我正在对定理中的注释进行编号,也就是说备注2.1.,备注2.2.等等定理 2。然而,如果在之后只发表了一条评论,比如说,定理 1,我希望它可以被编号为备注1.代替备注 1.1。
numbered=unless unique
,可以完全消除编号,得到评论。这不是我真正想要的,因为我希望我以后可以通过编号方便地引用该注释,而不是说“定理 1 之后的评论“。
下面是一个 MWE,我被困住了,想知道是否有任何快速的调整来实现我的目的。提前感谢您提供可能的解决方案。
\declaretheorem[numberwithin=thm, name=Remark, numbered=unless unique]{rmk}
This is a theorem.
\begin{rmk} % only one remark made
This is the only remark, so number it the same as the previous theorem.
What I want is Remark 1., instead of Remark. or Remark 1.1.
This is the second theorem.
\begin{rmk} % Multiple remarks
Multiple remarks follow, and this is the first.
Since there are multiple remarks made, all of them are numbered.
The style is Remark 2.1., 2.2., and 2.3., etc.
的操作numbered=unless unique
,但它不会将注释设置为 (如果唯一),而是将其设置\thermk
\declaretheorem[numberwithin=thm, name=Remark]{rmk}
This is a theorem.
\begin{rmk} % only one remark made
This is the only remark, so number it the same as the previous theorem.
What I want is Remark 1., instead of Remark. or Remark 1.1.
This is the second theorem.
\begin{rmk} % Multiple remarks
Multiple remarks follow, and this is the first.
Since there are multiple remarks made, all of them are numbered.
The style is Remark 2.1., 2.2., and 2.3., etc.
more bla
\setuniqmark{\thmt@envname.\csname the#1\endcsname}%
\ifuniq{\thmt@envname.\csname the#1\endcsname}
{\@xa\def\csname the\thmt@envname\endcsname{\csname the#1\endcsname}}
\section{A section}
Some text.
This is a theorem.
\begin{rmk} % only one remark made
This is the only remark, so number it the same as the previous theorem.
What I want is Remark 1., instead of Remark. or Remark 1.1.
This is the second theorem.
\begin{rmk} % Multiple remarks
Multiple remarks follow, and this is the first.
Since there are multiple remarks made, all of them are numbered.
\section{Another section}
More text.
Even more text.
(示例中的值),因此在下次运行开始时,我们可以填充用于检查的另一个属性列表。如果存储的数字大于 1,则.\arabic{rmk}
% populate the property list for the checks
\prop_gset_from_keyval:Nn \g_dustrain_rmk_in_prop { #1 }
% check whether the number of remarks is > 1
\__dustrain_rmk_check:e { \arabic{thm} }
% at end of rmk, store the last value of rmk
\prop_gput:Nee \g_dustrain_rmk_out_prop { \arabic{thm} } { \arabic{rmk} }
% at end document, write down the values in the aux file
\iow_now:ce { @auxout }
\rmklist { \prop_map_function:NN \g_dustrain_rmk_out_prop \__dustrain_rmk_write:nn }
% variables
\prop_new:N \g_dustrain_rmk_out_prop
\prop_new:N \g_dustrain_rmk_in_prop
% internal functions
\cs_new:Nn \__dustrain_rmk_write:nn { #1=#2, }
\cs_new:Nn \__dustrain_rmk_check:n
\int_compare:nT { 0\prop_item:Nn \g_dustrain_rmk_in_prop { #1 } > 1 } { .\arabic{rmk} }
\cs_generate_variant:Nn \__dustrain_rmk_check:n { e }
This is a theorem.
\begin{rmk} % only one remark made
This is the only remark, so number it the same as the previous theorem.
What I want is Remark 1., instead of Remark. or Remark 1.1.
This is the second theorem.
\begin{rmk} % Multiple remarks
Multiple remarks follow, and this is the first.
Since there are multiple remarks made, all of them are numbered.
The style is Remark 2.1., 2.2., and 2.3., etc.
more bla