Hyperref 标签出现在 PDF 查看器的目录中

Hyperref 标签出现在 PDF 查看器的目录中

我在使用 hyperref 时遇到了问题,我的章节标签出现在 PDF 查看器的目录中。文档本身看起来不错,但(例如)当我查看目录时,我会看到 1.1 问题的章节标题前有 [1.1a],1.1 答案的章节标题前有 [1.1q]。基本上,我希望学生能够单击章节标题跳转到该章节的答案,同样,单击答案部分的章节标题可以跳转回问题。

我已经在 Google 上搜索了很长时间,但我对 hyperref 的了解还不够,甚至无法正确地进行搜索。我确实找到了一些类似的东西,但它与实际的 LaTeX 目录有关,我不想在我的文档中出现它。任何帮助都将不胜感激!MWE 如下。




\subsubsection{\hyperref[1.1a]{\S 1.1 Real Numbers and the Rectangular Coordinate System}}
    \item Find the distance between the points $P_1=(3,-4)$ and $P_2=(5,4)$.
    \item Find the midpoint of the line segment joining the points $P_1=(3,-4)$ and $P_2=(5,4)$.


\subsubsection{\hyperref[1.1q]{\S 1.1 Real Numbers and the Rectangular Coordinate System}}
    \item $\text{Distance} = 2\sqrt{17}$
    \item Midpoint: $(4,0)$









\subsubsection[\S 1.1 Real Numbers and the Rectangular Coordinate System]{\hyperref[1.1a]{\S 1.1 Real Numbers and the Rectangular Coordinate System}}
    \item Find the distance between the points $P_1=(3,-4)$ and $P_2=(5,4)$.
    \item Find the midpoint of the line segment joining the points $P_1=(3,-4)$ and $P_2=(5,4)$.


\subsubsection[{\S 1.1 Real Numbers and the Rectangular Coordinate System}]{\hyperref[1.1q]{\S 1.1 Real Numbers and the Rectangular Coordinate System}}
    \item $\text{Distance} = 2\sqrt{17}$
    \item Midpoint: $(4,0)$





\mysubsubsection{\S 1.1 Real Numbers and the Rectangular Coordinate System}{1.1a}






\mysubsubsection{\S 1.1 Real Numbers and the Rectangular Coordinate System}{1.1a}
    \item Find the distance between the points $P_1=(3,-4)$ and $P_2=(5,4)$.
    \item Find the midpoint of the line segment joining the points $P_1=(3,-4)$ and $P_2=(5,4)$.


\mysubsubsection{\S 1.1 Real Numbers and the Rectangular Coordinate System}{1.1q}
    \item $\text{Distance} = 2\sqrt{17}$
    \item Midpoint: $(4,0)$

