在下面的 TikZ 图中:
% first fill the faces with global and individual style
% then draw the grids
\begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=#1]
\draw[cuboid/all faces,cuboid/edges,cuboid/right face]
(0,0) -- ++(#2,0) -- ++(0,-#3) -- ++(-#2,0) -- cycle;
\draw[cuboid/all grids,cuboid/right grid] (0,0) grid (#2,-#3);
\begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=0]
\draw[cuboid/all faces,cuboid/edges,cuboid/front face]
(0,0) -- ++(#1,0) -- ++(0,#2) -- ++(-#1,0) -- cycle;
\draw[cuboid/all grids,cuboid/front grid] (0,0) grid (#1,#2);
\begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=#2]
\draw[cuboid/all faces,cuboid/edges,cuboid/top face]
(0,0) -- ++(#1,0) -- ++(0,-#3) -- ++(-#1,0) -- cycle;
\draw[cuboid/all grids,cuboid/top grid] (0,0) grid (#1,-#3);
% now, draw the hidden edges
\draw[cuboid/hidden edges] (0,#2,-#3) -- (0,0,-#3) -- (0,0,0)
(0,0,-#3) -- ++(#1,0,0);
% finally, draw the visible edges
\begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=#1]
\draw[cuboid/all faces,cuboid/right face,cuboid/edges,fill opacity=0]
(0,0) -- ++(#2,0) -- ++(0,-#3) -- ++(-#2,0) -- cycle;
\begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=0]
\draw[cuboid/all faces,cuboid/front face,cuboid/edges,fill opacity=0]
(0,0) -- ++(#1,0) -- ++(0,#2) -- ++(-#1,0) -- cycle;
\begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=#2]
\draw[cuboid/all faces,cuboid/top face,cuboid/edges,fill opacity=0]
(0,0) -- ++(#1,0) -- ++(0,-#3) -- ++(-#1,0) -- cycle;
% define the anchors: 8 vertices
\path (0,#2,0) coordinate (-left top front)
coordinate (-left front top)
coordinate (-top left front)
coordinate (-top front left)
coordinate (-front top left)
coordinate (-front left top);
\path (0,#2,-#3) coordinate (-left top rear)
coordinate (-left rear top)
coordinate (-top left rear)
coordinate (-top rear left)
coordinate (-rear top left)
coordinate (-rear left top);
\path (0,0,-#3) coordinate (-left bottom rear)
coordinate (-left rear bottom)
coordinate (-bottom left rear)
coordinate (-bottom rear left)
coordinate (-rear bottom left)
coordinate (-rear left bottom);
\path (0,0,0) coordinate (-left bottom front)
coordinate (-left front bottom)
coordinate (-bottom left front)
coordinate (-bottom front left)
coordinate (-front bottom left)
coordinate (-front left bottom);
\path (#1,#2,0) coordinate (-right top front)
coordinate (-right front top)
coordinate (-top right front)
coordinate (-top front right)
coordinate (-front top right)
coordinate (-front right top);
\path (#1,#2,-#3) coordinate (-right top rear)
coordinate (-right rear top)
coordinate (-top right rear)
coordinate (-top rear right)
coordinate (-rear top right)
coordinate (-rear right top);
\path (#1,0,-#3) coordinate (-right bottom rear)
coordinate (-right rear bottom)
coordinate (-bottom right rear)
coordinate (-bottom rear right)
coordinate (-rear bottom right)
coordinate (-rear right bottom);
\path (#1,0,0) coordinate (-right bottom front)
coordinate (-right front bottom)
coordinate (-bottom right front)
coordinate (-bottom front right)
coordinate (-front bottom right)
coordinate (-front right bottom);
% centers of the 6 faces
\coordinate (-left center) at (0,.5*#2,-.5*#3);
\coordinate (-right center) at (#1,.5*#2,-.5*#3);
\coordinate (-top center) at (.5*#1,#2,-.5*#3);
\coordinate (-bottom center) at (.5*#1,0,-.5*#3);
\coordinate (-front center) at (.5*#1,.5*#2,0);
\coordinate (-rear center) at (.5*#1,.5*#2,-#3);
% center of the cuboid
\coordinate (-center) at (.5*#1,.5*#2,-.5*#3);
% centers of the 12 edges
\path (0,#2,-.5*#3) coordinate (-left top center)
coordinate (-top left center);
\path (.5*#1,#2,-#3) coordinate (-top rear center)
coordinate (-rear top center);
\path (#1,#2,-.5*#3) coordinate (-right top center)
coordinate (-top right center);
\path (.5*#1,#2,0) coordinate (-top front center)
coordinate (-front top center);
\path (0,0,-.5*#3) coordinate (-left bottom center)
coordinate (-bottom left center);
\path (.5*#1,0,-#3) coordinate (-bottom rear center)
coordinate (-rear bottom center);
\path (#1,0,-.5*#3) coordinate (-right bottom center)
coordinate (-bottom right center);
\path (.5*#1,0,0) coordinate (-bottom front center)
