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% Document structure and setup
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% Tables

% Header/footer
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% Lists
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\title{some title}

% ========== Title Page ========== %

Table example:

\begin{xltabular}{\linewidth}{|p{0.075\linewidth}|p{0.03\linewidth}|p{0.175\linewidth}|p{0.65\linewidth}|} \hline
\rowcolor[HTML]{EFEFEF}\textbf{text} & \textbf{text} & \textbf{text} & \textbf{text} \\ \hline \endhead 
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    \item Here there will be a lot of text and the row breaks the page.
    \item Here there will be a lot of text and the row breaks the page.
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    \item Here there will be a lot of text and the row breaks the page.
    \item Here there will be a lot of text and the row breaks the page.
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  \item Here there will be a lot of text and the row breaks the page.



我正在编译它pdflatex,输出(第 2 页和第 3 页)如下所示: LaTeX 提供的第 2 页和第 3 页输出

如您所见,最后一列可能包含一个很长的列表。在这种情况下,行对于页面来说太高,无法在该页面上继续。我完全知道一种解决方案就是提前停止行,但这感觉有点不合时宜,我选择希望使用 LaTeX 编写文档能为我提供一种方法来使它们符合我的要求。

