



Example Citation \dotfill 1, 3, 6--7\\


当引用或页面/范围列表太长而无法放在一行中时,就会出现复杂性。当引用太长时,我希望点从引用的第二行末尾开始。我想到的第一个方法是 tabularx 环境。例如:

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X r}
\textsc{TabularX (ok)}&\\
Example Citation \dotfill\rlap{\kern2\tabcolsep}& 1, 3, 6--7\\
Here is a very long citation that continues on for a while and therefore needs to have a line break  \dotfill\rlap{\kern2\tabcolsep}& 5, 14

\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X r}
\textsc{TabularX (bad)}&\\
Example Citation \dotfill\rlap{\kern2\tabcolsep}& 1, 3, 6--7\\
Here is a very long citation that continues on for a while and therefore needs to have a line break  \dotfill\rlap{\kern2\tabcolsep}& 5, 14\\
And a short one with lots of pages \dotfill\rlap{\kern2\tabcolsep}& \parbox[t]{0.25\linewidth}{2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30}

但这有两个大问题。首先,页码从单元格顶部开始,与引文的第一行对齐,而不是与点填充位于同一垂直位置(与引文的最后一行对齐)。其次,包含页码的列将调整大小以适合任何引文的最长页码列表。对于出现在较少页面上的每个引文,点填充将在远离第一个页码引用的位置停止(假设页面是 \raggedleft 对齐的)。我可以使用 parboxes 或固定列宽来获取页码中的换行符,但如果引文只有一两页,我无法让点填充继续到第一个页码。有一个空白区域。

为了解决这些限制,我尝试了第二种方法。这一次,我放弃了表格,将引文和页面/范围放在 varwidth 环境中。

Example Citation
\raggedleft 1, 3, 6--7
Here is a very long citation that continues on for a while and therefore needs to have a line break
\raggedleft 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30\phantom{,}

这解决了页数较少的引文在首页页码前留有空白的问题。但是首页页码现在与 varwidth 框的顶部对齐,而不是与多行引文的最后一行对齐,并且点引号也不再与多行引文的最后一行对齐。

这就引出了我的问题。是否有某种方法可以将第二个 varwidth 环境(包含页码\范围)的点前导符和顶部与第一个 varwidth 环境(包含引文)的最后一行对齐?



这是我尝试制作的可视化模型,使用 tabularray 包作为绘图工具:






      width     = {\textwidth},
      colspec   = {X[l]X[c]X[r] },
      rowspec   = {X[t]X[b]X[b] },
      hlines = {2pt, solid, white},
%      vlines,
      vline{1,4} = {2pt, solid, white},
%      vline{2,3} = {1pt, solid, blue!15},
%      vline{2,3} = {1}{solid, green!65},
      columns = {bg=blue!15,fg=black},
      column{1}     = {wd=0.7\textwidth,rightsep=0pt},
      column{2}     = {wd=0pt,leftsep=0pt,rightsep=0pt},
      column{3}     = {font=\sffamily,leftsep=-2pt},
      row{1}    = {font=\bfseries\rmfamily, bg=green!40},
%      Vborders{2} = {rightspace=10pt},
       C & &  pp  \\
       Example Citation
       & \dotfill
        & \dotfill\space
                     1, 3, 6--7 
       Here is a very long citation that continues on for a while and therefore needs to have a line break
        & \dotfill
        & \dotfill\space
        2, 4, 6
        And a short one with lots of pages
        & \dotfill
        & \dotfill\space
                         2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30








      width     = {\textwidth},
      colspec   = {X[l,b]X[r]},
%      hlines,
%      vlines,
      column{1}     = {wd=0.7\textwidth,rightsep=0pt},
      column{2}     = {leftsep=-2pt},
       Example Citation
        & \dotfill\space
                     1, 3, 6--7 
       Here is a very long citation that continues on for a while and therefore needs to have a line break
        & \dotfill\space
        2, 4, 6
        And a short one with lots of pages
        & \dotfill\space
                         2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30
       x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
        & \dotfill\space
        2, 4, 6
       x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
        & \dotfill\space
             2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24







%(pdf/xe/lua)latex with shell escape
%splitindex -s plainindexstyle.ist

@misc{tcpr,  %misc: just for demo
  title = {TCPR},
  pagination = {rule}, %bibstring to apply if postnote is digits
  title = {A v B},
  author = {{4 LR 456}},
  title = {The Dog Co. v. The Cat Co.},
  author = {{4 LR 458}},
  title = {U.S. v. U.S.},
  author = {{102 U.S.X.C. 123}},

  title = {Here is a very long citation that continues on for a while and therefore needs to have a line break},
  author = {{Case Reference}},

  title = {And a short one with lots of pages},
  author = {{Case Ref Short}},


%style file for index
delim_0 "\\space\\dotfill\\space "
delim_1 "\\space\\dotfill\\space "
delim_2 "\\space\\dotfill\\space "
delim_n ", "
delim_r "--"
delim_t ""
encap_prefix "\\"
encap_infix "{"
encap_suffix "}"


# for Arara
identifier: splitindex
name: splitindex
-  cicada
- name: splitindex
  command: >
        base = getBasename(reference.getName());
        optiona = [ '--' ];
        optionb = [ '-s' ];
        optionc = [ '-c' ];
        return getCommand('splitindex', base, optiona, optionb, style, optionc);
#- identifier: style
#  flag: "@{ [ '-s', parameters.style ] }"
- identifier: style
  flag: >

