

我正在使用 overleaf 提供的报纸格式的布局(我在下面附上代码)。






\SetPaperName{Committee Times:}

%% The name used in the running header after
%% the first page
\SetHeaderName{Committee Times}

%% and also...
\SetPaperLocation{Washington DC}
\SetPaperSlogan{``All the News I Feel Like Printing.''}
\SetPaperPrice{Zero Dollars}



%% In overleaf this package is newspaper-mod!!!!!
%%%%%%%%%  Front matter   %%%%%%%%%%




\byline{Geek Designs New \LaTeX{} Package}{Matthew Allen}

The package is basically a redefinition of the \verb+\maketitle+ command.  The model was the New York Times---hopefully I haven't violated any copyright laws.  I also had to redefine the plain pagestyle.  It kept me busy for a few nights after work.  The rest is packages other people have written.      

\begin{window}[3,l,\includegraphics[width=1.0in]{atom.jpg},\centerline{The Atom}] The \verb+multicol+ package allows using multiple columns without starting a new page.  Using floats is not possible in a columns environment, however with the \verb+picinpar+ package, I can set a picture inside a block of text---just like you one you see here.  Isn't \LaTeX{} cool?
And now we're just filling more space, and yet more space.  

\headline{Another Headline}
This is just an example to fill up some space, but as long as I have your attention, I'll give some newspaper advice.

I suppose we could also show how an equation is type set:
and there you have it.  












\SetPaperName{Committee Times:}

%% The name used in the running header after
%% the first page
\SetHeaderName{Committee Times}

%% and also...
\SetPaperLocation{Washington DC}
\SetPaperSlogan{``All the News I Feel Like Printing.''}
\SetPaperPrice{Zero Dollars}



%% In overleaf this package is newspaper-mod!!!!!
%%%%%%%%%  Front matter   %%%%%%%%%%


        \byline{Geek Designs New \LaTeX{} Package}{Matthew Allen}
        The package is basically a redefinition of the \verb+\maketitle+ command.  The model was the New York Times---hopefully I haven't violated any copyright laws.  I also had to redefine the plain pagestyle.  It kept me busy for a few nights after work.  The rest is packages other people have written.      
        \begin{window}[2,l,\begin{minipage}{1in}\includegraphics[width=1.0in]{example-image-a} \smallskip \\ \includegraphics[width=1.0in]{example-image-b}\end{minipage},\centerline{Two Atoms}] The \verb+multicol+ package allows using multiple columns without starting a new page.  Using floats is not possible in a columns environment, however with the \verb+picinpar+ package, I can set a picture inside a block of text---just like you one you see here.  Isn't \LaTeX{} cool?
            And now we're just filling more space, and yet more space.  
        \headline{Another Headline}
        This is just an example to fill up some space, but as long as I have your attention, I'll give some newspaper advice.
        I suppose we could also show how an equation is type set:
        and there you have it.  


要使用列的整个宽度来显示两个图像,请\begin{window} ... \end{window}用类似的迷你页面替换

The package is basically a redefinition of the \verb+\maketitle+ command.  The model was the New York Times---hopefully I haven't violated any copyright laws.  I also had to redefine the plain pagestyle.  It kept me busy for a few nights after work.  The rest is packages other people have written.      

\smallskip \noindent
    \includegraphics[width=1.0in]{example-image-a} \vspace{10pt}
    Two Atoms

The \verb+multicol+ package allows using multiple columns without starting a new page.  Using floats is not possible in a columns environment, however with the \verb+picinpar+ package, I can set a picture inside a block of text---just like you one you see here.  Isn't \LaTeX{} cool?
    And now we're just filling more space, and yet more space. 