coordinate (-front bottom center);
\path (0,.5*#2,0) coordinate (-left front center)
coordinate (-front left center);
\path (0,.5*#2,-#3) coordinate (-left rear center)
coordinate (-rear left center);
\path (#1,.5*#2,0) coordinate (-right front center)
coordinate (-front right center);
\path (#1,.5*#2,-#3) coordinate (-right rear center)
coordinate (-rear right center);
pics/cuboid/.style = {
setup code = \tikz@lib@cuboid@setup,
background code = \tikz@lib@cuboid@draw#1\pgf@stop
cuboid/.is family,
all faces/.style={fill=white},
all grids/.style={draw=none},
front face/.style={},
front grid/.style={},
right face/.style={},
right grid/.style={},
top face/.style={},
top grid/.style={},
hidden edges/.style={draw=none},
all faces/.style={fill=white},
all grids/.style={draw=none},
front face/.style={},
front grid/.style={},
right face/.style={},
right grid/.style={},
top face/.style={},
top grid/.style={},
hidden edges/.style={draw=none},
\node[black, draw, very thick, shift={(0,1)}, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=2cm] (R) {\Large Reader};
\tikzcuboidset{hidden edges/.style={dashed}}
\pic[very thick,black] (cuboid) at (4,0,0) {cuboid=3--3--3};
\node[draw, red,fill=red,thick, minimum width=0.1cm, scale=0.75, minimum height=0.5cm,label={[font=\large,text=red]20:A}] (A) at ([shift={(-1, 1)}] cuboid-front center) {};
\node[draw, red,fill=red,thick, minimum width=0.1cm, scale=0.75, minimum height=0.5cm,label={[font=\large,text=red]-5:C}] (C) at ([shift={(-1, -0.5)}] cuboid-front center) {};
\node[draw, red,fill=red,thick, minimum width=0.1cm, scale=0.75, minimum height=0.5cm,label={[font=\large,text=red]90:B}] (B) at ([shift={(1, -.2)}] cuboid-front center) {};
\draw[-latex, dashed, blue, very thick] (R.east) -- (A) node[pos=0.5, above] {\large{$d_1$}};
\draw[-latex, dashed, blue, very thick] (R.east) -- (B) node[pos=0.4, above] {\large{$d_2$}};
\draw[-latex, dashed, blue, very thick] (R.east) -- (C) node[pos=0.5, below] {\large{$d_3$}};
\node[black, draw, very thick, shift={(0,1)}, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=2cm] (R) {\Large Reader};
\tikzcuboidset{hidden edges/.style={dashed}}
\pic[very thick,black] (cuboid) at (4,0,0) {cuboid=3--1.3--6};
\node[draw, red,fill=red,thick, minimum width=0.1cm, scale=0.75, rotate =90, minimum height=0.5cm,label={[font=\large,text=red]20:A}] (A) at ([shift={(-1, -0)}] cuboid-top center) {};
但是,矩形 A、B 和 C 不具有长方体侧面的透视。此外,在长方体的底部很难将这些矩形放置在长方体的顶面上。
cuboid face
cuboid face/.style={
shift=(#1-left bottom front),
x=(#1-right bottom front),
y=(#1-left top front),
canvas is xy plane at z=0,
% first fill the faces with global and individual style
% then draw the grids
\begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=#1]
\draw[cuboid/all faces,cuboid/edges,cuboid/right face]
(0,0) -- ++(#2,0) -- ++(0,-#3) -- ++(-#2,0) -- cycle;
\draw[cuboid/all grids,cuboid/right grid] (0,0) grid (#2,-#3);
\begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=0]
\draw[cuboid/all faces,cuboid/edges,cuboid/front face]
(0,0) -- ++(#1,0) -- ++(0,#2) -- ++(-#1,0) -- cycle;
\draw[cuboid/all grids,cuboid/front grid] (0,0) grid (#1,#2);
\begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=#2]
\draw[cuboid/all faces,cuboid/edges,cuboid/top face]
(0,0) -- ++(#1,0) -- ++(0,-#3) -- ++(-#1,0) -- cycle;
\draw[cuboid/all grids,cuboid/top grid] (0,0) grid (#1,-#3);
% now, draw the hidden edges
\draw[cuboid/hidden edges] (0,#2,-#3) -- (0,0,-#3) -- (0,0,0)
(0,0,-#3) -- ++(#1,0,0);
% finally, draw the visible edges
\begin{scope}[canvas is yz plane at x=#1]
\draw[cuboid/all faces,cuboid/right face,cuboid/edges,fill opacity=0]
(0,0) -- ++(#2,0) -- ++(0,-#3) -- ++(-#2,0) -- cycle;
\begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z=0]
\draw[cuboid/all faces,cuboid/front face,cuboid/edges,fill opacity=0]
(0,0) -- ++(#1,0) -- ++(0,#2) -- ++(-#1,0) -- cycle;
\begin{scope}[canvas is xz plane at y=#2]
\draw[cuboid/all faces,cuboid/top face,cuboid/edges,fill opacity=0]
(0,0) -- ++(#1,0) -- ++(0,-#3) -- ++(-#1,0) -- cycle;
% define the anchors: 8 vertices
\path (0,#2,0) coordinate (-left top front)
coordinate (-left front top)
