如何在 Tikz 中搜索数组中的元素?

如何在 Tikz 中搜索数组中的元素?

我正在尝试将一个值(第一个输入参数)和一个数组(第二个输入参数)传递给 Tikzset,我想检查该值是否在数组中。每次运行代码时,都会将数组作为整体读取,而不是逐个元素读取。这里,颜色填充是进行搜索,然后调用我之前定义的其他 Tikzset。当我使用 Ifnum 时,只将值作为输入和一个数字,一切都运行正常,但我在数组输入方面遇到了困难。

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 2cm, on grid,>={Stealth[inset=0pt,length=6pt,angle'=28,round]},fill fraction/.style n args={2}{path picture={
        \fill[#1] (path picture bounding box.center) -- (path picture bounding box.south)  arc [start angle=-90, delta angle=-100, radius=1] -- cycle;
        \fill[#2] (path picture bounding box.center) -- (path picture bounding box.south)  arc [start angle=-90, delta angle=100, radius=1] -- cycle;
,fill fraction2/.style n args={1}{path picture={
        \fill[#1] (path picture bounding box.center) -- (path picture bounding box.south)  arc [start angle=-90, delta angle=-180, radius=1] -- cycle;
redfill/.code args={}{
greenfill/.code args={}{
bluefill/.code args={}{

\tikzset{colorfill/.code n args={2}{
\foreach \x in {#2}{
\ifnum \x = #1



\foreach \i[evaluate=\i as \j using int(\i-1),evaluate=\i as \k using int(\i)] in {2,...,5}{
    \node[state, right of=q\j, colorfill={\k},{\greenstatesind}] (q\i){$q^{\i}$};



  1. 如果想要密切关注您提供的代码,则必须使用密钥/.expanded以免混淆 pgf。
  2. \tikzset{}如果在循环中使用foreach,则不起作用,因为\tikzset是本地的并且foreach使用组。但是,/.list密钥不构成这些组,因此可以改用。


    \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 2cm, on grid,>={Stealth[inset=0pt,length=6pt,angle'=28,round]},fill fraction/.style n args={2}{path picture={
            \fill[#1] (path picture bounding box.center) -- (path picture bounding box.south)  arc [start angle=-90, delta angle=-100, radius=1] -- cycle;
            \fill[#2] (path picture bounding box.center) -- (path picture bounding box.south)  arc [start angle=-90, delta angle=100, radius=1] -- cycle;
    ,fill fraction2/.style n args={1}{path picture={
            \fill[#1] (path picture bounding box.center) -- (path picture bounding box.south)  arc [start angle=-90, delta angle=-180, radius=1] -- cycle;
    redfill/.code={%  args={}{....} is at the very least unnecessary
    greenfill/.code={%  args={}{....} is at the very least unnecessary
    bluefill/.code={%  args={}{....} is at the very least unnecessary
    \tikzset{colorfill sub/.code={\ifnum\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/colorfill item}=#1\relax
            \tikzset{greenfill}% greenfill has no argument
            \pgfkeysalso{/tikz/redfill}% redfill has no argument
        colorfill item/.initial=0,
        colorfill/.code n args={2}{%
        \tikzset{colorfill item=#1,colorfill sub/.list=#2}%
    \foreach \i[evaluate=\i as \j using int(\i-1),evaluate=\i as \k using int(\i)] in {2,...,5}{
        \node[state,right of=q\j,colorfill/.expanded={\k}{\greenstatesind}% removed comma and added /.expanded
        ] (q\i){$q^{\i}$};


请注意,这项任务很可能可以大大简化。pgf 有\pgfutil@in@一个低级成员资格测试,在 pgf 中被广泛使用。我不知道它是否为此类测试提供了用户界面。
