Paracol 中的文本默认不对齐

Paracol 中的文本默认不对齐

当我使用包时paracol,我的文本默认不会对齐。我检查了与此相关的其他几个问题,例如如何在 Paracol 中对齐文本

我也尝试过标准的补救措施,例如 microtype、emergencystretch 和将 badness 设置为 5,000。这些措施使我的英语列非常接近对齐,但不是完全对齐。而且我的拉丁文本没有受到影响。相反,我的文本一般是居中的,据我所知,我并没有告诉它这样做。这很令人困惑,因为在我的印象中 (La)TeX 默认是对齐的。


\usepackage[main=latin, american]{babel}
\newcommand{\vssm}{\vskip 0.05in}
%\author{St. Pius X}
%\date{3 July, 1907}
\huge Lamentabili\\
\vskip 0.10in
\Large St. Pius X\\
\vskip 0.10in
%\setcolumnwidth{1\textwidth/20pt, 1\textwidth}
%%%%%%%%%%Preamble 0
\vskip 0.10in
\textit{Quo sub 65 propositionibus reprobantur ac proscribuntur praecipui errores reformismi seu modernismi.}
\vskip 0.10in
Feria IV, die 3 Iulii 1907.
\vskip 0.10in
\vskip 0.10in
\textit{In which 65 propositions are reproved and proscribed as errors of Reformism or Modernism.}
\vskip 0.10in
Wednesday, July 3, 1907.
\vskip 0.10in
%%%%%%%%%%Preamble 1
\textsc{Lamentabili sane exitu} aetas nostra freni impatiens in rerum summis rationibus indagandis ita nova non raro sequitur ut, divisa humani generis quasi haereditate, in errores incidat gravisimos. Qui errores longe erunt perniciosiores, si de disciplinis agitur sacris, si de Sacra Scriptura interpretanda, si de fidei praecipuis mysteriis. Dolendum autem vehementer inveniri etiam inter catholicos non ita paucos scriptores qui, praetergressi fines a Patribus ac ab ipsa Sancta Ecclesia statutos, altioris intelligentiae specie et historicae considerationis nomine, eum dogmatum progressum quaerunt qui, reipsa, eorum corruptela est.
With truly lamentable results, our age, casting aside all restraint in its search for the ultimate causes of things, frequently pursues novelties so ardently that it rejects the legacy of the human race. Thus it falls into very serious errors, which are even more serious when they concern sacred authority, the interpretation of Sacred Scripture, and the principal mysteries of Faith. The fact that many Catholic writers also go beyond the limits determined by the Fathers and the Church herself is extremely regrettable. In the name of higher knowledge and historical research (they say), they are looking for that progress of dogmas which is, in reality, nothing but the corruption of dogmas.




编辑:在示例中,不良程度被设置为 20,000,这是我出于无奈而这样做的。


\center永远不应该在文档中使用,它是内部实现,\begin{center} 所以如果你使用


它像是\begin{center}DECRETUM,但由于没有包含范围的组,因此整个文档使用居中而不是对齐的换行方式。DECRETUM 周围的括号不起作用。


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