coordinate (-top left front)
coordinate (-top front left)
coordinate (-front top left)
coordinate (-front left top);
\path (0,#2,-#3) coordinate (-left top rear)
coordinate (-left rear top)
coordinate (-top left rear)
coordinate (-top rear left)
coordinate (-rear top left)
coordinate (-rear left top);
\path (0,0,-#3) coordinate (-left bottom rear)
coordinate (-left rear bottom)
coordinate (-bottom left rear)
coordinate (-bottom rear left)
coordinate (-rear bottom left)
coordinate (-rear left bottom);
\path (0,0,0) coordinate (-left bottom front)
coordinate (-left front bottom)
coordinate (-bottom left front)
coordinate (-bottom front left)
coordinate (-front bottom left)
coordinate (-front left bottom);
\path (#1,#2,0) coordinate (-right top front)
coordinate (-right front top)
coordinate (-top right front)
coordinate (-top front right)
coordinate (-front top right)
coordinate (-front right top);
\path (#1,#2,-#3) coordinate (-right top rear)
coordinate (-right rear top)
coordinate (-top right rear)
coordinate (-top rear right)
coordinate (-rear top right)
coordinate (-rear right top);
\path (#1,0,-#3) coordinate (-right bottom rear)
coordinate (-right rear bottom)
coordinate (-bottom right rear)
coordinate (-bottom rear right)
coordinate (-rear bottom right)
coordinate (-rear right bottom);
\path (#1,0,0) coordinate (-right bottom front)
coordinate (-right front bottom)
coordinate (-bottom right front)
coordinate (-bottom front right)
coordinate (-front bottom right)
coordinate (-front right bottom);
% centers of the 6 faces
\coordinate (-left center) at (0,.5*#2,-.5*#3);
\coordinate (-right center) at (#1,.5*#2,-.5*#3);
\coordinate (-top center) at (.5*#1,#2,-.5*#3);
\coordinate (-bottom center) at (.5*#1,0,-.5*#3);
\coordinate (-front center) at (.5*#1,.5*#2,0);
\coordinate (-rear center) at (.5*#1,.5*#2,-#3);
% center of the cuboid
\coordinate (-center) at (.5*#1,.5*#2,-.5*#3);
% centers of the 12 edges
\path (0,#2,-.5*#3) coordinate (-left top center)
coordinate (-top left center);
\path (.5*#1,#2,-#3) coordinate (-top rear center)
coordinate (-rear top center);
\path (#1,#2,-.5*#3) coordinate (-right top center)
coordinate (-top right center);
\path (.5*#1,#2,0) coordinate (-top front center)
coordinate (-front top center);
\path (0,0,-.5*#3) coordinate (-left bottom center)
coordinate (-bottom left center);
\path (.5*#1,0,-#3) coordinate (-bottom rear center)
coordinate (-rear bottom center);
\path (#1,0,-.5*#3) coordinate (-right bottom center)
coordinate (-bottom right center);
\path (.5*#1,0,0) coordinate (-bottom front center)
coordinate (-front bottom center);
\path (0,.5*#2,0) coordinate (-left front center)
coordinate (-front left center);
\path (0,.5*#2,-#3) coordinate (-left rear center)
coordinate (-rear left center);
\path (#1,.5*#2,0) coordinate (-right front center)
coordinate (-front right center);
\path (#1,.5*#2,-#3) coordinate (-right rear center)
coordinate (-rear right center);
pics/cuboid/.style = {
setup code = \tikz@lib@cuboid@setup,
background code = \tikz@lib@cuboid@draw#1\pgf@stop
cuboid/.is family,
all faces/.style={fill=white},
all grids/.style={draw=none},
front face/.style={},
front grid/.style={},
right face/.style={},
right grid/.style={},
top face/.style={},
top grid/.style={},
hidden edges/.style={draw=none},
all faces/.style={fill=white},
all grids/.style={draw=none},
front face/.style={},
front grid/.style={},
right face/.style={},
right grid/.style={},
top face/.style={},
top grid/.style={},
hidden edges/.style={draw=none},
cuboid face/.style={
shift=(#1-left bottom front),
x=(#1-right bottom front),
y=(#1-left top front),
canvas is xy plane at z=0,
\node[black, draw, very thick, shift={(0,1)}, minimum height=1cm, minimum width=2cm] (R) {\Large Reader};
\tikzcuboidset{hidden edges/.style={dashed}}
\pic[very thick,black] (cuboid) at (4,0,0) {cuboid=3--3--3};
\foreach[count=\i] \p/\t in {(.3, .1)/A, (.7, .6)/B, (.25, .7)/C}
\fill[red, cuboid face=cuboid] \p rectangle coordinate (\t) +(.05,.1) coordinate (@)
(\t) node[above, scale=.4, transform shape] at (\t|-@) {\t}
(R.east) edge[blue, dashed, very thick, -latex] node[above]{$d_\i$} (\t);