使用 oneside 命令会改变我的很多命令

使用 oneside 命令会改变我的很多命令

我目前正在撰写论文,并使用德国班贝格大学的模板(https://github.com/UBA-PSI/psi-thesis-guide)。当我在 documentclass 中添加 oneside 命令并加载它时,我的 \cleardubblepage 和标题消失了。你知道为什么吗?


12pt, % The default document font size is 11 (recommended), options: 10pt, 11pt, 12pt
oneside, % Two-side layout is recommended; uncomment to switch to one-sided
ngerman, % replace with ngerman for German; not fully supported so far -- requires changes elsewhere
onehalfspacing, % Single line spacing (recommended), alternatives: onehalfspacing or doublespacing
%draft, % Uncomment to enable draft mode (no pictures, no links, overfull hboxes indicated)
nolistspacing, % If the document is onehalfspacing or doublespacing, uncomment this to set spacing in lists to single
%liststotoc, % Uncomment to add list of figures/tables/etc to table of contents (not recommended)
%toctotoc, % Uncomment to add the main table of contents to the table of contents (not recommended)
parskip, % add space between paragraphs (recommended)
nohyperref, % do not load the hyperref package (is loaded in setup.tex)
%headsepline, % print a horizontal line under the page header
consistentlayout, % layout of declaration, abstract and acknowledgements pages matches the default layout
%final, % Uncomment to hide all todo notes
]{PSIThesis} % The class file specifying the document structure



PS. 偶数页和奇数页的页眉消失了。



% old header/footer, maybe not necessary any more?
\ihead{\textup{\headmark}} % Inner header; do not use italics: therefore textup
\ihead{\textup{\textsc{\MakeLowercase\headmark}}}% Inner header - use this line for Small Caps in header
\ohead[]{\pagemark} % Outer header
\cfoot[\pagemark]{} % On chapter opening pages, the page number goes centered into the footer

% new header/footer, from kaobook; we could probably remove the original definitions from the cls
  {\hspace{-\marginparwidth}\hspace{-\marginparsep}\makebox[\overflowingheadlen][l]{\textup{\thepage}\quad\rule[-\dp\strutbox]{1pt}{\baselineskip}\quad{}\textup{\textsc{\MakeLowercase \leftmark}}}}%
  {\makebox[\overflowingheadlen][r]{\textup{\textsc{\MakeLowercase \rightmark}}\quad\rule[-\dp\strutbox]{1pt}{\baselineskip}\quad\textup{\thepage}}}%



% We use lining figures for headers (tlfstyle) because they fit better with uppercase letters than old-style figures.

% chapters have a vertical line between number and title
\titleformat{\chapter}[hang]{\Huge\bfseries\tlfstyle}{\color{black}\thechapter}{20pt}{\begin{tabular}[t]{@{\color{black}\vrule width 2pt\hsp}p{0.85\textwidth}}\raggedright #1\end{tabular}}

% sections
\titleformat{\section}[hang]{\bfseries\large\tlfstyle}{{\color{black}\thechapter.\arabic{section}}}{1ex}{{\color{black} #1}}{}

% subsections
\titleformat{\subsection}[hang]{\bfseries\large\tlfstyle}{{\color{black}\thechapter.\arabic{section}.\arabic{subsection}}}{1ex}{{\color{black} #1}}{}

% subsubsections
\titleformat{\subsubsection}[hang]{\bfseries\tlfstyle}{{\color{black}\thechapter.\arabic{section}.\arabic{subsection}.\arabic{subsubsection}}}{1ex}{{\color{black} #1}}{}

\titleformat{\paragraph}[hang]{\bfseries\tlfstyle}{{\color{black}\thechapter.\arabic{section}.\arabic{subsection}.\arabic{subsubsection}.\arabic{paragrpah}}}{1ex}{{\color{black} #1}}{}
