

我有一个由 8 个小图组成的非常大的图。我没有使用子图包,因为我认为在另一个程序(GraphPad Prism)中创建大图更容易。问题是这个图和一页纸一样大,我无法将其缩小,因为这会降低可读性。我已使用 [H] 强制将图的位置放在新页面上,如果我不这样做,图将移动到文档的末尾。图的标题现在消失了,我怀疑是因为它太大了。理想情况下,我希望标题出现在下一页。这可能吗?图的代码如下所示:

\begin{adjustbox}{varwidth=\textwidth, fbox, left}
    \includegraphics{Figures/Layout LDH CV 10k Fibro 3 days XY last two.png}
    \caption{Relative LDH release (absorbance at 490nm / max LDH release) and Crystal Violet (CV) staining (absorbance at 550nm) were measured for primary fibroblasts cultured in growth medium supplemented with either (A, B) 1 g/L glucose (Control), (C, D) no glucose or galactose (No Glu), (E, F) 0.25 g/L glucose (Low Glu), (G, H) 4.5 g/L glucose (High Glu), or (I, J) 1 g/L (5.55 mM) galactose (Gal). The negative control is shown with a dashed line in the CV assays (0.0725). Data is shown as $mean \pm SD, n=3$ for each substrate}
    \label{fig:XY LDH CV 10k fibro 3 days substrates last two}



%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!



    \includegraphics[width=\textwidth, height=0.6\textheight]{example-image-a}%{Figures/Layout LDH CV 10k Fibro 3 days XY last two.png}
    \caption{Relative LDH release (absorbance at 490nm / max LDH release) and Crystal Violet (CV) staining (absorbance at 550nm) were measured for primary fibroblasts cultured in growth medium supplemented with either (A, B) 1 g/L glucose (Control), (C, D) no glucose or galactose (No Glu), (E, F) 0.25 g/L glucose (Low Glu), (G, H) 4.5 g/L glucose (High Glu), or (I, J) 1 g/L (5.55 mM) galactose (Gal). The negative control is shown with a dashed line in the CV assays (0.0725). Data is shown as $mean \pm SD, n=3$ for each substrate. (\emph{Continued on the next page})}
    \label{fig:XY LDH CV 10k fibro 3 days substrates last two}

    \includegraphics[width=\textwidth, height=0.6\textheight]{example-image-b}%{Figures/Layout LDH CV 10k Fibro 3 days XY last two.png}
    \caption{Continued from previous page}






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