\begin{scope}[shift={(90:3)}, rotate=45]
\foreach \x in{0,90,180,270}{\draw[blue] (\x:1)--(\x+90:1);};
\foreach \x in{0,90,180,270}{\draw[blue] (\x:1)node[circle, fill=blue!20, draw]{};};
\begin{scope}[shift={(210:3)}, rotate=165]
\foreach \x in{0,90,180,270}{\draw[blue] (\x:1)--(\x+90:1);};
\foreach \x in{0,90,180,270}{\draw[blue] (\x:1)node[circle, fill=blue!20, draw]{};};
\begin{scope}[shift={(330:3)}, rotate=285]
\foreach \x in{0,90,180,270}{\draw[blue] (\x:1)--(\x+90:1);};
\foreach \x in{0,90,180,270}{\draw[blue] (\x:1)node[circle, fill=blue!20, draw]{};};
%\foreach \x in{90,210,330}{\draw[thin] (0,0)--(\x:3);};
node distance =6mm and 12mm,
dot/.style = {circle, draw=blue, fill=blue!20, inner sep=2pt},
N/.style = {draw=blue, minimum size=10mm, node contents={}}
\node (n1) [N];
\foreach \i [count=\j] in {north west, north east, south east, south west}
\node (n1-\j) [dot] at (n1.\i) {};
\node (n2) [N, above right=of n1];
\foreach \i [count=\j] in {north west, north east, south east, south west}
\node (n2-\j) [dot] at (n2.\i) {};
\node (n3) [N, below right=of n2];
\foreach \i [count=\j] in {north west, north east, south east, south west}
\node (n3-\j) [dot] at (n3.\i) {};
\foreach \i in {1,2,3,4}
\draw[very thin, teal] (n1-\i) -- (n2-\i)
(n2-\i) -- (n3-\i);
\foreach \i in {1,2,3,4}
\draw[very thin, teal] (n1-\i) to[bend right=15] (n3-\i);
node distance =6mm and 12mm,
dot/.style = {circle, draw=blue, fill=blue!20, inner sep=2pt},
N/.style = {draw=blue, minimum size=10mm, node contents={}}
\node (n1) [N];
\foreach \i [count=\j] in {north west, north east, south east, south west}
\node (n1-\j) [dot] at (n1.\i) {};
\node (n2) [N, above right=of n1];
\foreach \i [count=\j] in {north west, north east, south east, south west}
\node (n2-\j) [dot] at (n2.\i) {};
\node (n3) [N, below right=of n2];
\foreach \i [count=\j] in {north west, north east, south east, south west}
\node (n3-\j) [dot] at (n3.\i) {};
\foreach \i in {1,2,3,4}
\draw[very thin, teal] (n1-1) -- (n2-\i)
(n1-1) to[bend right] (n3-\i)
(n1-2) -- (n2-\i)
(n1-2) to[bend right] (n3-\i);
% etc. for connections of other dots I left to you