我需要在页面顶部和章节标题之间留出 3 厘米的间隙。以下是 MWE:
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, oneside]{report}
\usepackage[margin=3cm, bindingoffset=1cm, tmargin=3cm,
bottom=3.5cm, left= 3.2cm, right=3.7cm]{geometry}
\usepackage[backend=biber, sorting=none, style=nature]{biblatex}
\titleformat{\chapter}[display]{\normalfont\huge\bfseries}{}{10pt}{\Huge ##}
\patchcmd{\Introduzione}{\chapheadtopskip}{\vspace*{30\p@}}{\vspace* {25\p@}}{}{}
{\clearpage % we want a new page
\thispagestyle{empty}% no header and footer
\vspace*{\stretch{1}}% some space at the top
\itshape % the text is in italics
\raggedleft % flush to the right margin
{\par % end the paragraph
\vspace{\stretch{3}} % space at bottom is three times that at the top
\clearpage % finish off the page
这是在 中定义的代码titlesec
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt, oneside]{report}
bindingoffset = 1cm,
top = 3cm,
bottom = 3.5cm,
left = 3.2cm,
right = 3.7cm,
{\normalfont\huge\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{20pt}{\Huge}
Sample text.