# for Arara
identifier: splitindexdefault
name: splitindexdefault
-  cicada
- name: splitindexdefault
  command: >
        base = getBasename(reference.getName());
        optiona = [ '-m' ];
        optionc = [ '' ];
        return getCommand('splitindex', base, optiona, optionc);


\title{Creating a Table of Rules}


    \abibstyle , 
%   idemtracker=true,
%   opcittracker=true,
%   loccittracker=true,
%   autocite=footnote,
%   datezeros=true,

atparagraph = {at para},
rule = {r},



\newcommand\pagerefindexnote{\noindent\small\mdseries $\to$ References are to page numbers.}


\makeindex[name=rulesa,title=Table of TCP Rules,columns=3,columnseprule,intoc]
\makeindex[name=cases,title={\normalsize Cases},columns=1]
\makeindex[name=rules,title={\normalsize Rules},columns=1]

            allcolors = black,  

% variations instead of having \cite...\index... all the time





%some wrapper commands for convenience
%%\imki@wrindexentry{names}{Charles}{26} - this is an imakeidx macro






\newcommand\zzz[2]{\cite[#1]{tcpr}\index[rules]{r #2@\citetitle[#1]{tcpr}}}


\index{p} %seems general index is expected/assumed??


%\addindexitem{cases}{     @\textit{Case}|textit}{Page(s)}
%\addindexitem{rules}{     @\textit{Rule}|textit}{Page(s)}



Index the citations.

Use multiple indices, one for each category of authority.








\section{More Text}


\iicite{5}{006}, \iicite{15}{015}, \iicite{52}{052}, \iicite{502}{502}, \iicite{12}{012}.







\vcite{19(a)}{r~019a@r~19!(a)} versus \vcite{r~19(a)}{r~019a@r~19!(a)}






$\to$ \textbackslash index\{indexentry\}

An \verb.indexentry. is formatted as:

\yis a = sortkey
\yis b = index display key(s), up to three levels
\item[·] level1!level2!level3
\yis c = page number format command name (without the backslash)
\item[·] can be \verb,see{...},
e.g., 052@52|textbf

Sort the item as 052, print 52, and make the page number bold.

\textbf{References}: Do \verb.texdoc makeindex. to bring up both \verb,makeindex.pdf, and \verb,ind.pdf, manuals.

\cite[457]{auth1}\index[cases]{avb@\citetitle{auth1}, \citeauthor[457]{auth1}}

\cite[45]{tcpr}\index[rules]{r 045@\citetitle[45]{tcpr}}
\cite{auth2c}\index[cases]{TheDogCo@\citetitle{auth2c}, \citeauthor{auth2c}}

\cite{auth2c}\index[cases]{TheDogCo@\citetitle{auth2c}, \citeauthor{auth2c}}
\cite{auth2c}\index[cases]{TheDogCo@\citetitle{auth2c}, \citeauthor{auth2c}}
\cite{auth3c}\index[cases]{us@\citetitle{auth3c}, \citeauthor{auth3c}}

\zzz{r 212(a)}{212(a)}
\cite[r 212(a)]{tcpr}\index[rules]{r 212(a)@\citetitle [r 212(a)]{tcpr}}%note the space


\cite{auth3c}\index[cases]{us@\citetitle{auth3c}, \citeauthor{auth3c}}

\cite{auth3c}\index[cases]{us@\citetitle{auth3c}, \citeauthor{auth3c}}

\cite{auth2c}\index[cases]{TheDogCo@\citetitle{auth2c}, \citeauthor{auth2c}}
\cite{auth3c}\index[cases]{us@\citetitle{auth3c}, \citeauthor{auth3c}}

\cite{auth2c}\index[cases]{TheDogCo@\citetitle{auth2c}, \citeauthor{auth2c}}

\citetitle[r 45(a)]{tcpr}\index[rules]{r 045@\citetitle[r 45(a)]{tcpr}}

\newpage\citetitle{long}, \citeauthor{long}\index[cases]{Hereis@\citetitle{long}, \citeauthor{long}}
\newpage text
\newpage\citetitle{long}, \citeauthor{long}\index[cases]{Hereis@\citetitle{long}, \citeauthor{long}}
\newpage text
\newpage text
\newpage\citetitle{long}, \citeauthor{long}\index[cases]{Hereis@\citetitle{long}, \citeauthor{long}}
\newpage text
\newpage\citetitle{long}, \citeauthor{long}\index[cases]{Hereis@\citetitle{long}, \citeauthor{long}}
\newpage text \newpage text\toacite{short}\index[cases]{Anda@\toacite{short}}
\newpage text\newpage text\newpage text
\newpage text\newpage text\newpage text\newpage text
\newpage text
\newpage\citetitle{long}, \citeauthor{long}\index[cases]{Hereis@\citetitle{long}, \citeauthor{long}}
\newpage text
\newpage text\newpage text\newpage text\newpage text
\newpage text
\newpage text
\newpage text
\newpage text\newpage text\newpage text\newpage text
%\citetitle{short}\index[cases]{\citetitle{short}, \citeauthor{short}}

\toacite{long}\index[cases]{Hereis@\citetitle{long}, \citeauthor{long}}

\hfill\rulesep\hfill\ %\hrule%{0.8\linewidth}


