\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\title{Minimum Working Example}
\author{Minimally Working Author}
\institute{Pan-Global Institute of Checklists}
\frametitle{Hollow Square Bullets?}
I would like some hollow, square bullets, please, as one might have on a checklist. Something like the \verb|\square| symbol, $\square$ \\
If this were a checklist, I would like to give that impression to the viewers:
\item {Item one}
\item {Item two}
\item {Item three with sub-items}
\item {Sub-item one with sub-items}
\item {Sub-sub-item one}
\item {Sub-sub-item two}
\item {Sub-item two}
\item{Item four}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}{$\square$}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}{$\square$}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize subsubitem}{$\square$}
\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
\title{Minimum Working Example}
\author{Minimally Working Author}
\institute{Pan-Global Institute of Checklists}
\frametitle{Hollow Square Bullets?}
I would like some hollow, square bullets, please, as one might have on a checklist. Something like the \verb|\square| symbol, $\square$ \\
If this were a checklist, I would like to give that impression to the viewers:
\item {Item one}
\item {Item two}
\item {Item three with sub-items}
\item {Sub-item one with sub-items}
\item {Sub-sub-item one}
\item {Sub-sub-item two}
\item {Sub-item two}
\item{Item four}