text

\subparagraph{Fifth level head text}

Some text

\end{multicols}% <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


    \caption{This is sample table caption 1.\label{tab1}}
        &\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{\textbf{Spanned heading\tnote{1}}} & \multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{\textbf{Spanned heading\tnote{2}}} \\\cmidrule{2-3}\cmidrule{4-5}
        \textbf{col1 head} & \textbf{col2 head}  & \textbf{col3 head}  & \multicolumn{1}{@{}l@{}}{\textbf{col4 head}}  & \textbf{col5 head}   \\
        col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & 12.34  & col5 text\tnote{1}   \\
        col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & 1.62  & col5 text\tnote{2}   \\
        col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & 51.809  & col5 text   \\
        \item Source: Example for table source text.
        \item[1] Example for a first table footnote.
        \item[2] Example for a second table footnote.

    \caption{This is sample table caption 2.\label{tab2}}%
        \textbf{col1 head} & \textbf{col2 head}  & \textbf{col3 head}  & \textbf{col4 head}  & \textbf{col5 head} \\
        col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & col4 text  & col5 text\tnote{$\dagger$}   \\
        col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & col4 text  & col5 text   \\
        col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & col4 text  & col5 text\tnote{$\ddagger$}   \\
        \item Source: Example for table source text.
        \item[$\dagger$] Example for a first table footnote.
        \item[$\ddagger$] Example for a second table footnote.



选项 2您无需使用 STIX1COL 然后创建双列文档,而是可以使用 STIX2COL 选项直接创建双列文档。

% !TeX TS-program = pdflatex

\articletype{Article Type}%

\received{26 April 2016}
\revised{6 June 2016}
\accepted{6 June 2016}



\title{This is the sample article title\protect\thanks{This is an example for title footnote.}}

\author[1]{Author One*}

\author[2,3]{Author Two}

\author[3]{Author Three}

\authormark{AUTHOR ONE \textsc{et al}}  

\authormark{AUTHOR ONE \textsc{et al}}
\address[1]{\orgdiv{Org Division}, \orgname{Org name}, \orgaddress{\state{State name}, \country{Country name}}}

\address[2]{\orgdiv{Org Division}, \orgname{Org name}, \orgaddress{\state{State name}, \country{Country name}}}

\address[3]{\orgdiv{Org Division}, \orgname{Org name}, \orgaddress{\state{State name}, \country{Country name}}}

\corres{*Corresponding author name, Corresponding address. \email{[email protected]}}

\presentaddress{Present address}

\abstract[Abstract]{This paper describes the use of the \LaTeXe\ \textsf{WileyNJD-v2.cls}
class file for setting papers for \emph{Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences}.}

\keywords{keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, keyword4}

        \author{Williams K.},
        \author{B. Hoskins},
        \author{R. Lee},
        \author{G. Masato}, and
        \author{T. Woollings}} (\cyear{2016}),
    \ctitle{A regime analysis of Atlantic winter jet variability applied to evaluate HadGEM3-GC2}, \cjournal{Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc.}, \cvol{2017;00:1--6}.}

\footnotetext{\textbf{Abbreviations:} ANA, anti-nuclear antibodies; APC, antigen-presenting cells; IRF, interferon regulatory factor}


Many authors submitting \( \sin \cos \tan \inf_{x} \) to NJD journals use \LaTeXe\ to
prepare their papers. This paper describes the
\textsf{WileyNJD-v2.cls} class file which can be used to convert
articles produced with other \LaTeXe\ class files into the correct
form for publication in \emph{Wiley NJD Journals}.

The \textsf{WileyNJD-v2.cls} class file preserves much of the standard
\LaTeXe\ interface so that any document which was produced using
the standard \LaTeXe\ \textsf{article} style can easily be
converted to work with the \textsf{WileyNJD-v2} style. However, the
width of text and typesize will vary from that of
\textsf{article.cls}; therefore, \emph{line breaks will change}
and it is likely that displayed mathematics and tabular material
will need re-setting.

In the following sections we describe how to lay out your code to
use \textsf{WileyNJD-v2.cls} to reproduce the typographical look of
\emph{Wiley NJD Journals}.

\section{Sample for next first level head}\label{sec3}
\subsection{Example for another second level head}

malesuada, diam id pretium elementum, eros sem dictum tortor, vel consectetuer odio sem sed wisi.

\paragraph{Fourth level head text}

Some text

\subparagraph{Fifth level head text}

Some text

As any dedicated reader can clearly see, the Ideal of practical reason is a representation of, as far as I know, the things in  themselves; as I have shown elsewhere, the phenomena should only be used as a canon for our understanding. The paralogisms  of practical reason are what first give rise to the architectonic   of practical reason. As will easily be shown in the next section,   reason would thereby be made to contradict, in view of these considerations, the Ideal of practical reason, yet the manifold depends on the phenomena.

    \caption{A figure}


    \caption{This is sample table caption 1.\label{tab1}}
        &\multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{\textbf{Spanned heading\tnote{1}}} & \multicolumn{2}{@{}c@{}}{\textbf{Spanned heading\tnote{2}}} \\\cmidrule{2-3}\cmidrule{4-5}
        \textbf{col1 head} & \textbf{col2 head}  & \textbf{col3 head}  & \multicolumn{1}{@{}l@{}}{\textbf{col4 head}}  & \textbf{col5 head}   \\
        col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & 12.34  & col5 text\tnote{1}   \\
        col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & 1.62  & col5 text\tnote{2}   \\
        col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & 51.809  & col5 text   \\
        \item Source: Example for table source text.
        \item[1] Example for a first table footnote.
        \item[2] Example for a second table footnote.
    \caption{This is sample table caption 2.\label{tab2}}%
        \textbf{col1 head} & \textbf{col2 head}  & \textbf{col3 head}  & \textbf{col4 head}  & \textbf{col5 head} \\
        col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & col4 text  & col5 text\tnote{$\dagger$}   \\
        col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & col4 text  & col5 text   \\
        col1 text & col2 text  & col3 text  & col4 text  & col5 text\tnote{$\ddagger$}   \\
        \item Source: Example for table source text.
        \item[$\dagger$] Example for a first table footnote.
        \item[$\ddagger$] Example for a second table footnote.


