在 overleaf 中制作特定表格(评估标准)

在 overleaf 中制作特定表格(评估标准)

我对编码和 latex 完全是新手,完全不知道自己在做什么。我试图在 overleaf 中制作左侧的表格,但是没有成功。我不知道如何让第一行“质量评估标准”只有一列,如何让“级别”覆盖除第一列之外的所有列,或者第二行“元素”覆盖两行。表格中的文本在单词之间也出现了奇怪的大空格,而我只希望字母之间有一个空格。如果有人对要使用的全新表格模板有想法,或者愿意帮助我改进初始代码:

\begin{tabular}{ | m{2.5em} | m{2.5cm}| m{2.5cm} | m{2.5cm} | m{2.5cm}| m{2.58cm} | } % 15.5
   \textbf{Quality assessment criteria} \\
  \textbf{Element }& \textbf{Level} & \textbf{-} & \textbf{- }& \textbf{-} & \textbf{-} \\ 
 - & 0-Absence & 1 - Low & 2 - Medium & 3 - High & Not applicable \\
 1. Theory robustness  & The article does not provide enough information to assess this criterion & Poor awareness of existing literature and debates.
Under or over referenced
Low validity of theory & Basic understanding of the issues around the topic being discussed. The theory weakly is related to data & Deep and broad knowledge of relevant literature and theory relevant for addressing the research. 
Good relation theory-data & This element is not applicable to the document or study  \\
 - & - & - & - & - & This element is not applicable to the document or study  \\
 - & - & - & - & - & This element is not applicable to the document or study  \\
 - & - & - & - & - & This element is not applicable to the document or study \\
 - & - & - & - & - & This element is not applicable to the document or study  \\
 - & - & - & - & - & This element is not applicable to the document or study  \\
 - & - & - & - & - & This element is not applicable to the document or study \\
 - & - & - & - & - & This element is not applicable to the document or study \\
 - & - & - & - & - & This element is not applicable to the document or study \\

我想做什么 VS 我糟糕的尝试



Quality assessment criteria &           &         &            &          &                                                         \\
Element                     & Level     &         &            &          &                                                         \\
                            & 0-Absence & 1 - Low & 2 - Medium & 3 - High & Not applicable                                          \\
1. Theory robustness  & The article does not provide enough information to assess this criterion & Poor awareness of existing literature and debates. Under or over referenced Low validity of theory & Basic understanding of the issues around the topic being discussed. The theory weakly is related to data & Deep and broad knowledge of relevant literature and theory relevant for addressing the research. Good relation theory-data & This element is not applicable to the document or study  \\
-                           & -         & -       & -          & -        & This element is not applicable to the document or study \\
-                           & -         & -       & -          & -        & This element is not applicable to the document or study \\
-                           & -         & -       & -          & -        & This element is not applicable to the document or study \\
-                           & -         & -       & -          & -        & This element is not applicable to the document or study \\
-                           & -         & -       & -          & -        & This element is not applicable to the document or study \\
-                           & -         & -       & -          & -        & This element is not applicable to the document or study \\
-                           & -         & -       & -          & -        & This element is not applicable to the document or study \\
-                           & -         & -       & -          & -        & This element is not applicable to the document or study \\



  • 你显然不愿意帮助我们帮助你。我恳请你提供缺失的信息,但到目前为止还没有提供(所以我对你的问题投了反对票)
  • 由于我们只能猜测,以下建议仅可作为起点。
  • 为了更好地间隔表格单元格中的文本,我将使用rotating包旋转表格,并对其中的文本使用\small字体大小:


\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{ | *{6}{>{\RaggedRight\hspace{0pt}}X|} } % 15.5
\multicolumn{6}{|l|}{\textbf{Quality assessment criteria}}                        \\
    &   \multicolumn{5}{c|}{\textbf{Level}}                                      \\
    &  \textbf{0 - Absence} 
        & \textbf{1 - Low} 
            & \textbf{2 - Medium} 
                &  \textbf{3 - High} 
                    &  \textbf{Not applicable}                                  \\
1. Theory robustness  
    & The article does not provide enough information to assess this criterion.
        & Poor awareness of existing literature and debates. Under or over referenced. Low validity of theory. 
            & Basic understanding of the issues around the topic being discussed. The theory weakly is related to data. 
                & Deep and broad knowledge of relevant literature and theory relevant for addressing the research. Good relation theory-data 
                    & This element is not applicable to the document or study.  \\
2. Implication for practice
    & The article does not provide enough information to assess this criterion. 
        & - & - & - & This element is not applicable to the document or study    \\
3. Methodology. Data supporting 
    & The article does not provide enough information to assess this criterion. 
        & - & - & - & This element is not applicable to the document or study    \\
4. Generalisibility
    & The article does not provide enough information to assess this criterion.
        & - & - & - & This element is not applicable to the document or study    \\
4. Contribution

Plus a short statement summarizing the article's contribution
    & The article does not provide enough information to assess this criterion.
        & - & - & - & This element is not applicable to the document or study    \\


通过使用包可以获得更好的结果tabullaray(与@Clara 在她的回答中所做的类似,+1):



\begin{tblr}{hlines, vlines,
             colspec = {*{6}{X[appto=\RaggedRight]} },
             colsep  = {3pt},
             row{1-3} = {font=\bfseries}
\SetCell[c=6]{l}    Quality assessment criteria                                  \\
\SetCell[r=2]{l}   Element
    & \SetCell[c=5]{l}    Level                                                  \\
    &   0 - Absence  
        &   1 - Low 
            &   2 - Medium 
                &   3 - High 
                    &   Not applicable                                          \\
1. Theory robustness  
    & The article does not provide enough information to assess this criterion.
        & Poor awareness of existing literature and debates. Under or over referenced. Low validity of theory. 
            & Basic understanding of the issues around the topic being discussed. The theory weakly is related to data. 
                & Deep and broad knowledge of relevant literature and theory relevant for addressing the research. Good relation theory-data 
                    & This element is not applicable to the document or study.  \\
2. Implication for practice
    & The article does not provide enough information to assess this criterion. 
        & - & - & - & This element is not applicable to the document or study    \\
3. Methodology. Data supporting 
    & The article does not provide enough information to assess this criterion. 
        & - & - & - & This element is not applicable to the document or study    \\
4. Generalisibility
    & The article does not provide enough information to assess this criterion.
        & - & - & - & This element is not applicable to the document or study    \\
4. Contribution

Plus a short statement summarizing the article's contribution
    & The article does not provide enough information to assess this criterion.
        & Only to the population studied
            & Generalisable to organisations of similar characteristic
                & High level of generalisabilty
                    & This element is not applicable to the document or study    \\

