如何通过自定义类在标题页中制作斜体 Georgia 字体?

如何通过自定义类在标题页中制作斜体 Georgia 字体?

我正在尝试基于报告类构建一个 LaTeX 类,以复制我组织的品牌 Word 模板。除了一个方面,我已经解决了大部分问题。当报告确定作者时,我们的样式指南要求标题页包含 14 号斜体 Georgia 字体的“由 [姓名] 编写”。出于某种原因,我无法在标题页中同时使用斜体和 Georgia。

如果标题页上的字体是 Georgia,它会忽略斜体。如果我不坚持使用 Georgia,我可以将其设置为斜体。这并不是说字体的斜体版本不可用——文本的主体也是 Georgia,我可以在那里很好地使用斜体——问题只出现在标题页中。我尝试了几种不同的斜体命令,并在调用之前或之后调用它们\fontfamily{},但当标题页上的字体是 Georgia 时,它们都不起作用。

以下是该类的 MWE:


% MWE to demonstrate italicizing issue with Georgia font in title page

% Call packages required to make the title page work


% Define colors

\DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{report}} % Pass any other options through to the report class
\ProcessOptions\relax % Run the options
\LoadClass{report} % Now load the report class as a base


% Redefine \maketitle to produce the CFPB report title page

\begin{titlepage} % Enclose in a titlepage environment
 % All the text in this environment is sans-serif/Arial

%Bold agency name and date; the \textls increases the cerning slightly to match the Arial Bold font
\textls[100]{\textbf{\sffamily\small\MakeUppercase{Bureau of Agency Departments \ \ $|$ \ \ \@date}}}

% Then the main title 1.75" down in size 38 font
{\fontsize{38}{40}\selectfont \@title \par}

%Subtitle 1/2" below that in size 16 font
{\fontsize{16}{18}\sffamily\selectfont \@subtitle \par}

%Authors 1/2" below that in size 16 italic, serif font
 {\itshape\fontsize{16}{18}\fontfamily{georgia}\selectfont \textit{\@author} \par}

% All classes have to define \normalsize 

% The microtype package is needed to typeset the title page correctly, but needs \normalsize to be defined before it's called, so calling now, instead of with the other required packages.

% Main doc uses georgia throughout

以下是一份文档的 MWE


\title{A Report}
\author{Prepared by The Preparors}
\subtitle{Great Report Series \#5}
\date{April 2023}


This is some Georgia Text

\textit{This is some italic Georgia text}


如果重要的话,我正在 Overleaf 中运行 pdfLaTeX。


(此处感谢 Ulrike Fischer 的评论;如果他们发表答案,我很乐意接受他们的答案)

我仍然不清楚为什么非全局字体声明允许我将作者行设置为 Georgia 或斜体,但不能同时使用两者。但是,对于遇到类似问题的人来说,解决方法是重新定义默认字体,而不仅仅是在类文件中放置字体开关。

这里的问题是,使用 为正文声明 Georgia 字体\fontfamily{georgia}\selectfont可能会被各种环境覆盖。在类中声明主字体的更好方法是使用\renewcommand\rmdefault{georgia}。然后,\fontfamily{georgia}\selectfont在定义的 author 行中\titlepage省略 会导致斜体被尊重。

因此该类的 MWE 变为:


% MWE to demonstrate italicizing issue with Georgia font in title page

% Call packages required to make the title page work


% Define colors

\DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{report}} % Pass any other options through to the report class
\ProcessOptions\relax % Run the options
\LoadClass{report} % Now load the report class as a base


% Redefine \maketitle to produce the CFPB report title page

\begin{titlepage} % Enclose in a titlepage environment

%Bold agency name and date; the \textls increases the cerning slightly to match the Arial Bold font
\textls[100]{\textbf{\sffamily\small\MakeUppercase{Bureau of Agency Departments \ \ $|$ \ \ \@date}}}

% Then the main title 1.75" down in size 38 font
{\fontsize{38}{40}\sffamily\selectfont \@title \par}

%Subtitle 1/2" below that in size 16 font
{\fontsize{16}{18}\sffamily\selectfont \@subtitle \par}

%Authors 1/2" below that in size 16 italic, serif font
 {\itshape\fontsize{16}{18}\textit{\@author} \par}

% All classes have to define \normalsize 

% The microtype package is needed to typeset the title page correctly, but needs \normalsize to be defined before it's called, so calling now, instead of with the other required packages.

% Main doc uses georgia throughout
